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    1、虎嘯而穀風至,龍舉而景雲往。 The tiger whistles and the valley breeze comes, the Dragon raises and the scenery clouds go.

    2、是龍來去大海,是蛇草裡鑽。 It\"s the dragon coming and going to the sea, it\"s the snake grass drilling.

    3、跳蚤變龍鍾,冒牌貨。 Fleas turn into clocks and counterfeit goods.

    4、蛟龍得雲雨,終非池中物。 Jiaolong is not a thing in the pond. 5、龍之未升,與魚鱉為伍;及其昇天,鱗不可睹。 Dragon\"s ascension is accompanied by fish and turtle, and its ascension is invisible.

    6、龍肝鳳膽攏歹醫。 Dragon liver and Phoenix gall pull together evil doctors.

    7、二月二,龍抬頭。 on February 2, the Dragon looked up.From:yorain.com

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