  • 1 # lanfengz1

    in a bad skin 發脾氣

    in a big way 強調地

    in a bind 處於困境

    in a blue funk 驚恐萬狀

    in a body 全體

    in a box 進退維谷

    in a brace of shakes 立刻

    in a breath 一口氣

    in a breeze 不費力地

    in a class by oneself 獨一無二

    in a cleft stick 進退兩難

    in a clutter 雜亂

    in a creative way 創造性的

    in a false position 處於被誤解的地位

    in a family way 象一家人一樣

    in a fever 狂熱

    in a few more days 再過幾天

    in a flash 立刻

    in a general way 一般地

    in a good humor 心情好

    in a good light 在光線好的地方

    in a good quarrel 吵得有理

    in a great measure 大部分

    in a hank 在困難中

    in a hurry 匆忙

    in a jerk 立刻

    in a jiff 馬上

    in a jiffy 馬上

    in a litter 正在產仔

    in a little while 不久

    in a lucky hour 在幸運時刻

    in a lump 一次全部地

    in a manner 在某種意義上

    in a measure 一部分

    in a minor key 用低調

    in a minute 馬上

    in a moment 立刻

    in a muck 渾身是泥

    in a nutshell 簡單地

    in a pet 一氣之下

    in a pig"s whisper 低聲地

    in a poor way 情況不大好

    in a position to 能夠

    in a pucker 激動

    in a row 成一排

    in a sense 在某種意義上

    in a short time 不久

    in a small way 小規模地

    in a snap 立刻

    in a sort of way 有些

    in a state of nature 處於原始狀態

    in a sweat 一身大汗

    in a tin-pot way 低劣地

    in a walk 輕而易舉地

    in a wax 發怒

    in a way 某種程度上

    in a whole skin 安然無恙

    in a word 總之

    in absentia 缺席

    in abstracto 在觀念上

    in accord with 與一致

    in accordance with 按照

    in account with 帳務往來

    in action 在活動

    in active service 服現役

    in addition to 除了

    in addition 另外

    in advance of 超過

    in advance 預先

    in aeternum 永遠地

    in alignment 成一直線

    in all ages 歷代

    in all conscience 當然

    in all one"s born days 一生

    in all probability 很可能

    in all senses 任何意義

    in all weathers 風雨無阻

    in all 總共

    in allusion to 針對

    in alt 洋洋得意

    in an almighty fix 處境糟透了

    in an emergency 在緊急的時候

    in an evil hour 在不幸的時刻

    in and out 進進出出

    in another"s shoes 處於別人的地位

    in answer to 回答

    in any case 無論如何

    in any event 無論如何

    in any shape or form 以任何形式

    in any sort 無論如何

    in any way 以任何方式

    in any wise 無論如何

    in appearance 在外表上

    in apple-pie order 整整齊齊

    in arrears 拖欠

    in as much 既然

    in at one ear and out at the other ear 一耳進一耳出

    in autumn 在秋天

    in back of 在

    in bad mood 心情不好

    in bad taste 粗俗

    in bad temper 心情不好

    in bad 倒黴

    in batches 分批地

    in behalf of 為了

    in being 現有的

    in between 在中間

    in body 親自

    in bond 在關棧中

    in bonds 在拘留中

    in brief 簡要地

    in broad day 在大白天

    in broad daylight 公開地

    in bud 發芽

    in bulk 散裝

    in camera 不公開審訊

    in care of 由轉交

    in case of 假設

    in case 萬一

    in chains 在囚禁中

    in chancery 進退兩難

    in character 適合

    in charge 主管

    in class 上課中

    in clear 用普通文字

    in cold blood 殘忍地

    in collaboration with 合作

    in collision 相撞

    in collusion with 勾結

    in combination with 結合

    in command of 指揮

    in commemoration of 紀念

    in commission 服役

    in common 共有

    in company with 一起

    in comparison with 比較

    in compliance with 順從

    in conclusion 最後

    in concordance with 和諧

    in condition 健康狀況好

    in conformity to 依照

    in conjunction with 與協力

    in connection with 有關

    in connexion with 關於

    in consequence of 由於

    in consequence 結果

    in consideration of 鑑於

    in contrary to 對照

    in contrast 相反

    in control of 控制

    in control 在控制之下

    in corners 秘密地

    in correspondence with 一致

    in countenance 鎮定

    in couples 成對地

    in course of time 終於

    in course of 正在...過程中

    in custody 被拘留

    in danger 在危險中

    in deadly haste 火急地

    in deed 真正

    in deep water 陷入困境

    in deep waters 陷入困境

    in default of 因沒有

    in defect of 缺少

    in deference to 服從

    in defiance of 無視

    in demand 有需要

    in despair 絕望

    in despite of 儘管

    in detail 詳細地

    in dire need of 急需

    in dispute 在爭論中

    in doors 在屋內

    in double harness 已婚

    in drawing 畫得精確

    in drops 一點一滴地

    in dry dock 失業

