  • 1 # 健康顧問耿直


    1 Determine your area of interest明確你的興趣點.

    You can start learning with any programming language (though some are definitely "easier" than others), so you"ll want to start by asking yourself what it is you want to accomplish by learning a programming language. This will help you determine what type of programming you should pursue, and provide you a good starting point.你可以選擇任意一門計算機語言起步,首先你要明確學習程式設計目標。這個可以幫助你確定程式語言的型別,做為一個學習的好起點。

    If you want to get into web development, you"ll have a whole different set of languages that you"ll need to learn as opposed to developing computer programs. Mobile app developing requires a different skillset than machine programming. All of these decisions will influence your direction.如果你的目標是網頁開發,也有一大堆不同的語言(有別與計算機應用程式)。移動應用開發也需要一組技能,有別於機器程式設計。這些決定都將影響你的學習方向。

    2 Consider starting with a "simpler" language考慮從簡單的語言入門.

    Regardless of your decision, you may want to consider starting with one of the high-level, simpler languages. These languages are especially useful for beginners, as they teach basic concepts and thought processes that can apply to virtually any language.學管你們的初衷是什麼,程式設計入門應該選擇一個簡單的高階語言。這些簡單高階語言對初學者很重要,它們會讓你明白基礎的概念和流程。

    The two most popular languages in this category are Python and Ruby. These are both object-oriented web application languages that use a very readable syntax最流行的是Python和Ruby。它們是面向物件的,支援Web應用程式 , 而且語法可讀性好。

    "Object-oriented" means that the language is built around the concepts of "objects", or collections of data, and their manipulation. This is a concept that is used in many advanced programming languages such as C++, Java, Objective-C, and PHP.面向物件是指,這個語言是基於物件、資料的集合及資料的操縱來構建的程式的。面向物件的概念在諸如C++,Java, Objective-C, 和PHP廣泛應用。

    3 Read through some basic tutorials for a variety of languages.


    If you"re still not sure which language you should start learning, read through some tutorials for a few different languages. If one language makes a bit more sense than the others, try it out for a bit to see if it clicks. There are countless tutorials for every programming available online, including many on wikiHow:


    Python - A great starter language that is also quite powerful when you get familiar with it. Used for many web applications and a number of games.


    Java - Used in countless types of programs, from games to web applications to ATM software 適用於很多的程式,從遊戲到Web應用,到ATM機等,都有它的身影。

    HTML - An essential starting place for any web developer. Having a handle on HTML is vital before moving on to any other sort of web development.對Web開發者來說,這是必學的一門基礎語言。對於開發各類Web應用程式,掌握它是非常必要的。

    C - One of the older languages, C is still a powerful tool, and is the basis for the more modern C++, C#, and Objective-C.歷史悠久的一門計算機語言,也是一個功能強大的工具,對於學習C++,C#,Object-C來說,它是它們的基礎。

    1 Learn the core concepts of the language.


    While the parts of this step that apply will vary depending on the language you choose, all programming languages have fundamental concepts that are essential to building useful programs. Learning and mastering these concepts early will make it easier to solve problems and create powerful and efficient code. Below are just some of the core concepts found in many different languages這部分內容,主要取決於你選擇的程式語言。每門程式語言都有一些基本的概念,這些概念是編寫程式的基礎。儘早熟悉並掌握這些概念,讓你更容易的解決問題,建立功能強大、高效的程式碼。下面是一些程式語言的核心的概念:

    Variables - A variable is a way to store and refer to changing pieces of data. Variables can be manipulated, and often have defined types such as "integers", "characters", and others, which determine the type of data that can be stored. When coding, variables typically have names that make them somewhat identifiable to a human reader. This makes it easier to understand how the variable interacts with the rest of the code


    Conditional Statements - A conditional statement is an action that is performed based on whether the statement is true or not. The most common form of a conditional statement is the "If-Then" statement. If the statement is true (e.g. x = 5) then one thing happens. If the statement is false (e.g. x != 5), then something else happens

    條件語句:指令根據條件的成立或者不成立,執行不同的程式碼 。最常用的表示式是If-Then結構。如條件成立(x=5的情況),做一件事情,如條件不成立(x<>5的情況)做另外一件事情。

    Functions or Subroutines - The actual name for this concept may be called something different depending on the language. It could also be "Procedure", a "Method", or a "Callable Unit". This is essentially a smaller program within a larger program. A function can be "called" by the program multiple times, allowing the programmer to efficiently create complex programs


    Data input - This is a broad concept that is used in nearly every language. it involves handling a user"s input as well as storing that data. How that data is gathered depend on the type of program and the inputs available to the user (keyboard, file, etc.). This is closely linked to Output, which is how the result is returned to the user, be it displayed on the screen or delivered in a file


    2 Install any necessary software.


    Many programming languages require compilers, which are programs designed to translate the code into a language that the machine can understand. Other languages, such as Python, use an interpreter which can execute the programs instantly without compiling很多程式語言需要編繹器,它也是一些用來把程式碼轉化成機器語言的程式。另外一些語言如Python無需編繹器,而過透過直譯器邊讀取邊執行的.

