  • 1 # 孫醫生drSunCy

    Don"t panic. Eighty percent of all breast lumps are benign (non-cancerous).別驚慌。百分之八十的乳房腫塊都是良性的(非癌症性的)

    There are several common causes of breast lumps:有以下幾種常見的乳房腫塊

    Benign breast changes 乳房良性病變

    Breast infection or injury 感染或外傷

    Medicines that can cause lump or breast pain 導致腫塊或疼痛的藥物

    Breast cancer 乳腺癌

    What are the most common types of benign lumps?最常見的良性腫塊有哪些?

    The most common benign lumps are fibrocystic changes, breast cysts, and fibroadenomas. Most women have a certain degree of fibrocystic changes. These are often described as benign, tiny, fluid-filled sacs that might feel like lumps. They might be hard or rubbery, and often fluctuate with the menstrual cycle. A woman can also have a single breast lump that might be large or small. Again, this is a fluid- filled sac that might fluctuate with the menstrual cycle. A fibroadenoma is another benign lump and is the most common tumor found in the female breast. These most often occur in women who are in their reproductive years.

    最常見的良性腫塊包括纖維囊性變,乳腺囊腫,纖維腺瘤。大多數女性都有有一定程度的纖維囊性變。 通常描述為良性的小的充滿液體的囊腔,感覺上像是腫塊。可能質硬或質韌,通常隨月經週期波動。一個女性可以有一個或大或小的乳房良性腫塊。再次強調,這個是一種充滿液體的且會隨月經週期波動的囊腔。纖維腺瘤是另外一種女性乳房中最常見的良性包塊。通常發病是在生育期。

    Can men have breast lumps?男性會長乳房包塊嗎?

    Yes. Men can have tender breast enlargement, often with a lump beneath the nipple. Sometimes this is in one breast, often in both. This benign finding is called gynecomastia. Gynecomastia can also occur after certain types of medicines are prescribed.


    Can a breast lump indicate an infection?乳房腫塊意味著感染嗎?

    Possibly. Sometimes breast infections are first noticed as a painful lump, with or without redness.


    What should I do if I find a lump?如果我發現了包塊該怎麼辦?

    A lump in the premenopausal woman might be monitored for one to two months to see if it changes, and is related to hormone fluctuations and the menstrual period. Any unexplained breast lump that persists should be checked by your health care provider. Call and make an appointment.


    What will happen at the appointment? 我去就診的時候會具體有些什麼情況?

    A detailed health history will be taken and a thorough breast exam will be conducted. 你會被詢問一個詳細的病史並接受全面的乳房體格檢查。

    Breast imaging (mammogram or ultrasound) will be performed if your previous studies are not current. 如果你之前沒相關檢查,那麼你會需要影響學檢查(鉬靶或B超)

    You might be scheduled for other diagnostics studies such as: 你可能還會需要進一步預約其它診

    A needle aspiration — This is a process during which a sample of cells are removed for evaluation. 細針穿刺:抽取一些細胞予以檢查。

    A core biopsy — During this procedure, a very small sample of the lump is removed for evaluation. 空心針穿刺:抽取一些腫塊組織樣本檢測。

    An excisional biopsy — This is the surgical removal of the entire mass. . 切除活檢:手術摘除整個包塊。

    You might return to the doctor for another evaluation in a few weeks. 你可能數週會還需要複查。

    What can I do for myself to continue good breast health?我該做些什麼來保持良好的乳房健康?

    Have a monthly self breast examination 每月自查乳房。

    Have a baseline mammogram by the age of 40, and then as recommended by your health care provider 四十歲前做一次鉬靶檢查,以後根據你的醫護人員的建議進行檢查。

    Have regular breast examinations by your health care provider 定期接受醫護人員的乳房檢查。

    Keep track of your family health history 瞭解你的家族史。

    Additional breast screening guidelines by the American Cancer Society美國癌症協會的一些乳房篩查的指導意見

    If you are between the ages of 20 and 40, you should:如果你在20-40歲:

    Do a breast self-exam once a month 每月進行一次乳房自查。

    Have a breast physical examination by your health care provider every three years 每三年接受一次醫護人員的乳房體格檢查。

    If you are age 40 or older, you should: 如果你四十歲或以上:

    Do a breast self-exam once a month 每月進行一次乳房自查。

    Have a breast physical examination by your health care provider once a year 年接受一次醫護人員的乳房體格檢查。

    Have a mammogram once a year



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