  • 1 # 遊蕩的魊飄

    我用了好幾年一直都沒有換過的手機鈴聲,是Jeff Williams/Casey Lee Williams的《Red Like Roses Part II》這是動畫RWBY第一季vol.1第8話插入曲。演唱這首歌的歌手錶示,這首歌表現了Ruby在得知母親Summer Rose犧牲的噩耗時,如同五雷轟頂的心情,以及Summer面對和女兒生離死別時的恨嘆。整首歌以女兒與母親對話的方式展開,語速可以說是很快了,結合故事的代入感真的十分洗腦,是一首讓人忍不住單曲迴圈的歌。我們還是可以清楚地感受出出女兒和麻麻的分part的(人家畢竟不是一個人唱的)透過這樣的區分更能讓大家有代入感吧。


    I couldn"t take it couldn"t stand another minute我再也不可忍受, 沒有你在的須臾

    Couldn"t bear another day without you in it我生命的一切喜悅

    All of the joy that I had known in my life自你逝去之時

    Was stripped away from me the minute that you died便被悉數剝奪殆盡

    To have you in my life was all I ever wanted,我一生夙願便是與你相伴

    But now without you I"m a soul forever haunted但現在你已離去

    Can"t help but feel that I had taken you for granted我將成為永不安寧的遊魂因為你已成為我不可或缺的一部分

    No way in hell that I can ever comprehend this無論如何我都不能忍受沒有你的世界

    I wasn"t dreaming when they told me you were gone當我得知你的死訊,我並不在夢鄉

    I was wide awake and feeling that they had to be wrong儘管如此我覺得他們一定弄錯了什麼

    How could you leave me when you swore that you would stay你既許諾將伴我左右, 怎麼能就此離去?

    Now I"m trapped inside a nightmare every single thing day留下我被困在無邊無盡的夢魘裡

    It"s like a movie but there"s not a happy ending就像是悲劇電影一般

    Every scene fades black and there"s no pretending每個場景都化作黑色

    This little fairy tale doesn"t seem to end well,這個小小的童話結局卻不如人意

    There"s no knight in shining armor who will wake me from the spell沒有穿著錚亮盔甲的騎士能把我從魔咒束縛中解脫

    I know you didn"t plan this我心知這些並非你所願

    You tried to do what"s right你只是試著做正確的事

    But in the middle of this madness但是在這瘋狂的世界中

    I"m the one you left to win this fight我成了被遺落的救世主

    Red like roses紅似玫瑰,充盈我心

    Fills my head with dreams and finds me滿天花雨隨夢來臨

    Always closer它們步步緊逼

    To the emptiness and sadness填補我心中的空白和傷悲

    That has come to take the place of you,僭盜我心中的你媽媽:

    I know you’re broken down by anger and by sadness我知道你已被悲憤衝昏頭腦

    You feel I left you in a world that’s full of madness因為我就這樣留你在瘋狂的世界中孤身一人

    Wish I could talk to you, if only for a minute想要與你說話,哪怕一瞬

    Make you understand the reasons why I did it告訴你我這樣做的緣由

    I wanna tell you that you’re all that ever mattered我想告訴你你是我的所有

    Want you to know that, for eternity, I’m shattered想告訴你我來世也是如此

    I tried so hard just to protect you, but I failed to我努力保護著你卻不能如願

    And in a prison of abandonment I’ve jailed you在孤獨的荒漠中我將你囚禁

    I never planned that I would leave you there alone我沒想過我會留你孤身一人

    I was sure that I would see you when I made it back home因為我那麼肯定我會與你重逢

    And all the times I swore that it would be okay;我總認為一切都會過去

    Now I’m nothing but a liar, and you"re thrown into the fray但現在我只是個讓你受傷的騙子

    This bedtime story ends with misery ever after這個童話故事以悲傷作結

    The pages are torn, and there’s no final chapter詩篇已碎,終章既失

    I didn’t have a choice, I did what I had to do我沒有其他選擇

    I made a sacrifice, but forced a bigger sacrifice on you只能讓你比我傷的更深

    I know you"ve lived a nightmare我知道你在夢魘中掙扎

    I caused you so much pain是我讓你如此受傷

    But, baby, please don’t do what I did但請別重蹈我的覆轍

    I don’t want you to waste your life in vain我不想你浪費你的餘生


    Red like roses紅似玫瑰,充盈我心

    Fills my head with dreams and finds me滿天花雨隨夢而來

    Always closer它們步步緊逼

    To the emptiness and sadness填補我心中的空白和傷悲

    That has come to take the place of you僭盜我心中的你


    You’re not the only one who needed me, I thought you understood你明白你並不是唯一需要我的人


    You were the one I needed, and you left me as I always feared you would但你是我全部所求,而你正如我所害怕的你最終留我獨身一人


    Would I change it if I could?我可以改變這一切麼


    It doesn’t matter how用盡一切手段

    The petals scatter now漫天飛花

    Every nightmare just discloses所有噩夢全部消散

    It’s your blood that’s red like rose 你的鮮血紅似玫瑰


    And no matter what I do不論如何

    Nothing ever takes the place of you你無可替代

    Red like roses紅似玫瑰充盈我心

    Fills my head with dreams and finds me滿天花雨隨夢而來

    Always closer它們步步緊逼

    To the emptiness and sadness填補我心中空白和傷悲

    That has come to take the place of you僭盜我心中的你。


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