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    The search for happiness 尋找幸福

    We"re talking about happiness today. To some, happiness is being surrounded by family and friends. 今天我們談論的是幸福。對有些人來說,幸福就是被家人和朋友所圍繞。

    To others, happiness means achieving success in something, such as meeting a goal. 對另外一些人來說,幸福意味著在某事上獲取成功,比如實現一個目標。

    To those who have been injured or struggle with a physical disability, happiness can simply mean a day without suffering or just being alive. 對那些受了傷或是與身體殘疾抗爭的人而言,幸福只是沒有疼痛的一天或是可以活著。

    Our guest today is Dr Brain, who has written several books about happiness and the things people do to keep themselves happy. 今天我們的嘉賓是布來恩博士,他寫了好幾本有關幸福以及人們應該做什麼來讓自己開心的書。

    I understand that you often use the example of the gymnast Sang Lan to show how people can find happiness even during times of a personal catastrophe. 我知道,你常拿體操運動員桑蘭的例子來告訴人們如何能找到幸福,即使在個人困難時期。

    Yes, Sang Lan is a very good example of someone who is happy with her life, even when people expect her to be sad. 是的,桑蘭是一個非常好的例子,即使在人們覺得她會悲傷的時候,她還是開心地生活。

    Before her accident, we knew her as a young girl who was happy and successful in her sport. 在她發生意外之前,我們知道她是一個開心而且在運動方面獲得成功的年輕女孩。

    While she was injured and in hospital, she amazed the world by the way she remained cheerful. 在她受傷住院期間,她仍能保持樂觀的態度使世人為之感到驚奇。

    Now, she finds happiness through reaching much smaller goals, and through the love of the people around her. 現在,她透過實現更小的目標以及透過周邊人的愛而找到幸福。

    Well, in case some of our viewers don"t know her story, can you tell us a little bit about Sang Lan and who she is? 這樣,可能我們有些觀眾不知道她的故事,你能給我們講一些有關桑蘭的事蹟,以及她是怎樣的一個人嗎?

    Of course. Sang Lan was born in Ningbo, China in 1981, and began learning gymnastics when she was only six years old. 當然可以。桑蘭於1981年出生於中國寧波,六歲時就開始學習體操。

    By the time she competed in the gymnastics tournament at the New York Goodwill Games, 當她在紐約友好運動會上參加體操錦標賽的時候,

    she had been a junior gymnast for eleven years. 她已經當了十一年的初級體操運動員。

    Sang Lan"s best event was always the vault. 桑蘭最強的專案一直是跳馬。

    She started winning competitions in 1991 and kept working hard. 她在1991年開始贏得比賽,而且一直努力練習。

    Her teammates described her as energetic, happy and hard-working. 她的隊友們說她是個精力充沛、快樂又勤奮的人。

    Even though her training meant that she had to live apart from her parents, she was happy to devote herself to gymnastics. 儘管她參加訓練就意味著要離開父母生活,她仍然很樂於將自己獻身給體操。

    Sang Lan knew that in those years, she was working towards something special, and she was making her parents proud. 桑蘭知道,這些年她在朝著特殊的事情努力,而且她在令她的父母自豪。

    In 1998, a small accident during one of her practice vaults at the Goodwill Games could have cost her her future happiness. 在1998年的友誼賽上,她在練習跳馬時發生的一個小事故可能會使她失去未來的幸福。

    A coach changed the way the equipment was set up, but Sang Lan was not aware of the change until it was too late. 一位教練改變了裝備設定的方式,但當桑蘭意識到這個變化的時候已經太晚了。

    She hit her head, and then fell to the gymnastics mat with a broken neck. 她撞到了頭部,摔倒在體操墊上,把脖子摔斷了。

    She was rushed to a top hospital in New York. Specialists from many parts of the world said that because of her severe injuries, she would never walk again. 她被立刻送往紐約的一家頂級醫院。世界許多地方的專家們都說,由於受傷嚴重,她可能永遠不能行走了。

    That must have been difficult for her. She must have been very sad. 那對她來說一定很艱難。她肯定非常傷心。

    No, that is why her story is so special. 不,那就是她的事蹟如此特殊的原因。

    Everyone who saw her, from nurses to famous visitors like Leonardo DiCaprio from the film Titanic, 凡見過她的人,從護士到像主演電影《泰坦尼克》的萊昂納多·迪卡普里奧這樣的著名人士,

    who went to see her in the hospital to cheer her up, all said she was in good spirits. 他們專門來醫院探訪、鼓勵她,都說她情緒很好。

    Sang Lan knew that for many people the secret to happiness is to have appreciation for the good things in life, and to focus on goals. 桑蘭知道,對許多人來說,幸福的秘密就在於感激生活中好的事情以及鎖定目標。

    Instead of crying about what she had lost and feeling hopeless, Sang Lan thought about what she could do to get better. 桑蘭沒有因為她所失去的而哭泣,也沒有絕望,她在考慮要做些什麼才能讓自己恢復得更好。

    Her teammates were competing while she was in hospital. 她在醫院的時候,她的隊友們正在比賽。

    When they visited her and told her about their successes, she was happy for them. 他們來看望她的時候,給她帶來了他們成功的訊息,她為他們感到高興。

    When the doctors told her that she would never again be a gymnast, 當醫生說她永遠也無法再成為一名體操運動員時,

    she was able to overcome her sorrow by being proud of the things she had accomplished. 她已經能克服自己的悲傷,為她所完成的事業而自豪了。

    She felt thankful to be alive and lucky to have the rest of her life to learn new things. 她很感激自己能活著,並覺得能用她的餘生來學習新的東西很幸運。

    That is really amazing, Dr Brain. How old was she when this happened? 這真是讓人驚訝萬分啊,布來恩博士。這件事發生的時候她多大?

    She was only seventeen years old. 她只有17歲。

    And how has Sang Lan adapted to her new life? 那桑蘭對她的新生活適應得怎麼樣?

    Very well. She went back to China, and graduated from Peking University in 2007 with a degree in broadcasting. 非常好。她回到中國,於2007年畢業於北京大學,取得了新聞學學位。

    She also hosted a sports programme about the 2008 Beijing Olympics, and continues to be a popular figure on TV. 她還主持了一個有關2008北京奧運會的體育節目,並一直作為一位受歡迎的人物在電視上出現。

    However, her primary goal is to advocate better treatment for disabled people. 然而,她最主要的目標是倡導提高殘疾人的待遇。

    She says that she likes to be optimistic. 她說,她喜歡保持樂觀。

    She also believes that keeping busy helps her stay positive. 她還相信忙碌的生活會有助於她保持樂觀。

    I hope all of our viewers have been inspired by Sang Lan! I think her courage is admirable. 我希望我們所有的觀眾都從桑蘭的事蹟中得到了鼓舞。我覺得她的勇氣令人欽佩。

    I know I will think about how she rebuilt her life whenever my life feels unbearable. 我知道,每當我覺得自己的生活難以承受時,我就會想到她是如何重建她的生活的。

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