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    It is time to go home. 或者 It is the time (that) we go home.或 It is time for home.

    It"s time…句型是中學英語裡使用頻率較高的句型,其意為“該是……的時候了”。用法靈活多變,也是大家以掌握的句型。現就其有關句式歸納如下: ⑴ It"s time for + n.“該是(幹)……的時候了。”例: Boys and girl, It"s time for class. 同學們,該上課了。

    ⑵ It"s time + (for sb.) to do sth. .表示“該是(某人)幹……的時候了。”例: It"s time for you to clean the classroom. 該是你打掃教室的時候了。 It"s time to go to school. 該去上學了。

    ⑶ It"s time + that clause 時,that可省略,time可由high,about修飾,從句中的謂語動詞有兩種形式,或者用動詞的過去式(be用were);或者用shoud + 動詞原形(should不能省略)。此句型為虛擬語氣句型,表示“現在某人該做某事了”。含有該事早該去做而未做,現在去做似乎都為時已晚的意思。例: It"s time (that)we went to bed. 我們該去睡覺了。

    It"s high time that the article were published. 發表這篇文章是適時的。

    It"s time you should do cleaning. 你該去打掃衛生了。

    ⑷ It"s + the/序數詞+ time +to do sth. 表示某人第幾次做某事。例: It is my first time to write letter in English. 這是我第一次用英語寫信。

    ⑸ It"s + the+序數詞+ time+ that clause.也 表示某人第幾次做某事。例: It is my first time that I"ve even written letters. 這是我第一次用寫信。 句型⑷ 句型 ⑸ 可以互換。

    It is high/about time that 正是幹……的時候了high/about 只是對time 強調 從句謂語動詞要用過去式或用should加動詞原形,但should不可省略。

    It is time that the children went to bed.

    It is high time that the children should go to bed.

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  • 我該怎麼學編導?