  • 1 # 我的傑克遜

    老友記第五季第五集中英文臺詞:Rachel: That"s crazy! You can"t do that! What"re you gonna tell her? Oh, my God. Ohh, you"ve already agreed to this, haven"t you?太瘋狂了,你才做不到,你要怎麼告訴她?天啊,你已經答應了,對不對?Ross: It"s awful, I know, I- It"s, I mean, I feel terrible but I have to do this if I want my marriage to work.我知道自己很惡劣,我心情也很糟糕,但是這是挽救婚姻的唯一方法。Ross: And I do, I-I have to make this marriage work. I have to. But the good thing is we can still see each other until she gets here.我很希望跟她合好,必須挽救這段婚姻。好在我們在她抵達之前,還可以繼續見面。Rachel: Ohh! Ohh! Lucky me! Oh, my God! That is good news, Ross! I think that"s the best news I"ve heardsince Le Poo died!我真幸運!天啊,這真是好訊息,自從拉普過世之後,最大的好訊息!Ross: You have no idea what a nightmare this has been. I- This is so hard.你不知道我有多難過,我也很痛苦。Rachel: Oh, yeah, really? Is it Ross? Yeah? Ok, well let me just make this a little easier for you.是嗎?真的嗎,羅斯?我可以為你減輕壓力。Ross: What? What are you doing?你做什麼?Rachel: I"m storming out!憤而出走。Ross: Rachel, this is your apartment.瑞秋,這是你家。Rachel: Yeah, look that"s how mad I am!你看我有多火大!Chandler: Damn Rolos!臭巧克力糖。Joey: Hey, you"re back! Chandler: Hey.你回來了!嘿。Joey: How was your conference?這次出差如何?Chandler: Yeah it was terrible. I fought with my colleagues you know, the entire time. Are you kidding with this?糟透了,我跟……同事吵架,到回來前都沒合好。怎麼還有?Joey: Uh, so your weekend was a total bust?也就是整個週末都泡湯?Chandler: Uh, no, I got to see Donald Trump waiting for an elevator.也不會,我看到,唐納德·川普(商人、美國2016共和黨總統候選人)等電梯。Joey: You know, at the Taj Mahal, he has his own private glass elevator. That"s right. Made by Otis Elevators. Yeah. And they usually don"t do glass.他在泰姬陵有私人玻璃電梯,都由歐狄斯電梯公司生產,那家公司很少做玻璃電梯。Chandler: What kinds of stuff do you know?你腦袋裡都裝什麼啊?Monica: Hi!嗨。Joey: Hey, you"re back too!你也回來了。Monica: Yeah. Umm, Chandler can I talk to you outside for just a second?對,錢德,可以出來一下嗎?Joey: Hey, how was your chef thing?烹飪大會好玩嗎?Monica: Oh, it was awful. I guess some people just don"t appreciate really good food.糟透了,有些人根本不會欣賞美食。Chandler: Well, maybe it was the kind of food that tasted good at first but then made everybody vomit and have diarrhea.你的食物可能看起來很美味,吃下去卻害人上吐下瀉。Monica: Chandler?錢德。Chandler: Monica.莫妮卡。Monica: Ok, I"d like to know how much the room was "cause I wanna pay my half.旅館費用多少?我要付我那一半。Chandler: Ok, fine, $300.很好,300元。Monica: 300 dollars?300元?Chandler: Yeah, just think of it as $25 per room!就想成每間25元!Monica: Urghh!啊!Joey: What are you guys woofing about?你們鬼叫什麼?Monica: Chandler stole a twenty from my purse!錢德從我皮包偷了20元!Joey: Nooooo! !不會吧!Chandler: I was only stealing it back, the one that she stole from me.因為莫妮卡先偷我的錢,我只是拿回來。Monica: Stealing and now, lying.這人不但是小偷還說謊。Joey: You know what? Now that I think about it, I constantly find myself without twenties and you, always have lots!現在回頭想想,我老是沒有20元,你皮夾裡倒是很多。Ross: You should"ve seen the look on her face. God I don"t want Rachel to hate me! I don"t know what to do.你們應該看看她當時的表情,我不希望瑞秋恨我,真不知道該怎麼辦。Joey: You want my advice?你要聽我的建議嗎?Ross: Yes! Please!請說!Joey: You"re not gonna like it.你聽了一定不高興。Ross: That"s ok.沒關係。Joey: You got married too fast.你決定結婚太匆促了。Ross: That"s not advice!這算哪們子忠告?Joey: I told you.看吧。Ross: Going to bathroom.我去洗手間。Joey: Man, if anyone asked me to give up any of you, I don"t think I could do it.要有人叫我別見你們其中一個,我絕對辦不到。Chandler and Phoebe: Yeah, me either.我也不行。Monica: Maybe I could do it.或許我可以。Rachel: Hi!嗨!Joey: Hi, Rach.嗨,瑞秋。Rachel: Look, I know you guys heard about the whole thing with me and Ross but you know, I"ve been obsessing about it all day and I would just love not to talk about it. All right?