    in due course 及時地

    in due form 正式

    in dumb show 打手勢表示

    in dust and ashes 深切懺悔

    in Dutch 處境困難

    in earnest 認真地

    in effect 有效

    in either event 無論這樣或那樣

    in error 錯誤地

    in every respect 在各方面

    in every sense 在各種意義上

    in everyone"s mouth 人人這樣說

    in evidence 明顯

    in excess of 超過

    in excess 過度地

    in exchange for 交換

    in exchange with 交換

    in excuse of 作為辯解

    in existence 存在

    in expectation 期望著

    in face of 面臨

    in fact 事實上

    in faith 確實

    in fault 有過錯

    in favor of 贊同

    in favor with 得...寵愛

    in fear and trembling 忐忑不安

    in file 依次

    in fine feather 精神飽滿

    in flagrant delict 在作案時

    in flesh 肥胖

    in flight 飛行

    in focus 清晰

    in for a penny and in for a pound 一不做二不休

    in force 大規模地

    in Fortune"s lap 走好運

    in fraud of 為了欺騙

    in front of 在前面

    in front 在前面

    in full bloom 開著花

    in full career 全速地

    in full charge 負全責

    in full fling 莽撞地

    in full sail 全力以赴地

    in full swing 活躍

    in full view of 把...盡收眼底

    in full 充足

    in fun 開玩笑

    in gear 齒輪連上

    in general 通常

    in good condition 身體健康

    in good season 及時地

    in good taste 得體

    in good time 及時地

    in grain 徹底

    in great force 大規模地

    in great form 興高采烈

    in half a shake 立刻

    in hand 在進行

    in harness 受約束

    in haste 匆忙

    in heart 情緒高漲

    in heaven 已死

    in hell 究竟

    in high favor with 得到某人的寵愛或眷顧

    in high spirits 興高采烈

    in hock 在典當中

    in honor of 向...表示敬意

    in honour of 為紀念

    in installments 分期地

    in irons 被監禁著

    in issue 在爭論中

    in itself 在本質上

    in jest 開玩笑地

    in justice to 公正對待

    in keeping with 與一致

    in kind 以貨代款

    in league with 聯合

    in length 長度

    in less than no time 馬上

    in life 一生中

    in light of 按照

    in light 被光線照著

    in like manner 同樣地

    in like wise 同樣地

    in line for 即將得到

    in line with 符合

    in line 成一直線

    in livery 穿制服

    in long clothes 在襁褓中

    in low spirits 沮喪地

    in low water 拮据

    in luck 運氣好

    in many ways 在許多方面

    in memorial 為紀念

    in memory of 紀念

    in milk 授乳期

    in miniature 小型

    in mint condition 嶄新的

    in modern times 在現代

    in more detail 更詳細地

    in mourning 戴孝

    in my opinion 依我看來

    in nature 實際上

    in need of 需要

    in no case 決不

    in no circumstances 決不

    in no sense 決不

    in no shape 決不

    in no time 立刻

    in no way 決不

    in no wise 決不

    in number 總共

    in one breath 同時

    in one leap 以一躍

    in one 成為一體

    in one"s best 穿著節日盛裝

    in one"s birthday suit 一絲不掛

    in one"s cups 在喝醉時

    in one"s element 處於適宜的環境

    in one"s heart of hearts 在內心深處

    in one"s mind"s eye 想像

    in one"s own conceit 自以為

    in one"s own good time 在方便的時候

    in one"s own name 以自己的名義

    in one"s own right 憑本身的頭銜

    in one"s own way 用.方法

    in one"s own worth 自我評估中

    in one"s power 在...能力以內

    in one"s right senses 神志清醒

    in one"s skin 裸體

    in one"s soul of souls 在靈魂深處

    in one"s stockings 只著襪

    in one"s teens 在13歲到19歲時

    in one"s turn 輪到某人

    in operation 運轉著

    in opposition to 反對

    in order to 為了

    in order 整齊

    in other ways 在其他方面

    in other words 換言之

    in pairs 成雙地

    in part 部分地

    in particular 特別

    in passing 順便

    in peace 安祥地

    in person 親自

    in perspective 正確地

    in petticoats 穿著裙子

    in phase 同相地

    in place of 代替

    in place 適當位置

    in plain English 用淺顯的英語

    in play 開玩笑地

    in point of fact 實際上

    in point of 關於

    in point 相關的

    in port 在港內

    in position 在適當的位置

    in possession of 擁有

    in practice 在實踐中

    in praise of 為讚揚

    in preparation for 準備

    in pride of grease 適於狩獵

    in principle 原則上

    in print 已出版

    in private 私下

    in process 在進行中

    in progress 前進

    in proportion as 按比例

    in proportion to 成比例於

    in public places 在公共場所

    in public 當眾

    in pup 懷胎

    in pursuit of 追求

    in quadruplicate 一式四份

    in question 所指的

    in quire 未裝訂

    in range with 並列

    in range 在射程內

    in real earnest 認真地

