  • 1 # an艾尼科技

    近日,安妮·海瑟薇,作為聯合國婦女親善大使 (UN Women goodwill ambassador),一襲紅裙亮相聯合國三·八婦女節活動,站上講臺為女性發聲,身為人母的海瑟薇呼籲美國給予女性帶薪產假,同時也給男性放產假的機會。以此減少女性在職場中受到的歧視和不公待遇,也能給男性更多參與家庭以及和孩子相處的時間。


    In late March, last year, 2016, I became a parent for the first time. I remember the indescribable – and as I understand it pretty universal – experience of holding my week-old son and feeling my priorities change on a cellular level.


    Like so many parents, I wondered how I was going to balance my work with my new role as a parent, and in that moment, I remember that the statistic for the US’s policy on maternity leave flashed in my mind.


    American women are currently entitled to 12 weeks unpaid leave. American men are entitled to nothing.



    I remember thinking to myself, "If the practical reality of pregnancy is another mouth to feed in your home, and America is a country where most people are living paycheck to paycheck, how does 12 weeks unpaid leave economically work?"


    The truth is: for too many people, it doesn’t.


    One in four American women go back to work two weeks after giving birth because they can’t afford to take any more time off than that. That is 25 per cent of American women.


    Equally disturbing, women who can afford to take the full 12 weeks often don’t, becauseit will mean incurring a “motherhood penalty” – meaning they will be perceived as less dedicated to their job and will be passed over for promotions and other career advancement.



    In other words, in order to liberate women, we need to liberate men.


    Paid parental leave is not about taking days off work; it’s about creating the freedom to define roles, to choose how to invest time, and to establish new, positive cycles of behavior.


    Maternity leave, or any workplace policy based on gender, can – at this moment in history – only ever be a gilded cage.Though it was created to make life easier for women, we now know it creates a perception of women as being inconvenient to the workplace. We now know it chains men to an emotionally limited path.


    Paid parental leave does more than give more time for parents to spend with their kids. It changes the story of what children observe, and will, from themselves, imagine possible.


    In my own country, the United States – currently, the only high income country in the world without paid maternity, let alone parental leave.



    Every generation must find their north.


    When women around the world demanded the right to vote, we took a fundamental step towards equality.North.


    When same-sex marriage was passed in the US, we put an end to a discriminatory law. North.


    When millions of men and boys, and prime ministers, and the President of the General Assembly, when men in this room and around the world – the ones we cannot see, the ones who support us in ways we cannot know but we feel – when they answered Emma Watson’s call to be HeForShe, the world grew. North.


    We must ask ourselves, how will we be more tomorrow than we are today?


    The whole world grows when people like you and me take a stand, because we know that beyond the idea of how women and men are different, there is a deeper truth that love is love, and parents are parents.


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