  • 1 # 糯米米諾nuomi



  • 2 # 顧青山應如是



  • 3 # 肥仔動漫

    1. 《代號基亞斯:復活的魯路修》


      2. 《名偵探柯南》第23部




      3. 《電影的阿松》





      5. 《心理測量者》第三部

      《PP》的劇場版總共有三部曲,將於明年一月起連續上映。三部作品的副標題分別是“罪與罰”,“First Guardian”,“恩怨的彼方”。第一部是15年劇場版過了一年後的時間線;第二部是2112年,朱爺還沒進入公安局前;第三部是15年劇場版後不久的時間線。從放出的宣傳圖來看應該是外傳性質的劇場版,而且看了故事簡介,朱爺的出場率估計就是打醬油的。

      6. 《Fate/stay night[HF]II.lost butterfly》

      《Fate》系列HF線第二章,也就是櫻線的第二章。第一章《Fate/stay night[Heaven’s Feel] I.presage flower》於2017年10月14日在日本上映,累計票房15億元。而HF線是《Fate》裡最陰暗的一條線,從官方給出的宣圖來看,右上角的archer雕像斷了一條手臂,說不定士郎在這部裡要斷臂?

      7. 《冰上的尤里:ICE ADOLESCENCE》

      8. 《吹響!上低音號~誓言的終章~》


      9. 《路人女主的養成方法 Fine》


      10. 《海賊王》


  • 4 # 沒吃飽飯的康娜醬









  • 5 # 三水影片

    1. Code-named Kias: The Resurrected Luxiu

    Lu Dian is finally coming back to life! Although the news of Lu Dian"s resurrection has been spread for a long time, after waiting for so many years, when I saw that Lu Dian was really going to be resurrected, my heart was filled with excitement.

    2. Detective Conan, Part 23

    When the 22nd theatrical edition of Conan was released in Japan this year, the advance notice of the 23rd theatrical edition was already released. The main character was our Lord Kidd!

    The theatrical version featuring Kidd is no longer new. For example, the third part, "Magician at the End of the Century", the eighth part, "Magician at the Silver Wing", the tenth part, "Psycho Song of Detectives", the fourteenth part, "Dead Ship in the Sky" and the nineteenth part, "Sunflower in the Fire" are all full of Kidd"s adults.

    The theme of this time is "Kidd and the sky boat floating in the night sky", and according to the theater version in recent years, it is estimated that the 23rd movie is probably the style of big action and big scene. And it is said that the 23rd will look at the case from a new perspective, focusing on the tacit cooperation between the strange thief and the detective, and incorporating the idea that the essence of the strange thief and the detective is the same into the work.

    3. Song of the Movie

    The popularity of "Ascending Song" rose after the remake. The first season of 15 years "Ascending Song" was a great success, and there were sequels later. This time, the theater version will tell the story of Ascension"s participation in the high school reunion.

    4. Kabaneli in Armour City: The Battle of Haimen

    Speaking of this "Armoured City", when TV animation was first shown, there were favorable comments such as "Hegemony Fan" and "Divine Booking", but in the later period, it was a bit difficult to say.

    Last year there was already news that a new work would be produced this year. I thought it was the second season of TV, but I didn"t expect to meet you in the form of a theater version. The content of the story will revolve around the story after half a year. The production team is the same as the TV version, so we can only hope that Dahe Giant can "normally" play this time ~

    5. Psychological Surveyor, Part III

    The theatre version of "PP" has a total of three films, which will be shown continuously from January next year. The subtitles of the three works are "crime and punishment", "First Guardian" and "the other side of enmity". The first is the 15-year theater version"s timeline after one year. The second was in 2112, before Zhu ye entered the public security bureau. The third is the timeline soon after the 15-year theater edition. Judging from the publicity map released, it should be a theatrical version of the nature of publicity, and after reading the brief introduction of the story, Zhu ye"s appearance rate is estimated to be soy sauce.

      6. 《Fate/stay night[HF]II.lost butterfly》

    The second chapter of HFL series "FATE" is also the second chapter of sakura line. The first chapter, "Fate/StayNight [Heart"s Feel] I. PresenceFlower" was released in Japan on October 14, 2017, with a total box office of 1.5 billion yuan. The HFF line is the darkest line in "Fate". Judging from the official propaganda, archer statue in the upper right corner has broken an arm. Maybe Shilang will break an arm in this movie?

    7. Yuri on Ice: ICE ADOLESCENCE

    The content of this theatrical version has not been made public, but it is a brand-new original story. The production line-up is still the same as that of the TV version, so it is still full of emotion!

    8. Blow! On the bass ~ the final chapter of oath ~ "

    After the TV animation is over, blow! The popularity of the alto is still high. the previous theatrical version of leeds and bluebirds has been released this year, which is really very touching. It is produced by jingani. the quality is guaranteed in all aspects.

    9. "Fine, a Way to Cultivate Female Passers-by"

    The theatre edition of the series "Ways to Cultivate Female Passers-by" is finished. I believe everyone already knows that Kato is the winner! Therefore, the content of the theater version will basically follow this ending. Because the name of the second animation phase is "Ways to Cultivate Female Passers-by" and this is the symbol in the music score. fine refers to the end in the music score this time, so Xiao Bian is likely to be the final chapter of this series.

    10. One Piece

    This theatrical version is to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the release of the TV animation "One Piece" and the official announcement that this work will be presented to everyone as an unprecedented and large-scale adventure story.

    Thanks for the invitation.

  • 6 # 漫客吧






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