  • 1 # 叫魚學習



    1. 計劃、通知型


    I’m very glad to tell you that ….

    sth. will be held /organized in …from …to…/on ...(sb. will hold/ organize…)

    The following courses/activities… will be offered/ included,….

    Don’t hesitate to ask me any questions about…

    I’m looking forward to seeing you in …


    使用I’m writing to invite you to join us in…/It gives me the greatest pleasure to invite you to …/We would like to invite you to join us as a … at …三個句子中的任一個。


    使用We are going to …and hope you will join us at +地點on+日期,at +時間點的句型.。或I hope that you have no previous engagement and can join us for (the English evening ) at (7:00 pm on February 1st.)


    使用We would be very grateful if you could come and join us. 或Please let me know if it convenient for you. 亦或Please call me at (你的電話號碼)if you have any questions about …。

    3. 自薦、申請

    第一步:表明興趣show interest

    用句子I am glad to know that …. will be held in your … and some volunteers/…are needed. I’m quite interested in it, so I’d like to take part in it .


    可以用普通的I’m… from...。下一句使用 I can speak English well and I’m especially good at writing in English. 或 I’m familiar with …/I’m good at / do well in …./ I’m interested in …+ I can communicate well with people from different cultures. 繼續介紹I used to be a …/ I used to work as a …


    用Look forward to your pleasant reply soon. 或Hopeto get your…句子做結尾。

    4. 求助

    第一步:簡單的自我介紹,說明遇到的問題brief self-introduction and problem

    第二步:尋求幫助asking for help

    可以使用 I’m writing to you for help./ I wonder if you could do me a favor? /I wonder if itis possible for you to do… for me?/ Would you please do… for me?/ It would be great if you could do..../ Can I / Could I do…?/ Please let me know if I could do…..

    第三步:期待wishes使用這句Hope to hear from you soon.

    5. 致歉

    第一步:先表達歉意+理由 say sorry in the first sentence+ a logical excuse

    使用句型 I am terribly sorry to tell you that…/ I am so sorry that I won’t be able to do…,for I’ll have to do …/ I am writing you this letter to show my deepest regretfor doing / not doing sth.做開篇。


    使用這三個句子Please accept my sincere apology for …/ I do hope you can understand me and excuse mefor…/ I hope we can arrange another….. How about next Sunday?進行原因描述。

    6. 感謝

    首先開篇寫出為什麼而感謝,使用Thank you very much for+理由,例如:Thank you very much for all the help I got from you during my stay with you.

    再具體一點可以… +for what you have done for me。

    另外還可以使用Please accept my sincere appreciation for.../ I am truly grateful to you for.../ I’d like to express my thanks for.../ I’d like to express my thanks for your kindness of having me at your place during last winter vacation.這幾個句型表達。

    7. 同情

    第一步:先表達同情show sympathy;

    用句型 I’m very sorry / I’m shocked to hear that+具體事情表達;

    或 I cannot tell you how sad I felt when I was told that+具體事情表達。

    第二步:提供可能的幫助,最後表達下祝願offer possible help+ wishes

    可以用If you want me to do anything, do not hesitate to let me know.

    還可以使用 I shall be delighted if I can do anything for you./ I hope that by the time this letter reaches you, you’ll be feeling much better./ Wish you a quick recovery.( We do hope you will have a quick recovery.)/ Please send my love to your family.

    8. 徵求意見

    第一步:簡要介紹並寫出問題 briefself-introduction + your problem

    例如 I’m 17 years old and I am going to university this autumn. But my mother continues to treat me as a seven-year-old. This makes me unhappy.

    第二步:徵求意見 asking for advice

    可以直接尋求意見,如I want to ask you for advice.

    或是使用問句 Have you any suggestions?/ Could you please give me someadvice/ suggestions? / If you were me, what would you do?/ Do you think I should do...?這四種問句的形式對增加文體的靈活性,不會像敘述那樣平直。

    9. 給出建議

    第一步:對求助、信任表示感謝 (if necessary)

    使用Thank you for your letter/ trust. I’m sorry you have trouble in...and understand your situation.


    使用Personally, I think ….或是In my opinion, you should+觀點都是不錯的選擇。

    第三步:給出具體建議(first of all, also, besides,in addition)

    例如使用 I suggest you do…/ You’d better do…/ Why don’t you do… / Why not do…?/ If I were you, I would do…


    例如Hope my idea and suggestions will work.

    10. 投訴


    可以使用句型 I am sorry to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a serious complaint.


    (Your problem)

    例如可以使用The noise disturbs my sleep so that I can’t concentrate on my work during the day time.


    使用句子 I think it’s high time that you realized the problem and checked the situation.

    或是用request句型,例如I request that you send me a new one of the same model within a month.

  • 2 # sniper2020


    然後就是句法使用一定要準確到位,不能牽強,比如複合句的使用並不是越多越好,恰當的時候來幾句即可,一些經典的句型平時要多做積累,這樣給 閱卷老師一種直觀感受,你是一個老手,所以句型用法要老道,這就要求你平時多看看別人優秀的英語作文,提煉出經常用到的經典句型,這樣以後自己在寫作的時候就能拿來就用。



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