我知道你們聽說,羅斯跟我的事情了,我已經煩了一整天,請你們別再提起了。Joey: I-I-I don"t know if this falls under this category, but uh, Ross is right back there.我不知道這算不算提起,不過羅斯就在後面。Rachel: That"s not Ross!那才不是羅斯。Phoebe: Oh no! Not that guy! He does look like him though.不是那個,雖然很像。Chandler: Ok, Ross is in the bathroom.羅斯去洗手間了。Rachel: Oh, my God, it"s happening. It"s already started. I- I"m Kip.天啊,開始了,現在就這樣,我就像阿吉。Joey: Hey, you"re not Kip!你才不是阿吉!Rachel: Do you even know who Kip is?你知道阿吉是誰嗎?Joey: Who cares? You"re Rachel! Who"s Kip?誰管他?你是瑞秋。阿吉是誰?Chandler: Kip, my old roommate, you know we all used to hang out together.我以前的室友,以前也跟大家很好。Joey: Oh, that poor bastard.那個可憐人。Rachel: See? Yeah, you told me the story.看吧?你們跟我說過那件事。Rachel: He and Monica dated when they broke up they couldn"t even be in the same room together and you all promised you would stay his friend and what happened? He got phased out!他以前跟莫妮卡約會分手後,你們都答應繼續跟他當朋友,結果呢?他從此遭到排擠!Monica: You"re not gonna be phased out!我們才不會排擠你!Rachel: Well, of course I am! It"s not gonna happen to Ross! He"s your brother. He"s your old college roommate.一定會,羅斯一定可以留下來,因為他是你哥哥。他又是你大學室友。Phoebe: Kip didn"t even have to be Kip. We just, we handled that all wrong. It was a long time ago.阿吉也不該受到這樣的待遇,我們以前處理得很糟糕。況且那是很久以前的事情。Joey: Yeah, Rach. And it was before you and me were around. They didn"t know what they were doing. Chandler had a mustache for crying out loud.對啊,瑞秋,當時我跟你還沒出現。他們根本不知道自己在做什麼,錢德還留著小鬍子哩。Rachel: Oh, you know, it was just a matter of time before someone had to leave the group. I just always assumed Phoebe would be the one to go.遲早有人會離開這個小圈圈,我以前還以為走的是菲比。Phoebe: Ehh!啊?Rachel: Honey, come on! You live far away! You"re not related. You lift right out.親愛的,拜託,你住得遠,又不是誰的親戚。很快就會被淡忘。Chandler: Hey!嗨!Joey: Hey, Mr. Bing. That uh, hotel you stayed at called. Said someone left an eyelash curler in your room.嗨,賓先生。你住的飯店打電話來,說在你房間撿到睫毛夾。Chandler: Yes that was mine.是我的。Joey: "Cause I figured you hooked up with some girl and she left it there.我以為你遇上一個女孩,她忘了帶走。Chandler: Yes that would"ve made more sense.這種說法的確比較合理。Joey: You know, I-I don"t even feel like I know you anymore man!我都快要不認識你了。Joey: All right, look, I"m just gonna ask you this one time, all right? And whatever you say, I"ll believe you. Were you, or were you not, on a gay cruise?我只問你一次就好。無論你怎麼說,我都相信你。你是不是去參加同性戀大會?Rachel: Phoebe? I"m sorry about the whole lifting out thing. You gotta come with me!菲比?我不該說大家會淡忘你,你得跟著我!Phoebe: Come where?去哪裡?Rachel: Wherever I go. Come on you and me, we"ll-we"ll start a new group, we"re the best ones.跟著我就對了,我們可以重組一個團體,畢竟我跟你才是最棒的。Phoebe: Ok, but try to get Joey too.好吧,不過記得拉喬伊入夥。Ross: Pheebs, you mind if I speak to Rachel alone for a sec?菲比,我可以跟瑞秋,私下談談嗎?Phoebe: Oh, sure! Yeah.當然。Phoebe: Bye Ross! Forever.再見,羅斯。永遠不見了。Ross: Hi. Rachel: Hi.嗨。嘿。Rachel: What"re you doing here? Isn"t this against the rules?你來做什麼?這不是違反規定?Ross: I talked to Monica. Look, I"m the one who made the choice. I"m the one who"s making things change,so I should be the one to you know, step back.我跟莫妮卡談過,是我做這個選擇。我害大家必須要改變,所以離開的應該是我。Rachel: Oh, Ross...Ross: No, no, it"s ok. Really.羅斯…… 真的沒關係。Ross: There"re plenty of people who just see their sisters at Thanksgiving and just see their college roommates at reunions and, just see Joey at Burger King. So is, is that better?很多人只有在感恩節見到妹妹,同學會才見到大學室友,在“漢堡王”才見到喬伊。這樣你舒服一點了嗎?Rachel: No, it"s not better. I still don"t get to see you.一點也沒有。