  • 1 # 徐小可的麻麻

    She has a head of golden hair, and there were two small plait, although already 30 years old, but still dress up like a little girl, never grow old. Her, and a pair of jiongjiongweishen eyes, just like the eagle eye (eagle eyes are the brightest, see anything), as long as she saw the classmate speech or desertion, with his eyes looking at the students, the students immediately knowing, listen attentively, and there are some of my classmates speak in secretly, passing notes, read reference books, such as this thing she tell at a glance.她,有一頭金黃的頭髮,還有兩條小辮子,雖然已經三十幾歲了,可卻還是打扮得像小女孩一樣,永遠不會老。她,還有一雙炯炯有神的眼睛,跟鷹眼一樣(鷹的眼睛都是最亮的`,什麼都看到的),她只要看到了有同學在講話或是開小差,就用那雙有神的眼睛盯那位同學一下,那同學馬上就會意了,就專心聽講了,而且有一些同學在偷偷講話、傳紙條、偷看課外書啊,這之類的事她一眼就看出來了。

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  • 電影《少年的你》你覺得怎麼樣?