  • 1 # 想念某某人闖天下

    1.as 用作關係代詞, 引出定語從句

    I. such … as 像 … 這(那)樣的, 像 … 之類的。as 和 such 連用, such 在下列句子裡作定語用, 說明主句裡的某個名詞。as 所引導的定語從句修飾前面的名詞, 而 as 本身在從句裡, 可能是主語、賓語或表語。


    We Will give you such data as will help you in your work. 我們要提供給你們那種對你們工作有幫助的資料。(as 作從句裡的主語。)

    II. the same … as 和 … 同樣的


    This is the same tool as I used yesterday. 這和我昨天所使用的工具是相同的。(as 作從句的賓語)

    III. as many … as, as much … as(分別用於可數和不可數名詞)如 … 一般多;如此之多;凡 … 的 … 都


    As many instruments as are in the laboratory have been made most use of. 實驗室裡那麼多的儀器都已充分利用了。(as 作從句的主語)

    Ⅳ. 關係代詞 as 代替整個主句, 並在從句中作主語、賓語、表語之用。as 引出的從句為非限制性定語從句。


    As (is) announced in today"s papers, they have succeeded in solving many problems in accordance with the new theory. 據今天報紙發表, 他們已根據新的理論成功地解決了許多問題。(as 在從句中作主語。)

    Ⅴ. as 有時代替主句裡的表語意思, 並在從句中作表語


    Internet access is very simple, as indeed it is. 網上訪問很簡單, 它實際上的確是這樣. (as代替 simple。)

    2.as 作關係副詞, 引出定語從句


    He answered with the same simplicity as he asked. 他回答和提問, 都是同樣的直率簡潔。

    3.such as, as such 和 as that 的用法

    I. “名詞, + such as…”這裡 such as 是複合連線詞, 引出同位語, 以對前面的名詞起列舉作用。可譯為“例如”。


    There are different forms of energy, such as heat energy, sound energy, electric energy, and chemical energy. 有各種不同的能, 例如熱能、聲能、電能和化學能。

    II. “… such as”這裡 such 是代詞, 作“這樣的人、事、物”講, as 是關係代詞, 引出定語從句。


    This book is not such as I expect. 這不是一本像我所希望的書。(such 是代詞作表語用, 是 as 的先行詞。) 比較:This is not such a book as I expect. (句義同上, 但 such 作定語用。)

    III. as such 作“像這樣的人、事、物”、“作為這樣的人、事、物”、“以 … 資格、名義、身份“、“因而”講。


    We agree to the plan as such. 我們同意像這樣的計劃。

    4.用連詞 as 等引出狀語從句

    Ⅰ. 時間狀語從句連詞 as 正當…的時候, 隨著…


    He came up as I was speaking. 我正在說話的時候,他來了。

    II. 原因狀語從句連詞 as 或 in as much as 由於, 因為


    III. 讓步狀語從句連詞 as 雖然, 儘管, 無論


    Busy as he is, he studies English very hard. 儘管他忙, 他還是努力學習英語。

    Ⅳ. 比較狀語從句

    A. 一般比較(從句內常省略與主語相同的成分)

    (a) as … as 和……一樣(或同樣)的…[注意:這裡第一個 as 是副詞, 作“一樣”講;第二個 as 是連詞, 作“如同”、“像”講。]

    例:This line is as long as that one (is). 這條線和那條線同樣長。

    (b)not so as 不如(或沒有)……那樣……

    例:Line AB is not so long as line CD. AB 線不如 CD 線(那樣)長。

    (c) not as … as 和……不一樣…(強調兩者間的不同)

    例:Line AB is not as long as line CD, but a little longer(或 shorter). AB 線和 CD 線的長度不一樣,AB 線比較長一些(或短一些)。

    B. 比擬

    “as … + as + 所比擬的事物”的含義為“如…一樣”

