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    Viva la Vida歌手:Coldplay

    作曲 : Coldplay

    作詞 : Coldplay

    I used to rule the world 大千世界曾由我主宰

    Seas would rise when I gave the word 巨浪也曾因我之命澎湃

    Now in the morning I sleep alone 而今我卻在黎明獨自入眠

    Sweep the streets I used to own 在曾屬於我的大道落寞徘徊

    I used to roll the dice 大千世界曾由我主宰

    Feel the fear in my enemy"s eyes 盡情品味驚恐在死敵瞳孔綻開

    Listen as the crowd would sing: 欣然傾聽百姓高歌喝彩

    "Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!" “先王亡矣!”“新王萬代!”

    One minute I held the key 此刻我手握權位經脈

    Next the walls were closed on me 轉瞬才知宮牆深似海

    And I discovered that my castles stand 恍然發現我的城池

    Upon pillars of salt, pillars of sand 基底散如鹽沙亂似塵埃

    I hear Jerusalem bells a-ringing 聽那耶路撒冷鐘聲傳來

    Roman Cavalry choirs are singing 羅馬騎兵歌聲震徹山海

    Be my mirror my sword and shield 擔當我的明鏡,利劍和盾牌

    My missionaries in a foreign field 我的傳教士屹立邊疆之外

    For some reason I can not explain 只因一些緣由我無法釋懷

    Once you go there was never, never an honest word 一旦你離開這裡便不再,不再有逆耳忠言存在

    That was when I ruled the world 而這便是我統治的時代

    It was the wicked and wild wind 凜冽邪風呼嘯襲來

    Blew down the doors to let me in. 吹散重門使我深陷陰霾

    Shattered windows and the sound of drums 斷壁殘垣禮崩樂壞

    People could not believe what I"d become 世人不敢相信我已當年不再

    Revolutionaries Wait 起義大軍翹首期待

    For my head on a silver plate 有朝一日我站上斷頭臺

    Just a puppet on a lonely string 恰如傀儡隨吊線寂寞搖擺

    Oh who would ever want to be king? 悲哉,誰又曾渴望萬人膜拜?

    I hear Jerusalem bells a-ringing 聽那耶路撒冷鐘聲傳來

    Roman Cavalry choirs are singing 羅馬騎兵歌聲震徹山海

    Be my mirror my sword and shield 擔當我的明鏡,利劍和盾牌

    My missionaries in a foreign field 我的傳教士屹立邊疆之外

    For some reason I can not explain 只因一些緣由我無法釋懷

    I know Saint Peter won"t call my name 我亦知天堂之門不會為我敞開

    Never an honest word 不再有逆耳忠言存在

    But that was when I ruled the world 而這便是我統治的時代

    (Ohhhhh Ohhh Ohhh) (哦哦哦)

    Hear Jerusalem bells a-ringing 聽那耶路撒冷鐘聲傳來

    Roman Cavalry choirs are singing 羅馬騎兵歌聲震徹山海

    Be my mirror my sword and shield 擔當我的明鏡,利劍和盾牌

    My missionaries in a foreign field 我的傳教士屹立邊疆之外

    For some reason I can not explain 只因一些緣由我無法釋懷

    I know Saint Peter won"t call my name 我亦知天堂之門不會為我敞開

    Never an honest word 不再有逆耳忠言存在

    But that was when I ruled the world 而這便是我統治的時代




    作曲 : Coldplay作詞 : ColdplayLook at the stars抬頭仰望繁星點點Look how they shine for you看它們為你綻放光芒And everything you do可你所做的每一件事Yeah" they were all Yellow卻如此羞澀膽怯

    I came along追隨著你I wrote a song for you為你寫下了一首歌And all the things you do想著你舉手投足間的膽怯羞澀it was called YellowAnd it was called Yellow歌名就叫做YELLOWSo then I took my turn我耗盡心力Oh what a thing to have done想表達對你的愛意And it was all Yellow卻也膽怯起來Your skin你的肌膚Oh yeah" your skin and bones你的冰肌玉骨Turn into something beautiful使一切變得如此美麗Do you know? you know I love you so你知道嗎 我不可自拔的愛上了你You know I love you so你該明瞭我已經深深地愛上了你I swam across我整顆心早已遊向你I jumped across for you想飛奔到你面前卻又止步Oh what a thing to do不知如何靠近你Cos you were all Yellow因為你是如此羞怯I drew a line我畫出你的肖像I drew a line for you我畫下你的樣子Oh what a thing to do可是卻不知如何表示And it was all Yellow如此膽怯Your skin你的肌膚Oh yeah your skin and bones你的冰肌玉骨Turn into something beautiful使一切變得如此美麗Do you know?你知道嗎For you I"d bleed myself dry我願為你拋開一切For you I"d bleed myself dry我願意為你奉獻我的一切It"s true這都是真的Look how they shine for you看!星星都為你綻放光芒Look how they shine for you看!星星都為你綻放光芒Look how they shine for看!它們多麼耀眼Look how they shine for you看!星星都為你綻放光芒Look how they shine for you看!星星都為你綻放光芒Look how they shine看!星星都為你綻放光芒Look at the stars抬頭仰望繁星點點Look how they shine for you看它們為你綻放光芒And all the things that you do而你的舉手投足卻如此膽怯羞澀-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------《Run》歌手:Snow Patrol

    作曲 : Archer, Connolly, Lightbody ...

    I"ll sing it one last time for you 我要為你最後一次唱起這首歌

    Then we really have to go 然後我們就要走了

    You"ve been the only thing that"s right 我至今唯一不後悔的事

    In all I"ve done 便是愛上你

    And I can barely look at you 我幾乎不敢看你的眼睛

    But every single time I do 不過每次我那樣做了

    I know we"ll make it anywhere 我抑制不住

    Anywhere from here 把你帶到別處的慾望

    Light up light up 點亮你心中的火吧

    As if you have a choice 如果你能夠作出選擇

    Even if you cannot hear my voice 即使你聽不見我的聲音

    I"ll be right beside you dear 我還是會一直陪著你的

    Louder louder 聲音再大一點!

    And we"ll run for our lives 我們為了美好生活而奔忙

    I can hardly speak I understand 當你無法再提高你的聲音

    Why you can"t raise your voice to say 我也不忍心大聲說我愛你

    To think I might not see those eyes 到我們不得不說再見的時候

    It makes it so hard not to cry 一想到我可能再也見不到你了

    And as we say our long goodbye 我的眼淚就止不住的要掉下來

    I nearly do 就差一點

    Light up light up 點亮你心中的火吧

    As if you have a choice 如果你能做出選擇

    Even if you cannot hear my voice 即使你聽不見我的聲音

    I"ll be right beside you dear 我還會一直伴你左右

    Louder louder 聲音再大一點!

    And we"ll run for our lives 我們為美好生活奔走

    I can hardly speak I understand 當你無法再提高你的聲音

    Why you can"t raise your voice to say 我也不忍心大聲說我愛你

    Slower slower 動作慢點吧

    We don"t have time for that 我們沒有時間了

    All I want is to find an easier way 而我希望多留一點

    To get out of our little head 讓我們心靈相通

    Have heart my dear 勇敢一些,親愛的

    We"re bound to be afraid 我們不可以害怕

    Even if it"s just for a few days 哪怕只有一點點

    Making up for all this mess 我們要盡力修復這創傷

    Light up light up 點亮你心中的火吧

    As if you have a choice 如果你能做出選擇

    Even if you cannot hear my voice 即使你聽不見我的聲音

    I"ll be right beside you dear 我還是會一直陪著你的

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