  • 1 # 春秋大義割韭菜

    Chinese spring festival 在國外很多外華人跟著起鬨

    唐人街很熱鬧 很多老外跟著嗨 花車遊 舞獅子武術 雜耍 各種美食 比華人玩的還高興 老外很多都提前 安排時間跟著鬧騰 這對於即使土生老外也no strange

    在各地唐人街華人商會都會有政府審批淨街的正式春節慶祝遊行和日期地址 當地老外都會紛紛提前招呼華人朋友混吃混喝 和工作空閒 安排 各國學校現在也基本放假

    如果在中國和外華人談國內春節習俗估計沒啥新鮮 基本不是死宅的外華人各地都參與見識過華人春節慶典

    如果聊春節可以著重talk about Chinese specialties around china海外沒有的 這是老外best damn interesting human nature food&sex

  • 2 # Meena

    You can talk about what people do and eat .different areas in China have different customs

  • 3 # 每日美語


    Spring Festival is the most important Chinese traditional festival and the biggest celebration around the world.春節是我們中國最重要的傳統節日也是全世界最大的慶典。

    春節正式名稱:Spring Festival

    還可以說:Chinese New Year中國新年

    Lunar New Year 農曆新年




    因為農曆是中國自己的歷法,所以英語我們可以說Chinese calendar

    正式的名稱是 Lunar calendar 陰曆



    solar calendar陽曆 solar 太陽的

    陽曆正式名稱:Gregorian Calendar 格里高利曆,公曆,陽曆




    比如我們的新年是農曆1月1日,英文就可以說:the first day of the first lunar month

    元宵節是農曆1月15日,英文表達就是:the fifteenth (day) of the first lunar month


    生肖英文就是Chinese zodiac 生肖 zodiac有屬相,星座的意思,

    農曆明年是豬年,英語可以說The year of pig/boar豬年 boar野豬

    如果你是屬豬的就可以直接說:I"m a pig.


    I was born in the year of pig.我是豬年出生的

    如果恰好是你本的命年,可以加一句:This is my year.


    What animal sign were you born under?

    What is your Chinese animal sign?

    animal sign 就是屬相的意思

    Chinese New Year is all about family reunion & celebration


    So what do we do for the New Year celebration? 慶祝新年,我們會做什麼呢?

    The following is a list of things we do during the Spring Festival下面就是春節期間一般我們會做的事情

    1 Family getting together 家人團聚

    No matter where you are, most people will go back home to spend the holiday with their family, some even travel long distances to be reunited with their loved ones.無論你身在何處,大多數人都會回家和家人一起過節,有些人甚至會長途跋涉才能與親人團聚

    2 Giving the house a thorough cleaning before New Year"s Day 新年前給屋子來個大掃除

    In the first few days of the New Year, we"re not supposed to do any cleaning. Cause if we do, it is believed that we would sweep away the good luck.


    3 Putting up Spring Festival Scrolls on both sides of the doorway在門口的兩側貼上春聯

    Spring Festival Scrolls / Paper Scrolls 春聯

    Spring Festival Couplets 春聯

    4 In some places, they have the tradition of putting up paper-cuts on the windows or walls.在有些地方,他們有貼剪紙的傳統習俗

    paper-cut 剪紙

    5 watching dragon/lion Dance 看舞龍/舞獅

    the most significant night of the Spring Festival is New Year"s Eve 春節最重要的一個晚上就是除夕

    New Year"s Eve 除夕

    6 On New Year"s Eve, people set off fireworks/firecrackers, 燃放煙花/鞭炮

    set off 燃放


    7 The elders would give out red envelopes to the children, in which there will be lucky money.長輩會給小孩子發紅包/壓歲錢

    red envelope/red packet紅包

    lucky money 壓歲錢

    8 Watching the Spring Festival Gala, which is the most watched show on earth看春晚,春晚也是全世界收視率最高的盛會

    Spring Festival Gala, 春節聯歡晚會 gala盛會

    9 In the following few days, people will travel around to visit their relatives. Most commonly, married women along with their family will go visit their parents and have meals with them.在接下來的幾天裡,人們會忙著四處串親戚。最常見的就是,結了婚的女人和她們的家人會去看望她們的父母,和他們一起吃飯。

    visit relatives串親戚

    10 going to the temple fairs逛廟會

    Some would make offerings of incense sticks and pray有些人會燒香,祈禱

    temple fairs廟會

    incense stick香

    food we eat

    Other than reunion and celebration, there"s another very important part-- eating. 除了團聚和慶祝,還有一個非常重要的部分,就是“吃”。

    On New Year"s Eve or New Year"s Day, all family members will have a big meal together, we"re gonna eat a lot of food.在除夕或初一,家裡所有的人會一起吃一頓團圓飯,我們會吃很多事物。

    The typical food would be dumplings. 典型的節日食物是餃子

    In some places, they would put a coin in one of the dumplings, whoever in the family eats it will be considered the luckiest one and will have the best luck in the coming year.有些地方的習俗,他們會在其中一個餃子裡放一枚硬幣。家裡誰吃到了它會被認為是最幸運的,在新的一年裡會有最好的運氣。

    Besides dumplings, we"ll also have all kinds of dishes, including fish, pork, chicken, beef, and various vegetables.



    There is also one drink that plays an important role during this holiday, which is Baijiu, there is no specific word for it in English, we can just call it Baijiu, or white spirits/Chinese liquor to help foreign friends understand what it is.還有一種喝的在這個節日中扮演著重要的角色,那就是白酒。在英語中沒有特定的單詞對應。我們可以叫它Baijiu,或者White spirits/Chinese Liquor來幫助外國朋友瞭解它是什麼。

  • 4 # 地攤經濟上

    首先假定朋友是英語系的人,或有一定英文基礎的人,才有可能。假定為國語為英文的華裔為例。1.Dates in Chinese /uniso/ar Calendar, 中華民族年俗的歷史淵源,說實話無可考證,五千年曆史文化的集澱吧。2.Value traditionaI festiva|s and Symbo|ic meaning 中華民族非常重視傳承傳統與象徵意義。從這幾個方面著手,family reunion,pubIic hoIiday traditionaI food firecracker bans markets spring festivaI coup/ets symboIism Greetings gifts exchange preceding days lanterns decorations Dragon dance and Lion dance Fortune goods icons and Ornaments等等,3.隨著時代變遷,慶祝新年方式與形式不斷變化與豐富,但傳承的傳統喻意一脈相承。

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 炒股好學嗎?