  • 1 # 圖靈是什麼機

    Dear Li HuaHello,receive your letter I am very happy!In the letter you say,you in English listening and speaking on the trouble.I want to tell you,English listening must listen more English articles,watch English movies,introduces several good English movies the twlight ","gossip girl".Oral English must read,read aloud,let oneself fully adapt to the sense of English language.Don"t be shy must more and people sparrings,speaker!親愛李華,收到你的來信我很高興!在信中你說,你在英語的聽力和口語上遇到的麻煩.我想告訴你,英語的聽力一定要多聽英語方面的文章,看英語的電影,介紹幾部好看的英語電影《暮光之城》、《緋聞女孩》.口語一定要多讀,大聲的讀,讓自己充分適應英語的語感.不要害羞一定要多和人對練,對講!

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