  • 1 # 觀影少年小學林

    《Do Re Mi》哆來咪

    let"s start at the very beginning 讓我們從頭開始學習

    a very good place to start 很美好的地方開始

    when you read you begin with a-b-c 當你讀書時你先學abc

    when you sing you begin with do-re-mi do-re-mi, do-re-mi 當你唱歌你先從哆來咪開始,哆來咪,哆來咪

    the first three notes just happen to be do-re-mi, do-re-mi do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti 最好是最先開始的音,哆來咪,哆來咪,哆來咪發嗦拉西

    let"s see if i can make it easier 讓我們看看是否能使它容易點

    doe a deer, a female deer 哆是鹿,一隻小母鹿

    ray, a drop of golden sun 來是一束金色的Sunny

    me, a name i call myself 咪是對自己的稱呼

    far, a long, long way to run 發是很遠的長路

    sew, a needle pulling thread 嗦是穿針又引線

    la, a note to follow sew 拉是嗦的小跟班

    tea, a drink with jam and bread 西是茶配果醬和麵包

    that will bring us back to do (oh-oh-oh) 那是我們又回來哆

    doe a deer, a female deer 哆是鹿,一隻小母鹿

    ray, a drop of golden sun 來是一束金色的Sunny

    me, a name i call myself 咪是對自己的稱呼

    far, a long, long way to run 發是很遠的長路

    sew, a needle pulling thread 嗦是穿針又引線

    la, a note to follow sew 拉是嗦的小跟班

    tea, a drink with jam and bread 西是茶配果醬和麵包

    that will bring us back to do (oh-oh-oh) 那是我們又回來哆

    doe a deer, a female deer 哆是鹿,一隻小母鹿

    ray, a drop of golden sun 來是一束金色的Sunny

    me, a name i call myself 咪是對自己的稱呼

    far, a long, long way to run 發是很遠的長路

    sew, a needle pulling thread 嗦是穿針又引線

    la, a note to follow sew 拉是嗦的小跟班

    tea, a drink with jam and bread 西是茶配果醬和麵包

    that will bring us back to do (oh-oh-oh) 那是我們又回來哆

    do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti do so do 哆來咪發嗦拉西哆嗦哆

    2.《The Sound Of Music》 音樂之聲

    The hills are alive with the sound of music 陣陣動人的音樂喚醒這沉睡的山巒

    With songs they have sung for a thousand years 傳唱千年的歌聲縈繞其中久未消逝

    The hills fill my heart with the sound of music 群山以動人的音樂充盈著我的內心

    My heart wants to sing every song it hears 我的心迫不及待想要唱出每一首歌

    My heart wants to beat like the wings of the birds that rise from the lake to the trees 我的心想要像那鳥兒的翅膀從湖泊躍動到那叢林中

    My heart wants to sigh like a chime that flies from a church on a breeze 我的心想要那撞鐘的輕嘆 乘著那微風離教堂遠去

    To laugh like a brook when it trips and falls over stones on its was 像遊玩的溪水擊打在砂石上那般歡笑

    To sing through the night like a lark who is learning to pray 像學習祈禱的雲雀那樣徹夜歡快歌唱

    I go to the hills when my heart is lonely 當我的內心孤獨寂寞時走進這層層山巒中

    I know I will hear what I"ve heard before 我明白在這裡我會找尋到曾經的Teana之身

    My heart will be blessed with the sound of music 這音樂將盪滌我的內心

    And I"ll sing once more 並且我將再次放聲高唱

    3.《The Lonely Goatherd 》 孤獨的牧羊人

    High on a hill was a lonely goatherd 孤獨的牧羊人在山頂上

    Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞

    Loud was the voice of the lonely goatherd 孤獨的牧羊人歌聲嘹亮

    Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞

    Folks in a town that was quite remote heard 城裡的人們在遠處聽到

    Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞

    Lusty and clear from the goatherd"s throat heard 牧羊人清晰活潑的歌聲

    Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo 嘞哦嘞 嘞哦嘞

  • 2 # 科技channel

    《Do Re Mi》哆來咪

    let"s start at the very beginning 讓我們從頭開始學習

    a very good place to start 很美好的地方開始

    when you read you begin with a-b-c 當你讀書時你先學abc

    when you sing you begin with do-re-mi do-re-mi, do-re-mi 當你唱歌你先從哆來咪開始,哆來咪,哆來咪

    the first three notes just happen to be do-re-mi, do-re-mi do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti 最好是最先開始的音,哆來咪,哆來咪,哆來咪發嗦拉西

    let"s see if i can make it easier 讓我們看看是否能使它容易點

    doe a deer, a female deer 哆是鹿,一隻小母鹿

    ray, a drop of golden sun 來是一束金色的Sunny

    me, a name i call myself 咪是對自己的稱呼

    far, a long, long way to run 發是很遠的長路

    sew, a needle pulling thread 嗦是穿針又引線

    la, a note to follow sew 拉是嗦的小跟班

    tea, a drink with jam and bread 西是茶配果醬和麵包

    that will bring us back to do (oh-oh-oh) 那是我們又回來哆

    doe a deer, a female deer 哆是鹿,一隻小母鹿

    ray, a drop of golden sun 來是一束金色的Sunny

    me, a name i call myself 咪是對自己的稱呼

    far, a long, long way to run 發是很遠的長路

    sew, a needle pulling thread 嗦是穿針又引線

    la, a note to follow sew 拉是嗦的小跟班

    tea, a drink with jam and bread 西是茶配果醬和麵包

    that will bring us back to do (oh-oh-oh) 那是我們又回來哆

    doe a deer, a female deer 哆是鹿,一隻小母鹿

    ray, a drop of golden sun 來是一束金色的Sunny

    me, a name i call myself 咪是對自己的稱呼

    far, a long, long way to run 發是很遠的長路

    sew, a needle pulling thread 嗦是穿針又引線

    la, a note to follow sew 拉是嗦的小跟班

    tea, a drink with jam and bread 西是茶配果醬和麵包

    that will bring us back to do (oh-oh-oh) 那是我們又回來哆

    do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti do so do 哆來咪發嗦拉西哆嗦哆

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