  • 1 # 張啊藝

      英文簡歷中的自我介紹就像是讓招聘方認識你、瞭解你的一扇窗,你可以在自我介紹中描述一下你的優點(包括性格上和能力上)、曾經取得的成就和榮譽、你的愛好和特長等。最好能用簡潔精煉的語言真是表現出自己的特質,讓招聘企業更透徹地瞭解到你是不是他們要找的那匹“千里馬”。  寫英文自我介紹時要特別注意兩點:一、條理清楚、用詞準確。二、真實展現自己的本質,不要用誇大或吹噓的詞語。有些人喜歡在寫自我介紹時誇張地表現自己的優點,甚至把根沒沒有做過的事情也寫在裡面,其實這是一種很冒險的行為。雖然你的簡歷會給你贏的面試的機會,但是當你面對考官的時候,很可能就讓人覺得你遠遠不如簡歷上描述的那麼優秀,會令考官大失失望。  你可以選擇用羅列的方式來簡要地介紹自己,下面就是某人真實的英文自我介紹,大家參考一下:  1.Easy-going and congenial, with a strong sense of responsibility and good team-spirit.  2.Completed all the courses in the specialized field, obtaining good command of theoretic knowledge and experimental and DIY skill; Very adaptable and Good at leaning.  3.Having played a couple important roles in the student organizations, honing the interpersonal communication skills and: organizational capability.  4.Having a wide range of hobbies, including oral English, music, movies and literature .  5.Fluent in oral English, with fairly good of reading and writing ability; Speaking authentic Mandarin-Chinese.  6.Good command of Computer skills: familiar with different versions of Windows OS and Office application software, able to program with C and Fortran languages, obtained some experience and understanding about other widely-used software like AutoCAD, Photoshop, CorelDraw and Dreamweaver.  1.為人謙和友善,做事態度認真,有強烈的責任感和良好的團隊精神。  2.順利完成專業課程學習,熟練掌握專業理論知識和實驗技能,具有很強的動手能力,善於學習新知識和適應新環境。  3.曾擔任學校社團職務,培養了良好的人際交往技巧與組織能力。  4.興趣廣泛,喜愛英語口語、音樂、影視以及文學創作。  5.英語口語流利,具有良好的英語閱讀、寫作能力;普通話標準。  6.具有良好的計算機技能,熟悉各類Windows作業系統以及Office系列辦公軟體,可使用C語言和FORTRAN語言進行程式設計,對於AUTOCAD、PHOTOSHOP、CORELDRAW 、DREAMWAVER也有一定的瞭解和使用經驗。  你也可以採用陳述的方式,寫成幾段文字來詳細生動地介紹自己,看上去更像是一篇自我介紹的小短文。比如下面的例子:  MY BACKGROUND  I was born in a small village of He Nan Province on Jan 16th, 1968. When I was young, my family was very poor, so I had to work to earn money to help my parents after class when I was in the middle school.  In 1986 I was admitted by University of International Business and Economics (or: UIBE) to pursue a bachelor degree in Economics. My major is accounting in Department of International Business Management. The undergraduate education gave me a wide range of vision and taught me how to cooperate with others. I developed several professional interests in Accounting, Finance, and International Trade.  The following eight-year working experience offered me a good chance to give full play to my creativity, intelligence and diligence. In 1990-1993, I worked as an assistant to funding manager in China National Technical Import and Export Corporation. In 1993-present, I was employed by China Kingdom Import and Export Corporation to be the Manger of Financial and Accounting Division.  I do believe that with my hard early life, solid educational background and ample working experience, I would be an excellent student of you MBA program.

  • 2 # 氣同則知識相通

      Learning to write personal descriptionsis important to provide information about yourself or others. This guide to writing personal descriptions is perfect for beginners, or beginning level English learning classes. Begin by writing about yourself by reading the paragraph below, and using the tips to help you write your own personal description. Continue by reading a description of another person and then write a description about one of your friends.


      ESL teachers can print out these simple paragraphs and tips to use in class when helping beginning level students write personal descriptions.


      Read the following paragraph. Notice that this paragraph describes the person who is writing the introductory paragraph.[/en


      [en]Hello, my name is James. I"m a programmer and I come from Chicago.I live in Seattle with my wife Jennifer. We have two children and a dog. The dog is very funny. I work at a computer company in the city. The company is very famous and successful. Our daughter is named Anna and our Son is named Peter. She is four years old and he is five. We like living and working in Seattle.


