  • 1 # IosO

    1:I am back!!!(我回來了)——喬丹

    2:I never fear any opponent, but the opponent is not strong enough!!!(我從不懼怕任何對手,只怕對手不夠強大)——喬丹

    3:I can accept defeat, but could not accept to give up !!!(我可以接受失敗,但不能接受放棄)——喬丹

    4:step by step,I can not see any other way of accomplishing anything!!!(一步一步地走,這是唯一的成功之路)——喬丹

    5:Talent wins games,but teamwork wins championships!!!(天才可以贏得一些比賽,團隊合作才能贏得冠軍 )——喬丹

    6:Never underestimate the heart of a champion!!!(永遠不要低估一顆冠軍的心)——NBA總冠軍教練魯迪-湯姆賈諾維奇

    7:What I’m doing right now, I’m chasing perfection!!!(我現在所做的一切,都是為了追求更加完美)——科比

    8:Have ever seen the scene of Los Angeles at 4am? I see often, because I have!!!(知道凌晨4點的洛杉磯是什麼樣子嗎?我知道,我知道洛杉磯凌晨四點的樣子)——科比


    10:Pressure, challenge, all these negative things are the catalyst for my success.!!!(壓力、挑戰,這一切消極的東西都是我能夠取得成功的催化劑)——科比

    11:Even if the world abandoned me, but I still have a basketball with me!!!(世界拋棄了我,可還有籃球陪著我)——科比

    12:No matter what , just do not give up .Always believe that your dream can come true , just keep working for what you want to achieve!!!(無論如何都不要放棄。總要相信你的夢想是可以實現,並且努力地為它奮鬥)——艾弗森

    13:I play every game as if it is my last !!!(我把每一場球賽都當作我的最後一場)——艾弗森

    14:They can not break me . The only way to break me is to kill me,And everything that does not kill me makes me stronger!!! (他們不可能打倒我,除非幹掉我,而任何不能幹掉我的就只會令我更堅強)——艾弗森

    15:I"m far from a hater. You got talent, I love you!!!(我根本不是一個會憎恨妒忌的人。你有才能,那我就喜愛你)——艾弗森

    16:Only the strong survive!!!(強者生存)——艾弗森

    17:There are a lot of possibilities in the world, but it"s not possible for the Lakers to beat us!!!(世界上有很多種可能,但是湖人戰勝我們就不可能)——拉塞爾

    18:My life is striking!!!(我的一生都引人注目)——張伯倫

    19:The basket in my eyes like the sea, I only need to throw a stone into!!!(籃筐在我眼中就像大海,我只需要往裡扔一顆石頭)——拉里-伯德

    20:I pass you like crossing too early in the morning of the road, here I want to Lore you, such as recognition, is here!!!(我過你就像過清晨的馬路,等下我要在這裡絕殺你,認住了,是這裡)——拉里-伯德

    21:Do you decide who will take the second place!!!(你們決定誰拿第二名了嗎)——拉里-伯德

    22:Scoring can make a person very happy, but assists can make two people very happy!!!(得分可以讓一個人很快樂,但助攻可以讓兩個人很快樂)——約翰遜

    23:My grandma and Jordan can play together and get six rings.!!!(我奶奶和喬丹一起打球也能拿六個戒指)——奧尼爾

    24:Because I am a rare animals, you"ll never see such a tall and sexy, can move like me!!!(因為我是稀有動物,你絕不可能看到一個如此高大,性感的人,可以像我這樣移動)——奧尼爾

    25:Don"t do anyone, just want to do first!!!(不做任何人,只想做第一個自己)——詹姆斯

    26:The future is yours!!!(未來是你的 )——鄧肯

    27:Many people say that I lack the passion, but in many cases, my passion is invisible to others !!!(很多人說我缺乏激情,但是很多情況下,我的激情是別人看不見的)——鄧肯

    28:No one will give you everything, you have to achieve the goal, you have to pay, tears, blood, sweat these three things!!!(沒有人會給你一切,你要達到目的,就得必須付出,淚、血、汗 這三樣東西)——加內特


