  • 1 # 羽諾池唯

    同義句轉換題是近幾年中考英語的一個常考題型,其出題形式通常是同時給出兩個句子,第一句完整,第二句中設有幾處空格,要求考生填入適當的詞或片語,使第二句的意思與第一句意思相同。 它綜合考查考生的語法、詞彙、短語或習慣用語和句型結構等知識,要求運用所學的詞彙、語法知識和句型結構填寫句子,使句子結構完整、邏輯合理、語法知識無誤、意思與所給句子相同。它綜合考查考生的語法、詞彙、短語或習慣用語和句型結構等知識,要求運用所學的詞彙、語法知識和句型結構填寫句子,使句子結構完整、邏輯合理、語法知識無誤、意思與所給句子相同。 透過對近幾年的中考英語試題中同義句轉換題的分析,我們發現中考英語同義句轉換題主要考查以下幾個方面:透過對近幾年的中考英語試題中同義句轉換題的分析,我們發現中考英語同義句轉換題主要考查以下幾個方面: 一、運用同義詞(組)進行轉換一、運用同義詞(組)進行轉換 用同義詞或同義詞組對原句中的某些詞或片語進行替換,注意轉換後的詞或片語的詞形變化要與句子其他成分相適應。用同義詞或同義詞組對原句中的某些詞或片語進行替換,注意轉換後的詞或片語的詞形變化要與句子其他成分相適應。 如:如:1. That day we could see flowers here and there. 1. That day we could see flowers here and there.That day we could see flowers __________. That day we could see flowers __________.分析:答案為everywhere。分析:答案為everywhere。 everywhere與here and there都表示“到處”。 everywhere與here and there都表示“到處”。2. The teacher always takes good care of the children in the school. 2. The teacher always takes good care of the children in the school.The teacher always_______ ______the children well in the school. The teacher always_______ ______the children well in the school.分析:答案為looks after。分析:答案為looks after。 take good care of與look after…well都表示“好好照顧”。 take good care of與look after…well都表示“好好照顧”。 二、運用反義詞(組)的否定式進行轉換二、運用反義詞(組)的否定式進行轉換 即用反義詞或片語的否定式表達與原句相同的意思,主要考查學生對反義詞(片語)的積累和換位思維的能力。即用反義詞或片語的否定式表達與原句相同的意思,主要考查學生對反義詞(片語)的積累和換位思維的能力。 如:如:1. It"s clear that this visit is different from last time. 1. It"s clear that this visit is different from last time.It"s clear that this visit is not the___ ___last time. It"s clear that this visit is not the___ ___last time.分析:答案為same as。分析:答案為same as。 be different from意為“與……不同”;the same as意為“與……相同”,其否定式與be different from同義。 be different from意為“與……不同”;the same as意為“與……相同”,其否定式與be different from同義。2. I think wealth is less important than health. 2. I think wealth is less important than health.I ___ think wealth is ___ important than health. I ___ think wealth is ___ important than health.分析:答案為don"t,more。分析:答案為don"t,more。 less important的意思是“沒有(不及)……重要”;more important的意思是“(比)……更重要”,該結構與not連用,則表示“不比……更重要”。 less important的意思是“沒有(不及)……重要”;more important的意思是“(比)……更重要”,該結構與not連用,則表示“不比……更重要”。另外,有的反義詞即使不與否定詞連用,而只需改變句子結構也可構成同義句。另外,有的反義詞即使不與否定詞連用,而只需改變句子結構也可構成同義句。 如:如:He lent some money to his friend. He lent some money to his friend.He friend ___ some money ___ him. He friend ___ some money ___ him.分析:答案為borrowed,from。分析:答案為borrowed,from。 borrow…from意為“向……借……”;lend…to意為“把……借給……”。 borrow…from意為“向……借……”;lend…to意為“把……借給……”。 兩個結構意思相反,但若變換“借出者”與“借入者”的位置,則可轉換為同義句。兩個結構意思相反,但若變換“借出者”與“借入者”的位置,則可轉換為同義句。 三、運用不同語態進行轉換三、運用不同語態進行轉換 即運用主動語態與被動語態的變化來轉換同義詞,但此時要特別注意時態、動詞一致性。即運用主動語態與被動語態的變化來轉換同義詞,但此時要特別注意時態、動詞一致性。 如:如:1. Everyone should give back his library books on time. 1. Everyone should give back his library books on time.Library books should____ ____ ____ on time. Library books should____ ____ ____ on time.分析:答案為be given back。分析:答案為be given back。 被動句中含有情態動詞should,因此助動詞用be。被動句中含有情態動詞should,因此助動詞用be。2. It is widely accepted that more people use computers in the world today. 2. It is widely accepted that more people use computers in the world today.Computers ____ widely ___ in the world today. Computers ____ widely ___ in the world today.