  • 1 # 生活努力

    遊戲無法正常進入這種情況有很多種可能性,首先要確保遊戲檔案本身沒有問題。其次要確保文明5的安裝檔案路徑為純英文,不能有任何中文字元,標點也不行。另外打補丁也不一定管事情,因為遊戲需要安裝FrameWork 3.5 ,VC2008執行庫,DirectX 9.c這幾個常用軟體才能玩,所以自己在百度上搜索資源後手動安裝上。如果問題還沒有解決,用驅動精靈檢測自己的電腦是否缺少硬體驅動。遊戲無法啟動一般是記憶體報錯或顯示驅動報錯引起的。希望對你有用處!沒有用處就追問我,我接著找原因!

  • 2 # 哲大叔

    導致這個問題的原因是OS X更新以後APFS的問題?

    0) Make sure Steam is not running.


    1) Open up Disk Utility (you can just enter the name into spotlight), then click file in the apple menu -> new image -> blank image. In the size, specify 10 GB if you want to just run Civilization V, albeit you might need larger file, if you want to run other Steam games. In the format, you should choose Mac OS Extended (Journaled). DO NOT CHOOSE CASE-SENSITIVE VARIANT!!! It should in the end look like this: https://ibb.co/d9Rp75 . In the name, you can write anything you want, like "Untitled" in the photo, but I will assume you used "Civilization". Please do not choose a name with spaces in it! You can choose to store the file anywhere you like.




    大小方面,如果你只是需要執行文明5的話就輸入10 GB,要是你想執行其他Steam遊戲就輸入更大的數字。




    2) From here, things may start to be a bit tricky. First of all, you would need to open Finder and in the apple menu on the top, you would need to choose Go -> Go to Folder. Copy and paste the following: "~/Library/Application Support/" (without the quotes). You need to locate the folder "Steam". First, create a backup of it. Then, copy the "Steam" folder into the mounted virtual disk we created in step 1. Afterwards, you should delete the original Steam folder.


    First, create a backup of it. Then, copy the "Steam" folder into the mounted virtual disk we created in step 1. Afterwards, you should delete the original Steam folder.

    在彈出的對話方塊中複製貼上以下內容"~/Library/Application Support/"(不要引號)(會自動變成中文的不用管圖裡的中文)。

    3) Find and open Terminal application using Spotlight. Copy and paste the following command (without the quotes): "ln -s /Volumes/Civilization/Steam ~/Library/Application\ Support/Steam" and then press enter. Please note that if you chose a different name for a virtual volume in step 1, you should make the necessary change yourself in the command by changing "Civilization" into your chosen virtual volume name.

    3)開啟終端(就是第一張圖裡面磁碟工具上面那個東西),複製貼上以下內容"ln -s /Volumes/Civilization/Steam ~/Library/Application\ Support/Steam"(不要引號)然後按回車鍵。

    如果你在第一步裡面建立的磁碟映像的名稱不是civilization,那麼就把這條語句裡的Civilization改成你的創立的磁碟映像名稱,比如:如果你建立的和我圖裡的一樣就應該是"ln -s /Volumes/cil/Steam ~/Library/Application\ Support/Steam"(不要引號)然後按回車鍵。

    4) Finally, run Steam normally and run the Civilization V game.

    4)最後,正常地執行steam 和文明5遊戲

    Reloading the workaround (~30 seconds):


    1) Locate the file created in step 1 of setting up the workaround using finder. Open it.


    2) As soon as your Mac recognises the disk, open Steam normally.


    Uninstalling/Getting rid of the workaround


    1) Open Finder and in the apple menu on the top, you would need to choose Go -> Go to Folder. Copy and paste the following: "~/Library/Application Support/" (without the quotes). Find "Steam". Delete it. Done.

    Legal-ish Note: I am not responsible for any damage you may do to your computer, resulting from any erroneous actions on your behalf. However, the method described is fully safe, fully working and has been tested on my own computer.

    Technical Note: The idea behind this method was that since High Sierra has a new APFS file system, it may be the root of some (many?) problems with games. As such, what we do is imitate the old school file system, so that the games, which are not yet adapted for APFS can work in the same conditions for which they were originally created.

    我也不負責any damage you may do to your computer,resulting from any erroneous actions on your behalf.

    原帖說 fully safe我也不知道是不是真的完全安全




  • 3 # 殷維30



    2、 出現的應用程式的屬性介面中,切換到“相容性”標籤頁。


    4、一般情況下,如果不是很老的應用程式可以選擇Windows7系統,較老的程式可以選擇Windows XP或更老的系統模式來執行。

  • 4 # 和平精英家駒



    2、 出現的應用程式的屬性介面中,切換到“相容性”標籤頁。


    4、一般情況下,如果不是很老的應用程式可以選擇Windows7系統,較老的程式可以選擇Windows XP或更老的系統模式來執行。

  • 5 # 辮兒哥影視娛樂

    遊戲無法正常進入這種情況有很多種可能性,首先要確保遊戲檔案本身沒有問題。其次要確保文明5的安裝檔案路徑為純英文,不能有任何中文字元,標點也不行(像你這個就是,不能安裝在有中文字元的路徑裡,可以有數字,我就是這樣的)。另外打補丁也不一定管事情,因為遊戲需要安裝FrameWork 3.5 ,VC2008執行庫,DirectX 9.c這幾個常用軟體才能玩,所以自己在百度上搜索資源後手動安裝上。如果問題還沒有解決,用驅動精靈檢測自己的電腦是否缺少硬體驅動。遊戲無法啟動一般是記憶體報錯或顯示驅動報錯引起的。希望對你有用處。

    另外一個就是缺少必要的C++語言環境包 建議下載遊戲中必要的環境包再進行遊戲 恩。。

    (32位或64位) xp有專門的包 各種位置錯誤

    c++ 2005

    c++ 2008

    c++ 2010

    c++ 2012

    c++ 2013

    vb6 可擴充套件標記語言

    openAl 缺失openAl 32.dll

    nvidia physx 物理運算技術

    directx 缺失dsdx9_40

    初始化失敗 記憶體不足

    net framework v3.0

    net framework v3.5

    net framework v4.0

    net framework v4.5

  • 6 # 銀蛋蛋

    1:首先要看你的遊戲在哪裡下載的,在遊戲盒子下載還是在網頁上下載的安裝包,一般在軟體或者遊戲盒子裡下載的遊戲都是配套整理好了的一般不會缺少什麼檔案,還會有相應的遊戲驅動(現在很多大型遊戲都是需要安裝驅動才能玩的類似於DirecX 9c和其他驅動這些都不一一列舉了,如果遊戲缺少這些驅動很可能就會打不開。




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