  • 1 # 李亮的童話樂園



    Having a magnet and a piece of iron on a perfectly smooth desk, when the iron is far away from the magnet’s adsorbent range, we can see it with our naked eyes, it is just like the planets which are running outside the black hole, can be observed by telescope.


    But as the iron getting close to the magnet, it disappears from our sight. The same goes to the planets when they disappear suddenly.


    And where is the energy generated by the collision between the magnet and the iron? It is adsorbed by the strong magnet force, and those that flow out by accident resemble Hawking radiation.


    So is the black hole and magnetic monopole the same substance?


    Having a U type magnet, if we let the N pole expand to a circle without limitation, and the S pole narrow to a point, which approach to neutrality infinitely, and the neutrality approaches to circle infinitely, and in the end the circle and the point together as one, then the Magnetic induction line of the N pole disappears in the point. Is it the magnetic monopole?


    If the mass of the magnet monopole is big enough, and the radius is small enough, then can it be a black hole? And is it possible that the radiation said by Hawking runs out from that place?


    Is the door into the black hole that point?


    The bar magnet has the strongest magnetic at both of its ends, if we cut it from the middle (neutrality) of the two poles to the two ends, the magnetic becomes more and more strong, and when reaching the surface, the magnetic is the strongest. If we cut down the surface, neglecting its volume, then it disappears. At this moment, can we call the N and S pole the magnet monopole? And of course the condition is that the two poles restrict each other and at the same time they function by themselves.


    And just as the same, if the mass is big enough and the radius is small enough, are they the black hole, too? Perhaps our galaxy is in the middle of the restrictive two black holes, and that “middle” is the neutrality of the two black holes in generally.


    If what I think is the fact, that is to say the black hole and the magnet monopole are the same substance, and then the magnetic induction line would extend to the other extreme from one pole, and find its opposite side finally. In this moment, countless magnetic induction lines tissue cross together to form contact sewer pipe, and perhaps we are living in a certain number of sewer pipe.


    Perhaps the universe we live in is the that extreme of all the this extreme, is the source point, and all the substances run around it.


    Maybe the universe we assume is just a narrow sense, because we are still in its sewer pipe.

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