      Tips for Writing a Personal Description about Yourself


      •Use "come from" for the city or country where you were born. Use "live" for the city where you currently live.

      •Use the present simple tense to explain what you do every day.

      •Use "have" or "have got" to speak about your children, pets, etc.

      •Use "a" the first time you mention something. For example, I live in a house. Then use "the" after the first time you write about it. For example, I live in a house. The house is in Seattle.

      •Remember to use he, his, him for boys and men and she, her, her for girls and women. Use "our" when speaking about the whole family.

      •Use "like doing" when speaking about hobbies.

      介紹你出生的城市或國家時,要用come from。介紹你現在居住的城市時,要用live。


      用have或have got來介紹你的孩子、寵物等等。

      第一次提及的事物前面,用a。例如,I live in a house.再次提到就用the.例如,I live in a house. The house is in Seattle.


      在介紹愛好時,使用like doing。

      Read the following paragraph. Notice that this paragraph describes a different person than the person who is writing the introductory paragraph.


      Mary is my friend. She is a student at a college in our town. The college is very small. She lives in an apartment in the center of town. She doesn"t have a dog or a cat. She studies every day and sometimes works in the evening at a small shop. The shop sells gift items like postcards, games and other small items. She enjoys playing golf, tennis and walking in the countryside.


  • 3 # 樹人PS教學


        知名國際企業錄用人才的程式嚴格,大多數人都是以一份中英文簡歷開始塑造他在公司的形象。而對於大型跨國企業,英文簡歷的製作尤為重要,它可能決定求職者能否進入面試,能否有真正展露自己才華的機會。不瞭解有關的常識和程式,不花費相當的心思來展示,單憑純正嫻熟的英文功底,不容易獲得單位的青睞。在一大堆錯誤百出、英文表達能力低劣或平庸,毫無針對性和創造性的簡歷中,你的那份若能讓人眼睛一亮,成功的機會必將大大增加。     權重表balance sheet   選取適當的工作後,必須看清招聘廣告上所列出的每項要求,再將自己的學歷、能力與興趣逐一與之比較,作一張權重表。   例如,一則關於銷售管理培訓生的職位要求是這樣寫的:   we are looking for a petent person to fill the captioned position:   university graduate majors in marketing management. prepared to develop career in the mercial field   -outgoing personality   -able to municate with different levels   -good knowledge in pc operations   -proficiency in written and spoken english/mandarin   則應相應地考慮自己的條件的選擇和表述,例如可以與上述各項對應寫:   -university graduate with major in marketing   -having actively participated in business club’s activities and learned accounting and management   -good in munication with people and like a lot of out door activities know how to tackle with people from all walks of life   -skillful in operating words? excel? lotus1-2-3?etc   -fluent in english and studied advanced level of mandarin   這個方法的好處是可讓你清楚瞭解該職位是否適合自己,而且,明白了各項要求後,就可依據每一點在履歷表上重點提出自己在該方面的強項。突出賣點,將之放在最吸引別人的地方,使招聘者一眼明瞭,有利於表現自己。     經驗陳述personal statement   工作經驗是一份簡歷中令招聘者相當感興趣的內容,善加措詞是不可忽視的要務。   剛畢業,何來工作經驗?其實,課下讀書時的兼職、實習、實踐,以至曾參加的一些課外活動如協助出版學校刊物、舉辦活動,展覽、宣傳……都可算是工作經驗。不過,表達起來要有針對性地展開,列出那些與所找工作有關聯的專案重點介紹,必要時更可使用概述的方式,給招聘者深入的瞭解。     下面這份材料的經歷陳述稍顯僵硬:   1996/7-1996/8 general clerk? ibm   1995/7-1995/8 account clerks? manley toy trading   1994/6-1994/8 salesgirl? esprit.     倘能換一種表述如:   three years of job experience in different positions have offered me opportunities to understand different job aspects.   -as a general clerk?ibm??accounts clerk ?manley toy trading??i have learned how to prepare purchasing orders? place orders? handle accounting mastery? check voucher?……also?salesgirl? esprit?developing the technique of selling? serving and stocking.   能更好地突出個人工作經驗,吸引招聘者的注意力。   

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