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    1 What do you think _____solve the problem

    A.you can do B.can you do C.you can do to D.can you do to

    2 In the past he often made his sister___,but now he is often made __by his sister.

    A.to cry; to cry B.cry; cry C.to cry; cry D.cry; to cry

    3 The teacher told us that the sun ____in the east.

    A.rises B.rose C.raises D.raised

    4 He lives in a village _____there are a lot of trees.

    A.there B.where C.that D.which

    5 He ________ Alice for ten years.

    A.married to B.has married to C.has married D.has been married to

    6 We need fifteen more people _____our team to do the job.

    A.but B.except C.as well D.besides

    7 They won`t allow us ________ at this beach.

    A.swimming B.to swim C.swam D.swim 8 Is this factory ______you visited last week?

    A.that B.where C.the one D.in which

    9 The reason ___he was absent from the meeting was ___his car broke down on the way.A.that; because B.why; that C.that; that D.for; that

    10 Is the river_____ through that town very large?

    A.which flows B.flows C.that flowing D.whose flows

    11 The teacher told me that the students I wanted to see were seen___ football on the playground just now.

    A.playing B.to be playing C.play D.to play

    12 The red rose is the only one _____I really like.

    A.which B.who C.that D.whom

    13 All the apples _____ fell down were eaten by the pigs.

    A.those B.which C.what D.that

    14 Don`t forget the day ______you were received into the Youth League.

    A.when B.that C.at which D.where

    15 I prefer______ at home to _____outside.

    A.staying,playing B.to stay,play C.staying,play D.to stay,playing

    16 The box is _____what I saw in the shop.

    A.same as B.the same like C.the same that D.the same as

    17 The pen ______she writes letters is broken.

    A.which B.that C.with which D.by which

    18 Would you like to ______us in our discussion.

    A.take part in B.join C.taking part in D.joining

    19 I`m sure the red team will ______the game .

    A.win B.beat C.defeat D.succeed

    20 Ahead of me I saw a woman ____I thought was my aunt.

    A.who B.whom C.of whom D.whose

    21 _____your help,everything in the room is in good order now.

    A.Since B.Because C.thanks for D.Thanks to

    22 He is known to the world and has a lot of friends_______

    A.in and out of abroad B.at home and abroad C.at home and at abroad D.in home and out of abroad

    23 ---Are you going there with them ----If you go,__________.

    A.I also go B.so do I C.so I will D.so will I 24 -----The flower is beautiful.---____________ A.So is it B.So it is C.It is so D.So it is

    25 The number of people invited ____fifty,but a number of them _____absent

    .A.were; was B.was was C.was; were D.were; were

    26 We haven`t had any success _______

    A.before long B.so long C.by far D.so far

    27 Travellers ____our country enjoy the beautiful sights in Beijing,Hangzhou and many other places of interest.

    A.for B.to C.till D.by

    28 If a man ______succeed,he must work as hard as he can.

    A.will B.should C.is going to D.is to

    29 ---I am sorry I didn`t do a good job.---Never mind.___ you have tried your best.

    A.Above all B.In all C.At all D.After all

    30 The best way to make sure that you can keep fit is to ____healthy eating habits.A.find B.create C.develop D.prepare

    31 We have spent _____money on English books .

    A.a great deal of B.a good many C.a plenty of D.a number of

    32 _______met,it won`t be easily forgotten.

    A If only B.When if C.Once D.Once you were

    33 The differences_____ these two pictures _____ colour are easy to see.

    A.in,of B.from,of C.between ,in D.of ,in

    34 You should put_____ “s” at the end of this word.

    A.a B./ C.an D.the

    35---What`s ______population of China ---China has____ population of 1.2 billion.

    A.a; the B.the; a C./;/ D.the; the

    36 It`s _______here.We can`t work long hours here.

    A.very much cold B.much cold C.much too cold D.too much cold

    37 _______terrible weather we`ve been having these days!

    A.How a B.What a C.How D.What

    38 ----Have you decided when_____?-----Yes,tomorrow morning.

    A.will you leave B.to be leaving C.are you leaving D.to leave

    39 The song ____My heart will go on is liked by the young people.

    A.call B.calling C.called D.to call

    40 Train services are now back to ______after three days of typhoon.

    A.usual B.common C.ordinary D.normal

    1-5 CDABD

    6-10 DBCBA

    11-15 ACDAA

    16-20 DCBAA

    21-25 DBDBC

    26-30 DBDDC

    31-35 ACCCB

    36-40 CDDCD


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