  • 1 # 飾途英語

    斯嘉麗•約翰遜(Scarlett Johansson),曾在電影《鋼鐵俠2》中飾演娜塔莎•羅曼諾夫一角,她是一名美豔的特工,自幼被訓練成特工,身體經基因改造後大大延緩了其衰老速度,並增強其免疫系統以及抗擊打能力,加上本身多年的各種體能及精神上的訓練,代號“黑寡婦”。黑寡婦是美國漫威漫畫旗下超級英雄,



    Widow is a Chinese word, which refers to a woman without a husband, and later refers to a woman who has lost her husband. It is said in the poem Xiaoya OTA that "there is a legacy, and there is a stagnant ear, which is the benefit of widows." It is also called widow and undead.


    The word widow, originally without the derogatory meaning of discrimination, is only a description of the state. A woman who dies her husband is called a widow. In ancient times, a woman who was "divorced" and returned to her mother"s home, that is, a divorced woman, cannot be called a widow. But in some places, people call divorced women widows and call them divorced widows.



    Cao Cao, he is a famous statesman and strategist in the history of our country. Some say he is a hero, others say he is a hero. There is no love in Cao Cao"s life dictionary.Cao Cao himself did not believe in so-called love. He wanted women, especially widows in other people"s homes.


    One of the most famous stains in Cao Cao"s life is also one of the most famous rumours. This happened when Cao Cao fought with Zhang Xiu in Wancheng, when the guard of Wancheng defeated Zhang Xiu, Cao Cao surrendered to Cao Cao"s command.

    Zou shi is the aunt of Zhang Xiu, who is the general of Wancheng鄒氏,是宛城守將張繡的嬸孃


    Cao Cao found a very beautiful woman in the camp of the captives, so he put the woman into the account and played with it all night. Surprisingly, this woman is Zhang Xiu"s aunt. Feeling humiliated, Zhang Xiu suddenly set out to fight against Cao Cao, who lost general Dianwei


    Sun Quan, married not only widows, but also relatives. Xu Shi, his concubine, first married Lu Shang of the same county. After Lu Shang died, Sun Quan married her to be a concubine in line with the principle that the fertile water would not flow to other people"s fields.



    First, it"s mainly about beauty. Although they have three thousand beauties in their harem, they sometimes have aesthetic fatigue. Sometimes when they see beautiful women with special temperament, they will be attracted by them


    The second reason is that for the sake of his own country, the emperor wanted to be neutral in the court. One way was marriage. At that time, only through marriage can he make his throne more stable. They also like to find some women with prominent family background as wives, which is good for themselves,


    At that time, before Liu Bei took his wife Wu amaranth again, he already had Mrs. MI and sun Shangxiang, but he didn"t feel satisfied. Instead, he married Wu Lan, who was already a mother


    The third reason is congeniality. In ancient times, the emperor still hoped that his harem would be more stable, so they hoped that his wife would be more generous and help him deal with the things in the harem and some political trivia, so this kind of woman is the best choice for them,


    At that time, Sima Rui"s wife, Zheng achun, died shortly after she married her husband. At a chance, Sima Rui met Zheng achun and took her to the Imperial Palace and made her queen

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