分析:答案為are,used。分析:答案為are,used。 computers是複數名詞,助動詞用are。 computers是複數名詞,助動詞用are。 四、非延續性動詞與延續性動詞的相互轉換四、非延續性動詞與延續性動詞的相互轉換 即非延續性動詞與延續性動詞進行轉換,此時往往會涉及時態的變化。即非延續性動詞與延續性動詞進行轉換,此時往往會涉及時態的變化。 如:如:1. The manager left two hours ago. 1. The manager left two hours ago.The manager _____ ____ ____ for two hours. The manager _____ ____ ____ for two hours.分析:答案為has been away。分析:答案為has been away。 leave為非延續性動詞,不能與for two hours這樣的一段時間連用,而改成be away這樣的延續性動詞後,則可連用一段時間。 leave為非延續性動詞,不能與for two hours這樣的一段時間連用,而改成be away這樣的延續性動詞後,則可連用一段時間。2. The film began five minutes ago. 2. The film began five minutes ago.The film has been _____ _____ five minutes. The film has been _____ _____ five minutes.分析:答案為on for。分析:答案為on for。 has been提示時態是現在完成時態,“for+時間段”表示“持續(一段時間)”,常用在含有現在完成時態的句子裡。 has been提示時態是現在完成時態,“for+時間段”表示“持續(一段時間)”,常用在含有現在完成時態的句子裡。3. Mr Li joined the Party twenty years ago. 3. Mr Li joined the Party twenty years ago.Mr Li _____ _____ _____ the Party for twenty years. Mr Li _____ _____ _____ the Party for twenty years.答案:has been in。答案:has been in。 短暫動詞join,意為“參加、加入(組織,政黨)”,不能與延續時間狀語連用,與延續性時間狀語連用時,將join改成be in或be a member in…。短暫動詞join,意為“參加、加入(組織,政黨)”,不能與延續時間狀語連用,與延續性時間狀語連用時,將join改成be in或be a member in…。 五、運用不同引語進行轉換五、運用不同引語進行轉換 即將直接引語變為間接引語或將間接引語轉換成直接引語。即將直接引語變為間接引語或將間接引語轉換成直接引語。 此時還要注意相關時態、人稱、動詞、狀語等相應的變化。此時還要注意相關時態、人稱、動詞、狀語等相應的變化。 如:如:1. “I"ve found my wallet,” he said to me. 1. “I"ve found my wallet,” he said to me.He _________ me that he _________ _________ his wallet. He _________ me that he _________ _________ his wallet.分析:答案為told,had found。分析:答案為told,had found。 此題是將直接引語轉換成間接引語。此題是將直接引語轉換成間接引語。2. “Did you see her last week?” he said. 2. “Did you see her last week?” he said.He _______ _______ I had seen her the week _______. He _______ _______ I had seen her the week _______.分析:答案為asked if/ whether, before。分析:答案為asked if/ whether, before。 此題是將疑問句的直接引語轉換成間接引語。此題是將疑問句的直接引語轉換成間接引語。 六、運用簡單句與複合句之間的轉換六、運用簡單句與複合句之間的轉換 即將簡單句變成同義的複合句或將複合句變成同義的簡單句。即將簡單句變成同義的複合句或將複合句變成同義的簡單句。 如:如:1. We didn"t go out for a walk because it was raining. 1. We didn"t go out for a walk because it was raining.We didn"t go out for a walk _______ _______ the rain. We didn"t go out for a walk _______ _______ the rain.分析:答案為because of。分析:答案為because of。 將原因狀語從句because it was raining改為表示原因的介詞短語because of the rain。將原因狀語從句because it was raining改為表示原因的介詞短語because of the rain。2. He was so excited that he couldn"t go to sleep. 2. He was so excited that he couldn"t go to sleep.He was ______ ______ ______ go to sleep. He was ______ ______ ______ go to sleep.分析:答案為too excited to。分析:答案為too excited to。 將so…that…換成too…to…結構,原句的that從句為結果狀語從句,改寫句中的不定式仍表結果。將so…that…換成too…to…結構,原句的that從句為結果狀語從句,改寫句中的不定式仍表結果。3. Now I will show you how to do the work. 3. Now I will show you how to do the work.Now I will show you ______ ______ ______ do the work. Now I will show you ______ ______ ______ do the work.分析:答案為how you can。分析:答案為how you can。 即將原句中的“疑問詞+不定式”結構轉換成賓語從句。即將原句中的“疑問詞+不定式”結構轉換成賓語從句。