  • 1 # 浪1987


    1. 定語從句的定義和結構

    在句子中起定語的作用, 修飾句中的名詞或代詞的從句叫做定語從句, 被修飾的名詞或代詞叫做先行詞。 定語從句由關係代詞或關係副詞引導。 當關系代詞做定語從句的主語時,其後的謂語動詞的人稱和數取決於先行詞的人稱和數。

    定語從句一般位於先行詞的後面,定語從句由關係代詞who, whom, whose, which, that, as 和關係副詞when, where, why 引導。關係代詞和關係副詞在定語從句中擔任一個成分.


    A. who 指人,在從句中作主語.

    The man who is shaking hands with my father is a policeman.

    Those who wish to go to the museum must be at the gate by 7:50 a.m.

    This is the man who teaches us English.

    B. whom 指人,在從句中做賓語, 常可省略.

    Mrs. Smith whom you met yesterday is a friend of mine.

    The professor whom you wish to

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