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    look forward to的意思是“期待;期望;期盼”,其中的to是介詞,其後接名詞、代詞或者動名詞形式作賓語,不能接動詞原形。例如:

    We are looking forward to your arrival.我們正期盼著你的到來。

    I"m looking forward to receiving your letter.我期待著收到你的來信。

    like to do與like doing是意思相近的,doing指一件事情,do指這個行為。例如:

    I like eating hamburgers.和I like to eat hamburgers.

    eating強調這件事情,to eat強調這個動作。


    接-ing或to do形式作賓語意思相同的動詞有:

    1、like doing sth / like to do sth 喜歡做某事

    Not all people like working / to work but everyone likes to play. 不是所有人都喜歡工作,但每個人都喜歡玩。

    2、love doing sth / love to do sth 喜歡做某事

    People around the world love laughing / to laugh. 全世界的人都喜歡笑。

    3、hate doing sth / hate to do sth 憎恨做某事

    I hate doing / to do the cleaning around the house. 我不喜歡打掃房子。 2008 陝西

    4、prefer doing sth / prefer to do sth 寧願做某事

    I prefer shutting / to shut myself in and listening to music all day on Sunday. 週日我喜歡一整天把自己關在屋裡聽音樂。

    5、begin doing sth / begin to do sth 開始做某事

    When did you begin to learn / learning French? 你是什麼時候開始學法語的?

    6、start doing sth / start to do sth 開始做某事

    Henry Ford did not start building / to build his first car until 1896. 直到1896年,亨利·福特才開始製造他的第一輛轎車。 2011 遼寧

    7、continue doing sth / continue to do sth 繼續做某事

    Though wounded, they continued fighting / to fight. 雖然負了傷,但他們仍然堅持戰鬥。

    8、can’t bear doing sth / can’t bear to do sth 不能忍受做某事

    Shaw, an animal lover, said he couldn’t bear parting / to part with his dog. 肖是一個喜愛動物的人,他說他捨不得與自己的愛犬分離。 2010 天津改

    9、bother doing sth / bother to do sth 麻煩做某事

    He didn’t even bother letting / to let me know he was coming. 他甚至都沒通知我他要來。

    10、intend doing sth / intend to do sth 想要做某事

    He intends studying / to study abroad next year. 他打算明年去國外留學。

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