  • 1 # 一瞬一飄零

    出自emilia的歌曲《big big world》,全部歌詞如下:

    I"m a big big girl

    in a big big world

    It"s not a big big thing

    if you leave me

    but I do do feel that

    I do do will miss you much

    miss you much

    I can see the first leaf falling

    it"s all yellow and nice

    It"s so very cold outside

    like the way I"m feeling inside

    I"m a big big girl

    in a big big world

    It"s not a big big thing

    if you leave me

    but I do do feel that

    I do do will

    miss you much

    miss you much

    Outside it"s now raining

    and tears are falling from my eyes

    why did it have to happen

    why did it all have to end

    I"m a big big girl

    in a big big world

    It"s not a big big thing

    if you leave me

    but I do do feel

    that I do do will

    miss you much

    miss you much

    I have your arms around me

    warm like fire

    but when I open my eyes

    you"re gone

    I"m a big big girl

    in a big big world

    It"s not a big big thing

    if you leave me

    but I do do feel

    that I do do will

    miss you much

    miss you much

    I"m a big big girl

    in a big big world

    It"s not a big big thing

    if you leave me

    but I do feel I will

    miss you much

    miss you much

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