1、Beneficiary"s bank name 收款行
2、Beneficiary"s Bank address 收款行地址
3、Beneficiary"s name 收款人
4、Beneficiary"s account nunber 收款人帳號
5、Beneficiary"s phone number 收款人電話
1、那麼,請問收款行是哪一家? 美洲銀行。 請填寫匯款單,在這兒簽名。
Please fill out the remittance form and sign your name here.
Beneficiary"s Bank: China Merchants Bank, H. O. , Shenzhen, China.
One is to draw and sign a draft; the other is to deliver it to the payee .
1、收款環節 Collection cycle
2、迅速收款 prompt collection of money
3、收款報單 CS CASES ; CAS ; credit advice ; C/- case,currency,coupon
4、收款匯票 [金融] collecting bill
5、收款金額 Amount Collected ; Accounts receivable amount ; payee amount ; Amount of receivables
6、專案收款 Project billing ; Item collection ; Project Collection
7、財務收款 Financial receivables ; Finance receivables ; Financial collection
8、自動收款 automatic receipt
9、最近收款 Recent collection ; Recent billing
10、收款處 cash desk; cashier"s (desk);
11、收款率 collection rate;
12、收款明細單 collection schedule;
13、收款憑單 warrant;
14、收款員 receiving teller; cashier
1、Beneficiary"s bank name 收款行
2、Beneficiary"s Bank address 收款行地址
3、Beneficiary"s name 收款人
4、Beneficiary"s account nunber 收款人帳號
5、Beneficiary"s phone number 收款人電話
1、那麼,請問收款行是哪一家? 美洲銀行。 請填寫匯款單,在這兒簽名。
Please fill out the remittance form and sign your name here.
Beneficiary"s Bank: China Merchants Bank, H. O. , Shenzhen, China.
One is to draw and sign a draft; the other is to deliver it to the payee .
1、收款環節 Collection cycle
2、迅速收款 prompt collection of money
3、收款報單 CS CASES ; CAS ; credit advice ; C/- case,currency,coupon
4、收款匯票 [金融] collecting bill
5、收款金額 Amount Collected ; Accounts receivable amount ; payee amount ; Amount of receivables
6、專案收款 Project billing ; Item collection ; Project Collection
7、財務收款 Financial receivables ; Finance receivables ; Financial collection
8、自動收款 automatic receipt
9、最近收款 Recent collection ; Recent billing
10、收款處 cash desk; cashier"s (desk);
11、收款率 collection rate;
12、收款明細單 collection schedule;
13、收款憑單 warrant;
14、收款員 receiving teller; cashier