    例:It is as white as snow. 其白如雪。

    Ⅴ. as, just as, much as 和 as if(或 as though)引出行為方式狀語從句或表語從句。

    A. as 按照……樣子、方式、辦法……

    例:We must do as the doctor tells us. 我們必須按照醫生囑咐去做。

    B. 用 as…, (so)…;…as…;…just as…;just as…, so…表示出帶有方式狀語從句的主從複合句。

    例:As two is to three, so is four to six. 四比六等於二比三。

    C. 用 much as 引出從句, 表示“和…幾乎一樣”的比擬意味。

    例:We are dealing with something that flows along a conductor, much as water flows through a pipe. 我們正在研究沿著導體流動的一種東西, 這種情況和水透過管道的流動幾乎一樣。

    D. as if 和 as though 好像…似的(從句一般用虛擬語氣)

    例:Heat can flow from a hot body to a cooler body as if it were a fluid. 熱好像流體一樣, 能夠從一個熱的物體傳到一個較冷的物體。

    5.用 as 引出賓語補語、主語補語

    I. as 引出賓語補語的常用短語

    例:We regard the sun as the chief source of heat and light. 我們把太陽看成是主要的熱源和光源。

    II. as 引出的賓語補語有如下幾種表示形式

    A. as + 名詞

    例:We usually define energy as the ability to do work. 我們通常下定義說, 能能作功的本領。

    B. as + 形容詞

    例:We often regard gas as compressible. 我們經常把氣體看成是可壓縮的。

    C. as + 介詞短語

    例:We regard that conclusion as of consequence. 我們把這個結論看成是具有意義的。

    D. as + 分詞或分詞短語

    例:We consider the wire as disconnected. 我們認為這條線沒有接好。

    E. 下列各句裡 as 也引出賓語補語

    例:The use of silver as a conductor is limited because of its cost. 由於成本高, 銀作導體用是受到限制的。(as a conductor 作 silver 的補語, 可聯絡動詞的搭配用法:to use silver as a conductor. 這裡 as a conductor 作賓補。)

    III. As 引同主語補語


    主動句:We regard the sun as the chief source of heat and light. 被動句:The sun is regarded as the chief source of heat and light (by us). 太陽被認為是主要的熱源和光源。

    Ⅳ. 由 as 引出另一種形式的主語補語

    例:I have come here as a manager. 我以經理的身份來到這裡。

    6.用 as 引出表語或表語從句


    he society is as a stage. 社會好比是個舞臺。

    7.用 as 引出同位語


    Derek told us about his experiences as a young man. 德立克告訴了我們有關他年輕時的一些經歷。

    8.用 as 引出插入句


    The difference, as I see it, is one of method and not of principle. 照我看來, 這是一個方法上, 而不是原則上的分歧。(one 代替 difference。)

    9.as 的其它用法

    I. 在下列句子裡 as 所引出的從句, 從句子結構來看是方式狀語從句, 作“像……那樣的”講, 從意義來講, 是定語從句。因此, 能領會其用法就行。


    Copper as it comes from ordinary smelting works contains many impurities. 從普通熔鍊廠出來的那樣的銅, 含有許多雜質。

    II. 下列句子裡的“as + 過去分詞或過去分詞短語”可用作定語

    例:See the answers given at the end of this book.

    III. as many(用於可數名詞)(與……)同樣的, (與……)數相同的;as much(用於不可數名詞)(與……)同量的;同樣地

    例:There are sixty tools in that workshop; and there are as many in ours. 那個車間有六十件工具;我們車間裡也有同數量的工具(或也有六十件)。

    10.as 的其它用法

    I. 在下列句子裡 as 所引出的從句, 從句子結構來看是方式狀語從句, 作“像……那樣的”講, 從意義來講, 是定語從句。因此, 能領會其用法就行。


    Copper as it comes from ordinary smelting works contains many impurities. 從普通熔鍊廠出來的那樣的銅, 含有許多雜質。

    II. 下列句子裡的“as + 過去分詞或過去分詞短語”可用作定語

    例:See the answers given at the end of this book.

    III. as many(用於可數名詞)(與……)同樣的, (與……)數相同的;as much(用於不可數名詞)(與……)同量的;同樣地

    例:There are sixty tools in that workshop; and there are as many in ours. 那個車間有六十件工具;我們車間裡也有同數量的工具(或也有六十件)。

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