    in reality 實際上

    in reason 明智

    in recent years 最近幾年中

    in recess 暫停

    in reference to 根據

    in regard to 關於

    in relation to 關於

    in reply to 答覆

    in requital for 作為報答

    in residence 住校

    in respect of 涉及

    in respect that 因為

    in response to 響應

    in result 結果

    in return for 作為報答

    in return 作為報答

    in reward for 作為報答

    in round figures 以整數表示

    in round numbers 大概

    in royal spirits 情緒極好

    in ruins 成為廢墟地

    in sad earnest 一本正經地

    in safety 平安地

    in sail 張著帆

    in school 在求學

    in score 用總譜

    in scores 大批地

    in search of 尋找

    in season and out of season 任何時候

    in season 當令

    in seconds 短時間

    in secret 秘密地

    in security for 作擔保

    in security 安全地

    in series 連續地

    in session 在開會

    in seven-league boots 極快

    in shape 在外形上

    in shore 靠岸

    in short order 在短期內

    in short supply 缺貨

    in short 簡而言之

    in sight of 臨近

    in sight 被看到

    in sign of 表示

    in silence 沉默著

    in silhouette 成剪影

    in single file 成一列縱隊

    in situ 在原位置

    in smooth water 處於順境中

    in so far as 至於

    in so far 到這個程度

    in so many words 明確地

    in so much 至如此程度

    in solution 溶解著

    in some measure 多少

    in some respects 在某些方面

    in some sort 稍微

    in some ways 在某些方面

    in sour 出事

    in spades 肯定地

    in spirits 興致勃勃

    in spite of oneself 不由自主地

    in spite of 不管

    in spots 時時

    in state 正式地

    in stays 轉向上風

    in stead of 代替

    in step 步調一致

    in stitches 忍不住大笑

    in stock 有庫存

    in store for 儲藏備用

    in store 貯藏著

    in substance 本質上

    in succession 接著

    in such a way 這樣

    in sum 總言之

    in sunder 分開著

    in support of 支援

    in support 後備

    in suspension 懸浮中

    in tandem 一前一後地

    in tears 流著淚

    in terms of 根據

    in that way 那樣

    in the abstract 抽象地

    in the affirmative 贊成

    in the afternoon 在下午

    in the air 在流傳中

    in the article of death 臨死時

    in the beginning 起初

    in the black 贏利

    in the case of 在

    in the center of 在中間

    in the character of 扮演

    in the chips 富有

    in the circumstances 既然這樣

    in the clear 不受阻礙

    in the clouds 心不在焉

    in the collar 受到約束

    in the construction of 建築

    in the country 在鄉下

    in the course of nature 正常地

    in the course of time 最後

    in the course of 在...期間

    in the dark 在黑暗中

    in the distance 在遠處

    in the dry tree 處於劣勢

    in the dust 死了

    in the east of 在東

    in the egg 未成熟地

    in the employ of 受僱於

    in the end 最後

    in the event of 如果發生

    in the event 結果

    in the extreme 極端

    in the eyes of 心目中的

    in the face of day 公開地

    in the face of 面對

    in the field 在作戰

    in the final analysis 歸根到底

    in the first instance 首先

    in the first place 首先

    in the flesh 親自

    in the flue 垮了

    in the form of 以...的形式

    in the front rank 在前列

    in the future 未來

    in the green tree 處於優勢

    in the green wood 處於佳境

    in the groove 流行中

    in the gross 大量

    in the habit of 有...的習慣

    in the heat of 在最激烈的時候

    in the highest flight 領先

    in the hope of 懷著希望

    in the interest of 為了

    in the issue 結果

    in the lap of luxury 在奢侈環境中

    in the last analysis 歸根到底

    in the last resort 作為最後一著

    in the least 絲毫

    in the light of 按照

    in the log 未經加工

    in the long run 最後

    in the lump 總共

    in the main 大體上

    in the mass 總體上

    in the matter of 就而論

    in the meantime 在此期間

    in the middle of nowhere 在偏僻的地方

    in the middle of 在中間

    in the mill 在製造中

    in the mouth of 出於

    in the movement 隨著時代潮流

    in the name of 以名義

    in the nature of things 理所當然地

    in the nature of 具有

    in the negative 否定地

    in the next place 其次

    in the nick of time 恰好

    in the nude 裸體

    in the open air 在戶外

    in the open 在野外

    in the opinion of 按...的意見

    in the past 在過去

    in the pay of 受僱用於

    in the person of 代表

    in the pink of condition 非常健康

    in the pot 醉了

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 當年宮指導對郭艾倫與周琦的預測全部實現,你怎麼看宮魯鳴這位主帥?