1 # 紅雲文化社
2 # 洋洋聽風聲
3 # 校園小偵探
4 # 首席人力資源官
值得注意的是,沒有任何兩個孤獨症的孩子的具有完全一樣的症狀,他們的表現千差萬別,雖然他們都是存在類似的問題。孤獨症可以是輕度,中度和重度。輕度的孤獨症有時被稱為“高功能“。孤獨症譜系障礙是終身的,目前尚無治癒的療法; 但是,早期干預治療及支援可以成功地幫助孤獨症兒童充分發揮他們的潛力。
孤獨症的症狀一般在發育早期出現,最常在出生後第2年被發現。但也可能更早,比如1歲以前, 常表現在缺少社會交流互動方面,比如微笑,眼神接觸等。但也有可能直到4-6歲或以上才變得明顯的而被家長或老師發現的,比如孤獨症表現最輕微的兒童。
What is Autism
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder most commonly involving problems with communication and social interactions. Children with ASD also often have abnormal behaviours, interests and play. ASD is an umbrella term that covers classic autism, Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD), and Asperger"s syndrome.
It is important to know that no two children with ASD are exactly the same, although they may have similar problems. ASD can be mild, moderate or severe. Children with mild symptoms are sometimes referred to as "high functioning". ASD is a lifelong disorder with no cure. However, early intervention and support can be very successful in helping children with ASD reaching their full potential.
Symptoms of ASD generally present in the early developmental period. They are most commonly recognized in the second year of life, but may be present earlier before one year old. It is also be possible that symptoms in children with the mild phenotypes of ASD may not be apparent to parents or teachers until four to six years of age or later.
根據年齡和疾病程度,每個孤獨症的兒童出現以下列表中出的症狀數目各不相同。如果爸爸媽媽發現自己的孩子有下面這些孤獨症警示訊號中一些或較多的表現,那麼就需要去找兒科醫生幫忙安排進一步的評估, 以便於獲得後續的醫療服務和支援幫助。
About early signs of autism spectrum disorder
Some early signs of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are usually seen in the first two years. Some children have many of these early warning signs, whereas others might have only a few. Some behavior signs can change over time, or become clearer as children get older. Also, any loss of social or language skills during this period is cause for concern.
The number of signs a child has from each list below varies according to the age of the child and how severely the child is affected. If your child is showing some or many of the signs from the lists of red flags below, talk to your health professional about a developmental assessment as soon as possible. Getting a diagnosis is the first step towards helping your child and getting services and support.
Social communication: red flags for autism spectrum disorder
Social interaction
·doesn’t point to or hold up objects to show people things, share an experience or show that she wants something – for example, she doesn’t point to a dog and look back at you to make sure you’ve seen it too, or she drops a toy in your lap and walks away instead of holding it up and looking at you
·doesn’t consistently respond to her name
·doesn’t sound like she’s having a conversation with you when she babbles
·copies what she hears from others or from the TV – for example, when you ask if she wants more drink, she echoes back ‘more drink’
·doesn’t understand simple one-step instructions – for example, ‘Give the block to me’ or ‘Show me the dog’.
Nonverbal communication
·doesn’t use gestures on his own – for example, he doesn’t wave bye-bye without being told to, or without copying someone else who is waving
·doesn’t use eye contact to get someone’s attention – for example, he doesn’t look at a parent then at a snack to show he wants it.
Relationships and play
·doesn’t show interest in other children
·doesn’t start games like peekaboo or pat-a-cake
·doesn’t do pretend play – for example, she doesn’t feed her teddy bear.
Behaviour: red flags for autism spectrum disorder
Restricted interests
·has an intense interest in certain objects and gets ‘stuck’ on particular toys or objects – for example, he’ll flick the light switch off and on repeatedly, or will play only with cars
·interacts with toys and objects in only one way, rather than more broadly or in the way toys were intended to be played with – for example, he only turns the wheels of a toy car rather than pretending to drive the car along the floor
·is very interested in unusual objects or activities – for example, drains, metal objects or specific TV ads
·focuses narrowly on objects and activities, like lining up objects.
