  • 1 # 淡定姐


  • 2 # 諾達西爾


  • 3 # 堂先生64


  • 4 # 被遺忘的房子1980



    加拿大出入境申報卡(或者稱之為 E311申報表,E311 - Declaration Card),表格上明確規定了入境時個人攜帶物品現金和有價物的規格和價值額度,超過10,000加元以上的需要及時申報,否則將面臨拒絕入境或者罰款。本問題詳見加拿大邊境服務署(CBSA)官方網站:



    不僅僅是現金,其中有價物品包括,但不限於,股票,債券,銀行匯票,支票,旅行支票。如果超過10000加幣而未申報將面臨Can$250 to Can$5,000的處罰。也就是說你帶了10000加幣等值的貨幣或者嗎,美金,歐元,英鎊之類的,但你隨手在免稅店買一了手表,沒申報,對不起,請交罰款,因為你違規了。換句話說,你來加拿大之前什麼樣?回去時多出來的有價物都要計算在內,你來時一個人孑然一身,回去時買了幾瓶楓糖漿,一輛車,幾包加拿大香菸,一塊手錶,一個手機,珠寶首飾……統統需要申報。









    Does this apply to you?這條規定適用於誰?

    This applies to all travellers, couriers and if you are carrying money on behalf of someone else.



    Travelling with CAN$10,000 or more

    Anytime you cross the border, you must declare any currency or monetary instruments you have valued at Can$10,000 or more. This amount includes Canadian or foreign currency or a combination of both. Monetary instruments include, but are not limited to, stocks, bonds, bank drafts, cheques and traveller"s cheques. There are no restrictions on the amount of money you can bring into or take out of Canada, nor is it illegal to do so.

    Entering Canada

    When you arrive in Canada with Can$10,000 or more in your possession, you must report it on the CBSA Declaration Card (if one was provided to you), on an Automated Border Clearance kiosk or a Primary Inspection Kiosk, or in the verbal declaration made to a border services officer.

    Leaving Canada

    When departing Canada by air with Can$10,000 or more in your possession, you must report to the CBSA office within the airport, before clearing security. Prior to departing by land, boat, or rail, report to the CBSA office nearest your location.

    Reporting in person

    If you are entering or leaving Canada, you have to complete Cross-Border Currency or Monetary Instruments Report – Individual (Form E677). If the currency or monetary instruments you are reporting are not your own, you will be required to complete Cross-Border Currency or Monetary Instruments Report – General (Form E667). Hand the form to a border services officer at the nearest CBSA office that is open at the time you are travelling.

    Reporting by mail

    If you are sending currency or monetary instruments to or from Canada by mail, attach a Canada Post Customs Declaration form (CN23), which is available at your nearest postal office, to the parcel and include a completed Form E667 currency report inside your package. When exporting currency and monetary instruments, you must also submit a copy of the completed Form E667 to the nearest CBSA office. This can be submitted at the same time as or before mailing the package.

    Additional postal requirements may exist. Contact Canada Post for more information.

    Reporting by courier

    If you are sending currency or monetary instruments to or from Canada by courier, the person in charge of the conveyance or the courier must complete Cross-Border Currency or Monetary Instruments Report made by Person in charge of conveyance (Form E668), and attach it to the Cross-Border Currency or Monetary Instruments Report – General (Form E667), which you, the importer or exporter, must complete and provide to the courier. Both forms must be submitted to a CBSA office.

    Failure to report

    The CBSA has the authority to seize all currency and monetary instruments if the entire value is not reported. They may be returned after a penalty is paid. Penalties range from Can$250 to Can$5,000. The CBSA will not return the funds if it is suspected they are the proceeds of crime or funds for financing terrorist activities. You can choose to file a review for items that have been seized.

    What happens to the information provided to the CBSA?

    The completed forms are sent to the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC) for assessment and analysis. The information provided on the currency reporting forms is subject to the Privacy Act and is collected under the authority of the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act (PCMLTFA).

    Contact the CBSA or FINTRAC for more information or contact the Border Information Service by telephone.

    Why do I need to report currency when crossing the border?出入境為什麼需要申報貨幣有價物?

    To help fight money laundering and terrorist financing, the Government of Canada introduced the PCMLTFA in 2001.

    The CBSA is responsible for administering and enforcing Part 2 of the PCMLTFA to help the Government of Canada to:

    Detect and deter money laundering and terrorist financing activities;Facilitate the investigation and prosecution of related offences;Respond to the threat posed by organized crime; andFulfill international commitments to fight transnational crime.

    Important information for NEXUS members

    If you are crossing the border with currency or monetary instruments valued at Can$10,000 or more, you cannot use NEXUS in the land, air or marine modes of transportation. For more information: NEXUS Terms and Conditions.

    Date modified: 2017-05-23

    該資訊由移民行業資深自媒體人 被遺忘的房子 lfvisas 整理搜

  • 5 # 心享之旅2018



    其實我們都會建議客戶不用帶那麼多現金,大概1000-2000 刀就夠了。

    其他帶好一張國際信用卡 master/Visa 足矣。大部分地方都是可以按照實時匯率刷卡的。

    加拿大本地人出門也都習慣刷卡,基本上身上cash很少。咖啡館什麼的 老外的都是可以刷卡的。部分中餐廳需要給現金,但是旅遊花費 購物大頭都可以刷卡。

  • 6 # 王五耳


  • 7 # Hello溫哥華



  • 8 # Cloverdale

    不用帶太多現金,用信用卡購物。如果需要現金,在各大城市很多帶銀聯標誌的ATM機上用62開頭的銀聯卡直接可以取加幣,交少許手續費。一般各大城市唐人街周圍的TD, CIBC, BMO等銀行的ATM機上都能取。多倫多的Yorkdale Mall還可以用支付寶和微信。

  • 9 # 阿菲

    首先這個問題取決於你打算在加拿大玩多少天,以及有沒有卡可以在加拿大境內提現。 如果一般情況下來旅行,建議帶申報範圍內的現金。 其實我們都會建議客戶不用帶那麼多現金,大概1000-2000 刀就夠了。 其他帶好一張國際信用卡 master/Visa 足矣。大部分地方都是可以按照實時匯率刷卡的。 加拿大本地人出門也都習慣刷卡,基本上身上cash很少。咖啡館什麼的 老外的都是可以刷卡的。部分中餐廳需要給現金,但是旅遊花費 購物大頭都可以刷卡。 希望可以幫到你! 我在溫哥華 歡迎來玩

  • 10 # 楓葉永道



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