  • 1 # 練耳朵


    狀語的倒裝一般是把not only, not since, not until, only if, only when, little, rarely, hardly等提到句首,然後把後面的助動詞(原句中沒有助動詞就要加個助動詞)/be動詞與主語換個位置。


  • 2 # 肖老師英語課堂


    倒裝句 :分為全部倒裝和部分倒裝,及特殊的if引導的虛擬語氣的倒裝。1、全部倒裝:將謂語動詞提到主語前面。

      (1)there be 句型

      There is going to be a meeting.

      There is a book on the table.

      (2)here, there, now, then, in, out等副詞置於句首時需要倒裝,但主語是人稱代詞時,不倒裝。

       Here comes the bus.--------正常語序 ::The bus comes here .

    Here he comes. -------- 正常語序 : :He comes here.

    In the room are many books . -------- 正常語序 : :Many books are in the room .

      2、部分倒裝:需要藉助助動詞的幫忙: 將主+謂語 改變為=助動詞+主語+動詞

      (1)so, neither, nor置於句首

      I like swimming, so does my brother.


      Only with our combined efforts ,can we get over the difficulties.

    正常語序 ::We can get over the difficulties,only with our combined efforts .

      Only in this way can we do the work well.

    正常語序 ::We can do the work only in this way .

      (3)含有否定意義的詞置於句首,如,hardly, no, seldom, no sooner, never, little, at no time, in no way,等

      Never had I heard that.

    正常語序 :I had never heard that。

      Little did I know about this.

    正常語序 :I knew little about this .

      (4)以so +形容詞或副詞開頭的句子,如,

      So heavy is the box that he cannot carry it.

    正常語序:The box is so heavy that he cannot carry it.


      May you be happy forever.

    正常語序:You may be happy forever .

    3 用於省略if的虛擬條件句中

    將had, were, should提前,

      Were I you, I wouldn’t do that.

    正常語序:If I were you ,I wouldn’t do that.

      Had he come, we would have won.

    正常語序:If he had come ,we would have won.


  • 3 # 跟誰學問仔





    1. 以地點副詞(here,there)、時間副詞(now,then)開頭的句子,主語是普通名詞,用全部倒裝。


    There comes the bus!(公交車來了)

    Then came the chairman.(之後主席來了)


    Here we are.(我們到了)

    Here you are (給你)

    2. 表方位的地點副詞(介副詞)如out、in、up、down、away、off等,為了使句子更生動,常將這些副詞提前到句首,這時用全部倒裝。

    例1:In walked a boy.(一個男孩走了進來)

    例2:Off dashed the car.(汽車飛馳而去)


    例:In he walked.(他走了進來)

    3. 地點副詞短語(如:in the room、at the station、by the window)等放在句首進行強調時,使用全部倒裝。

    例: From the window came the sound of music.(窗外傳來悠揚的音樂)


    He stood in the front of the house .(佳)

    In front of the house he stood(劣)


    4. 表語類。當句子主語部分較長為了保持句子平衡,或為了強調錶語部分, 將作表語的形容詞、分詞、介詞短語置於句首時,需完全倒裝。句子的結構為“表語+系動詞+主語”。

    例1: Gone are the days when we had nothing to eat.(沒有東西吃的日子已經過去了)

    例2:Inside the parcel was a letter.(包裹裡有一封信)




    1. 以had/were/should 開頭省略 if 的虛擬條件句,從句需用部分倒裝。

    例:Were I you, I would go there.

    2. 具有否定意義的副詞、否定副詞短語置於句首時,用部分倒裝。

    例1:Never is he happy(他從不快樂)

    例2:By no means is he the person we need(他絕對不是我們需要的人)

    3. “only+狀語”位於句首時, 用部分倒裝。

    例1:Only by setting goals can you succeed.(只有制定目標你才能成功)

    4. so/such...that結構中,有時要強調so/such所修飾的形容詞或副詞,常將so 連同它所修飾的形容詞或副詞一起提前放在句首。

    例1:So bright was the moon that the flowers seem as bright as by day.

    5.neither/nor+ be 動詞 /助動詞 /情態動詞 + 主語的結構中,譯為“ ……也不這樣”

    例: Mary isn‘t good at swimming. Neither/nor am I.(Mary不擅長游泳,我也是)

    6. so+be 動詞 /助動詞 /情態動詞+主語”結構,意為“ …… 也是如此”

    She plays piano well,so do I.(她鋼琴彈得很好,我也是)


    1. as引導的讓步狀語從句要倒裝,有如下幾種形式:

    2. whatever 或 however 引導的讓步狀語從句

    However busy you are, you should spend some time reading books weekly.(無論你多麼忙,每週你都應該花點時間讀書)

    3. the more...the more...句型

    The more English you practise, the better your English is. (你練得越多,你的英語就越好)

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