·Children with ASD have significant difficulty with changes of routine. They need to follow same routine identically every day which may present in various aspects of daily life - for example, they need to always eat particular foods in a specific order, sleep in the same way, or to follow the same route from one place to another without deviation. They may easily upset and distress by small changes in routines and difficulty with transitions.
Repetitive and stereotyped behaviors
·The child repeats body movements or has unusual body movements, like back-arching, hand-flapping, finger twisting, rocking, swaying, dipping, and walking on his toes.
Sensory sensitivities
·is extremely sensitive to sensory experiences – for example, she gets easily upset by certain sounds, or will eat only foods with a certain texture and taste
·seeks sensory stimulation – for example, she rubs objects on her mouth, or face, or seeks vibrating objects like washing machines, or flutters her fingers to the side of her eyes to watch the light flicker.
·focus on edges, spinning objects, or shiny surfaces, lights, odors, sniffing or licking nonfood objects
·apparent indifference to pain
Associated conditions
Intellectual ability
·Children with ASD can range from being severely disabled through to highly intelligent. About one child in four with ASD has an IQ in the normal range or above, but three out of four children with ASD will have some intellectual disability. The child"s level of ability is often uneven, with areas of strength and weakness. Verbal skills are usually weaker than nonverbal skills.
Language impairment
·delay in, or total lack of, the development of spoken language. For example, child may not respond to the calling of his name, doesn"t say single words by 16 months.
·repeat exactly what others say (echoing) or imitation of words or dialogue without understanding the meaning or use as a tool for communication.
·don"t start or can"t continue a conversation.
·may be unable to understand simple questions or directions. They don"t use toys or other objects to represent people or real life in pretend play, or do only out of context or in a mechanical way.
值得注意的是, 如果家長覺得有點擔心寶寶有類似的發育行為問題,與其上論壇和網友們討論糾結, 不如帶著寶寶先去諮詢一下兒科醫生是否需要看專科醫生, 聽力檢測,或是語言治療師。千萬不要自己妄下結論。如前文所述,畢竟孤獨症患兒中很多看上去不同尋常的行為在正常的嬰幼兒也會經常存在, 導致診斷有時會存在一定困難, 所以家長還是應該找兒科醫生諮詢一下寶寶的情況。 孤獨症是一個譜系障礙疾病, 每個患兒所表現的特徵各不相同,所以沒有一個單一的檢查或化驗可以明確診斷, 需要有包括兒科醫生, 心理醫生, 語言治療師的多學科的醫生團隊合作共同參與評估和診斷。
If you are concerned about aspects of your child"s behaviour and development, see your paediatrician and ask for a referral to a specialist pediatrician, audiologist, speech pathologist or psychologist. Do not try to make a diagnosis yourself. Many of the unusual behaviours that occur with ASD are often seen in normal toddlers, which makes the diagnosis quite difficult at times, but you should discuss this with your child"s doctor. The diagnosis of ASD requires a multi-disciplinary assessment. This means a team – consisting of a pediatrician, psychologist and/or speech pathologist – will assess your child. As features vary so much between children, there is no single or simple test for ASD.
5 # 永川城
6 # 高山MY
對於發病時間較短的,越早接受中醫治療的,康復的比例越高。透過治療,患兒各方面問題都能得到解決,融入正常社會、正常學校接受教育,治癒的標準是能達到正常人的各項標準,迴歸社會。 自閉症的治癒應該是達到清除腦內病灶,恢復腦的結構的,在核醫學檢查:腦血流灌注顯影( ECT) 、MRI、腦電圖等檢查中原來出現的問題應該減少或消失。他的療效應該具有普遍性的(即對絕大部分人有效,而不是少數個案,因為有些自閉症患兒不治療也會好轉,也能上幼兒園、學校,愛因斯坦就是)
7 # 打十一個