4. You should put them back after you use them. 4. You should put them back after you use them.You should put them back _____ _____ them. You should put them back _____ _____ them.分析:答案為after using。分析:答案為after using。 即將after引導的狀語從句改寫為after引導的介詞短語。即將after引導的狀語從句改寫為after引導的介詞短語。 七、運用並列句與複合句之間的轉換七、運用並列句與複合句之間的轉換 即將並列句變成同義的複合句或將複合句變成同義的並列句。即將並列句變成同義的複合句或將複合句變成同義的並列句。 如:如:1. Come on, or we"ll miss the early bus. 1. Come on, or we"ll miss the early bus.____ we ____ hurry, we"ll miss the early bus. ____ we ____ hurry, we"ll miss the early bus.分析:答案為If,don"t。分析:答案為If,don"t。 if引導條件狀語從句。 if引導條件狀語從句。2. The man gave us a talk last week. Now he will give us another talk this week. 2. The man gave us a talk last week. Now he will give us another talk this week.The man _____ gave us a talk last week _____ _____ us another talk this week. The man _____ gave us a talk last week _____ _____ us another talk this week.分析:答案為who/ that,will give。分析:答案為who/ that,will give。 who/ that gave us a talk last week為定語從句,修飾先行詞the man。 who/ that gave us a talk last week為定語從句,修飾先行詞the man。 八、運用關聯連詞連線或合併句子八、運用關聯連詞連線或合併句子 即運用關聯連詞both…and…,neither…nor…,either…or…,not only…but also…等將兩個簡單句合併為一個簡單句。即運用關聯連詞both…and…,neither…nor…,either…or…,not only…but also…等將兩個簡單句合併為一個簡單句。 此時要注意的是,both…and…連線兩個主語時,謂語總是用複數,而neither…nor…,either…or…,not only…but also…連線兩個主語時,謂語動詞通常應與靠近的主語保持一致。此時要注意的是,both…and…連線兩個主語時,謂語總是用複數,而neither…nor…,either…or…,not only…but also…連線兩個主語時,謂語動詞通常應與靠近的主語保持一致。 如:如:1. Tom can"t speak Japanese well and Jim can"t, either. 1. Tom can"t speak Japanese well and Jim can"t, either.______ Tom ______ Jim can speak Japanese well. ______ Tom ______ Jim can speak Japanese well.分析:答案填Neither,nor。分析:答案填Neither,nor。 neither…nor…表示“……和……(兩者)都不”,剛好與原句的兩個否定結構的意思相吻合。 neither…nor…表示“……和……(兩者)都不”,剛好與原句的兩個否定結構的意思相吻合。2. Alice has read the book and Peter has read it, too. 2. Alice has read the book and Peter has read it, too.______ Alice ______ Peter have read the book. ______ Alice ______ Peter have read the book.分析:答案為Both,and。分析:答案為Both,and。 both…and…的意思是“……和……(兩者)都”。 both…and…的意思是“……和……(兩者)都”。3. This store sells men"s shoes, and it also sells men"s clothes. 3. This store sells men"s shoes, and it also sells men"s clothes.This store sells ______ ______ men"s shoes ______ ______ men"s clothes. This store sells ______ ______ men"s shoes ______ ______ men"s clothes.分析:答案為not only,but also。分析:答案為not only,but also。 表示“不僅……而且……”之意。表示“不僅……而且……”之意。 九、利用某些典型句式或結構進行轉換九、利用某些典型句式或結構進行轉換 這類典型結構如so…that…,too…to…,enough to,not…until…,so do I等。這類典型結構如so…that…,too…to…,enough to,not…until…,so do I等。 如:如:1. Jim wants to go boating and his parents want to go boating, too. 1. Jim wants to go boating and his parents want to go boating, too.Jim wants to go boating, and ______ ______ his parents. Jim wants to go boating, and ______ ______ his parents.分析:答案為so do。分析:答案為so do。 句意為“……他的父母也一樣(一樣想去)”。句意為“……他的父母也一樣(一樣想去)”。2. John went to bed after he finished his homework. 2. John went to bed after he finished his homework.John ______ go to bed ______ he finished his homework John ______ go to bed ______ he finished his homework

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