    30:Do not change my fate, I died after more time to rest!!!(不要換我下場,我死後多的是時間休息)——巴克利

    31:I think I was the most powerful man on the planet, because Jordan is an alien!!!(我覺得我是地球上打籃球最厲害的人,因為喬丹是外星人)——巴克利

    32:My grandmother told me I was hit to fight back!!!(我奶奶告訴我被打了就要還手)——巴克利

    33:I have been carried out of the stadium before retirement!!!(我被人抬出球場才退役)——巴克利

    34:Genius don"t work hard, efforts can beat a genius!!!(天才不努力的時候,努力就可以擊敗天才)——杜蘭特

    35:If you haven"t experienced my failure, don"t share my success!!!(如果你沒經歷過我的失敗,那麼,不要分享我的成功)——韋德

    36:I don"t respect anyone, including Jordan, because I want to win!!!(我不尊重任何人,包括喬丹 ,因為我要勝利)——米勒

    37:This ball is dedicated to you this group of son of a bitch!!!(這球是獻給你們這群狗孃養的)——米勒

    38:The postman doesn"t work on Sunday!!!(郵差星期天不上班)——皮蓬

    39:I think no matter where, apart from all the people and is not skin color, But the talent and the sweat that flows through you!!!(我認為無論在什麼地方,把人和人區別開來的都不是膚 色,而是天賦和你流過的汗水)——納什

    40:I"ve never been afraid of losing, I"ve never been afraid to miss a shot. In fact, I"ve always wanted to get it!!!(我從來都不懼怕失敗,我從來都不懼怕錯失投籃。事實上,我一直都想得到它)——皮爾斯

    41:If one day I have to crawl out of the stadium, I absolutely will not let people take me out, no one can lift me out, never!!!(假如有一天我必須爬著離開球場,我也絕對不會讓人把我抬出去,沒有人能把我抬出去,永遠也不可能)——莫寧

    42:When I was awakened by the alarm clock in the morning, I can easily turn over and continue to sleep, but I do not allow myself to do so!!!(當我早上被鬧鐘吵醒的時候,我可以輕鬆的翻個身繼續睡,但我不允許自己這麼幹)——保羅

    43:Now they are better than me, but I believe that in the near future will defeat them!!!(現在他們確實比我強,但我相信在不久的將來會打敗他們)——姚明

    44:I do not expect other people to respect me, respect is relying on strength to win, not someone else"s!!!(我不指望別人給我尊敬,尊敬是靠實力贏得的,不是別人給的)——姚明

    45:Who can not destroy me, I will be more powerful!!!(凡不能毀滅我的,都將使我更加強大!)——喬治

    46:You have to keep trying, there is no short cut!!!(你必須不斷地努力,沒有捷徑可走)——喬治


    48:The most helpless scenes in the world is laughing in the whole journey, but cry in the end!!!(世界上最無可奈何的劇情,莫過於笑在了全程,卻哭在了結局)——麥迪

    49:Things are getting better and better, if you work hard!!!(事情只會越來越好,如果你努力的話)——麥迪

    50:Tough and strong on the pitch, no match and close combat, but can after the defeat, stand up and fight back with a tougher attitude!!!(球場上的強硬和堅韌,不是和對手近身肉搏,而是能在被打敗後,站起來以更強硬的姿態予以反擊)——泰森-錢德勒

    51:Let"s fall in the enemy"s body!!!(讓我們倒在敵人的屍體上)——慈世平

    52:Why is my shirt is zero? Because I always remind myself that, every game, I will try my best!!!(為什麼我的球衣是零號?因為我要時刻提醒自己,每場比賽,我都會全力以赴)——阿里納斯

    53:Your son will say to you, after watched TV „ dad, carter dunk in your head again!!!(你兒子在看了電視之後會對你說,„爸爸,卡特又在你的頭上扣籃了)——卡特

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 喜歡一個人很久,他也知道,為什麼他不肯給我一個機會,為什麼他讓我斷了念想,我該放棄嗎?