我還是見不到你。Ross: Well, what-what would you do? Rach, if you were me, what-what would you do?瑞秋,換做你會怎麼辦?Rachel: Well, for starters I would"ve said the right name at my wedding!首先,我在婚禮上,就不會說錯名字!Ross: I can"t believe this is happening.竟然得走到這一步。Rachel: I know.我知道。Ross: I am so sorry.我很抱歉。Rachel: I know that too.我也知道。Joey: Hey, Rach? Sorry to interrupt but umm, Phoebe said you wanted to talk to me about a trip or something.瑞秋,抱歉打擾,菲比說我們要去哪裡。Chandler: Hey!嘿。Monica: Hi.嗨。Chandler: I just came over to drop off...nothing. So that weekend kinda sucked, huh?我來拿……沒事,上週末過得很糟。Monica: Yeah, it did.沒錯。Chandler: So, I guess this is over.那大概結束了。Monica: What?什麼?Chandler: Well, you know, you and me, I mean it had to end sometime.我說你跟我啦,反正遲早得結束。Monica: Why, exactly?為什麼?Chandler: Because of the weekend, we had a fight.因為我們上週末吵架啊。Monica: Chandler that"s crazy! If you give up every time you"ve a fight with someone you"d never be withanyone longer than- Ohhh!錢德,別傻了,如果你每次吵架就分手,交往大概不會超過……明白了!Chandler: So, this isn"t over?所以我們還可以繼續?Monica: You are so cute! No. No, it was a fight. You deal with it, you move on! It"s nothing to freak out about.你真可愛,當然,我們只是吵架。吵過之後就算了,根本沒什麼好害怕。Chandler: Really? Ok. Great!真的?太好了。Monica: Ohh, welcome to an adult relationship!歡迎加入成熟戀人行列。Chandler: We"re in a relationship?我們算是男女朋友?Monica: I"m afraid so.恐怕是。Chandler: Ok.好吧。Phoebe: Hey!嘿!Monica: Hey!嗨!Phoebe: Oh hey, Monica, I heard you saw Donald Trump at your convention.莫妮卡,聽說你上週的會議看到唐納德·川普。Monica: Yeah, I saw him waiting for an elevator.對,我看到他在等電梯。Monica: Hey, Rach, can I borrow your eyelash curler, I think I lost mine.瑞秋,借我睫毛夾,我的不見了。Rachel: Yeah, it"s in the bath.好啊,在廁所。Joey: Oh! Ohh! Oh!噢噢哦!Chandler: Joey, can I talk to you for a second?喬伊,過來一下。Joey: Oohh! Ohh! Oh-oh-oh! Oh-oh! Ohhhhhhhhhhh! !!噢噢噢噢噢!Chandler: Yes. Yes.沒錯。Joey: You? ! And-and you? !你?跟你?Monica: Yes, but you cannot tell anyone! No one knows!對,但是你不能告訴別人,還沒人知道。Joey: How? ! When? !怎麼會?何時?Chandler: It happened in London.在倫敦發生的。Joey: In London!!倫敦!Chandler: The reason we didn"t tell anyone was "cause we didn"t wanna make a big deal out of it.我們之所以沒告訴大家,是不想你們大驚小怪。Joey: But it is a big deal! I have to tell someone!這的確是大事,我非告訴誰不可。Chandler: No-no-no-no-no! You can"t!不行……你不能說。Monica: Please. Now, I know this is hard.求你了,我知道這很痛苦。Joey: It is. It hurts.沒錯,痛苦死了。Monica: We know. Please? Please? ! We just don"t wanna deal with telling everyone, ok? Ple- Just promiseyou won"t tell.拜託你,我們就是不想面對大家質問,求求你保證不說。Joey: All right! Man, this is unbelievable! I mean, it"s great, but...好吧,不可思議!這是件好事,可是……Monica: I know, it"s great!我知道,的確很棒!Joey: Aww, I don"t wanna see that!我可不想看到這一幕!Phoebe: We"re so stupid! Do you know what"s going on in there? They"re trying to take Joey!我們真是太蠢了,你知道他們在做什麼嗎?他們想搶走喬伊!Phoebe: The most popular Phoebe in tennis is called the overhand Phoebe. And if you win, you must slap your opponent on the Phoebe and say, "Hi, Phoebe!"網球界最有名的菲比,就叫做殺球菲比。贏了就得跟對方擊掌,說“嗨,菲比”。Monica: Oh that"s cute! We really all enjoyed it. But you know, it doesn"t count.真有意思,很好玩,但是這不算。Phoebe: Count for what?不算什麼?Monica: Just, count in our heads as-as good Mad Libs.這可不算瘋狂猜謎。Joey: I guess I"m done.我不想玩了。Chandler: Fun"s over!不好玩了!Monica: Wait-wait, guys! If-if we follow the rules, it"s still fun and it means something!等等,要遵守規則才有意思也才有意義啊!Joey: See ya.看。Chandler: I"m gonna take off.我要走了。Monica: Guys, rules are good! Rules help control the fun! Ohhh!夥計們!規則很棒很有意思的!喔!

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