  • 1 # 手機使用者86515297641

    1955年10月2 8日,比爾・蓋茨出生在美國的西雅圖。他用了15年時間,積累資產竟達1100億美金。他的人生格言是:“我是王,我能贏!” 你們肯定會很好奇,我的偶像為什麼是比爾・蓋茨?是因為他賺了很多錢?還是因為他超人的智慧?說實話,這些都不是我崇拜他的原因。 我喜歡比爾・蓋茨的遠大理想,喜歡他永遠自信的笑容。 蓋茨從小就喜歡看《世界圖書百科全書》,這本書很厚,重量相當於他體重的三分之一。小蓋茨經常幾個小時連續地閱讀這本大書,他常常陷入沉思,總是強烈地感覺到,在這些小小的文字中隱藏著一個神奇的世界!他經常在幻想:人類的歷史將越來越長,那麼以後的百科全書不是會越來越大,越來越重呢?如果能造出一個只有魔盒那麼大,卻能包羅永珍的百科全書,那該有多方便呀。這個奇妙的夢想,後來竟被他實現了,有了他的發明,現在,我們只要攜帶一塊小小的晶片就可以閱覽全世界。 蓋茨看的書越來越多,想的問題也越來越多。四年級的一天,他對他的同學卡爾・愛德蒙德說:“與其做一棵草坪裡的小草,還不如成為一株聳立於禿丘上的橡樹。因為小草千篇一律、毫無個性,而橡樹則高大挺拔、昂首蒼穹。”從這以後,他堅持寫日記,隨時記下自己的想法,小小的年紀竟像大人般思考問題。他很早就感悟到生命來之不易,他在日記裡這樣寫道:“人生是一次盛大的赴約,對於一個人來說,一生中最重要的事情莫過於信守由人類積累起來的理智所提出的至高無上的諾言……”他在另一篇日記裡又寫道:“也許,人的生命是一場正在焚燒的火災,一個人所能去做的,就是竭盡全力要從這場火災中去搶救點什麼東西出來。這就是,追趕生命。” 比爾・蓋茨的精神將永遠激勵著我前進!2 October 1955 8 th, Bill Gates was born in the United States of Seattle. He spent 15 years, accumulate assets have reached 110 billion us dollars. His life motto is: "I am a king, I can win!!!!!"You certainly will be very curious, my idol why is Bill Gates? Because he made a lot of money? Or because he superman intelligence? To tell you the truth, these are not I adore his


    like Bill Gates of lofty ideals, like he always confident


    was like the world book encyclopedia ", this book is very thick, the weight equivalent to his weight in a third. Small gates for hours to read often said this, he often lost in thought, always strongly feel, in these small text to hide in a magical world!!!!! He often in fantasy: the history of human will more and more long, then later an encyclopedia is not will become larger and larger, more and more heavy? If you can build a only the box so big, portmanteau-like repository encyclopedia, that should have much convenient ah. This wonderful dreams, but he later realized, had his invention, now, we as long as carrying a tiny chips can read all over the


    see of book is more and more, think more problems. Four grade one day, he to his classmates Karl AiDeMengDe said: "instead of doing a tree lawn grass as a plant stand in the oak tree. The bald because grass waking, no personality, and oak is lofty and forceful, head of the ether." Since then, he continued writing diaries, at any time make a note of their ideas, but like a little older adults think about a problem. He early life comprehend hard-won, he wrote in his diary: "life is a big keep the appointment to a person, the most important thing in life is to keep accumulated by human reason proposed supreme promise......" He in another diary, wrote: "perhaps, the person"s life is a burning fire, is a man can go to do it, is trying all from this fire to rescue a point what things out. That is, after life."Bill Gates" spirit will be inspired my way!

  • 2 # 使用者6575221595660

    我的偶像 自從政治老師講了有關"偶像","追星"的問題,把我們班鬧的沸沸騰騰……"你說xx的歌唱的怎麼樣?"剛剛下課,就被某人捉住不放。"我……我沒聽說過,我不知道他是幹什麼的。""哎喲,他是我們的偶像呀!書呆子!大新聞,大新聞!xx連我們的偶像都不知道!"……隨之爆發出來的,自然是一片鬨堂大笑。



    我一直這樣認為這是應該的,就像每天最常見的一幕:吃完飯,我拿著要背內容的課本回到自己的房間,爺爺拿起報紙,奶奶拿起水果…… 只剩下媽媽在收拾桌子。她那微彎的身影,蓬鬆的頭髮和水池裡濺起的水珠,在燈光下漸漸凝固。這一幕每天都發生,就像影印機裡取出的稿件,令人覺得千篇一律。



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