    Some languages have IDEs (Integrated Development Environment) which usually contain a code editor, a compiler and/or interpreter, and a debugger. This allows the programmer to perform any necessary function in one place. IDEs may also contain visual representations of object hierarchies and directories一般程式評議有一個整合開發環境(IDE),通常由程式碼編輯器,編繹器或者直譯器,還有偵錯程式等構成。這樣程式設計師可以在同一個地方完成基本上所有的功能。IDE通常又包含視覺化的物件層次結構的目錄.

    There are a variety of code editors available online. These programs offer different ways of highlighting syntax and provide other developer-friendly tools現在網上有很多程式碼編輯器,這些程式提供各種彩色文字高亮顯示和很多使用者友好的工具,.

    1 Focus on one concept at a time 同一時間段專注一個概念.

    One of the first programs taught for any language is the "Hello World" program. This is a very simple program that displays the text "Hello, World" (or some variation), on the screen. This program teaches first-time programmers the syntax to create a basic, functioning program, as well as how to handle displaying output. By changing the text, you can learn how basic data is handled by the program. Below are some wikiHow guides on creating a "Hello World" program in various languages程式界一般教一門新的語言會用“你好,世界”來起步。它只在螢幕上顯示“你好,世界”的簡單程式。它教會新手建立產基本程式結構的最簡單的語法,及處理顯示的輸出。透過修改文字,你會了解程式如何處理基本資料。下面的連結是不同的程式語言顯示“你好,世界!”:

    Hello World in Python

    Hello World in Ruby

    Hello World in C

    Hello World in PHP

    Hello World in C#

    Hello World in Java


    Learn through deconstruction of online examples.


    There are thousands of code examples online for virtually every programming languages. Use these examples to examine how various aspects of the language work and how different parts interact. Take bits and pieces from various examples to create your own programs網路上有大量的程式碼例項可供學習與參考,透過例項的學習,可以瞭解語言工作的方方面面及它們部件之間如何互動。可以從例項中選取部分程式碼來建立你的程式。

    3 Examine the syntax. 檢查語法的正確性。

    The syntax is the way the language is written so that the compiler or interpreter can understand it. Each language has a unique syntax, though some elements may be shared across multiple languages. Learning the syntax is essential for learning how to program in the language, and is often what people think of when they think about computer programming. In reality, it is simply the foundation upon which more advanced concepts are built語法是程式語言的書寫正確方式,這樣編繹器與直譯器才能夠理解程式。每個語言的語法都是不一樣的,儘管一些元素共享多門程式語言。學習語法知識是學習程式設計的基本功,程式設計程式碼也體現了程式設計師的思想。現實中也一樣,語法是語言中其它高階功能的基礎。

    4 Experiment with changes.


    Make changes to your example programs and then test the result. By experimenting, you can learn what works and what doesn"t much quicker than by reading a book or guide. Don"t be afraid to break your program; learning to fix errors is a major part of any development process, and new things almost never work right the first time 修改樣本程式,測試結果。透過大量實驗,你會學會那些可行,那些不可行,這種方法比閱讀書本與程式設計指南要高效與快速。不要害怕程式的中斷,學會如何糾正錯誤是開發過程中一個不可缺少的步驟,新事情一般不可能第一次就能夠正常執行。.

    5 Start practicing debugging.


    When you"re programming, you"re invariably going to come across bugs. These are errors in the program, and can manifest virtually anywhere. Bugs can be harmless quirks in the program, or they can be major errors that keep the program from compiling or running. Hunting down and fixing these errors is a major process in the software development cycle, so get used to doing this early一旦編寫程式,你會經常遇到錯誤,它們會出現在程式任何地方。它們是不透過編繹或者解釋的主要錯誤。找到並修正這個錯誤是軟體開發環節中一個重要環節,所以不要緊張。

    As you experiment with changing basic programs, you"re going to come across things that don"t work. Figuring out how to take a different approach is one of the most valuable skills you can have as a programmer修改基本程式時,經常會碰到程式問題.找到不同解決問題的方案,是作為程式積累經驗與技巧的最佳途徑。

    6 Comment all of your code.


    Nearly all programming languages have a "comment" function that allows you to include text that is not processed by the interpreter or compiler. This allows you to leave short, but clear, human-language explanations of what the code does. This will not only help you remember what your code does in a large program, it is an essential practice in a collaborative environment, as it allows others to understand what your code is doing程式語言一般都註釋這個功能,註釋的內容編繹器與直譯器是不會處理的。一般情況下,註釋要求用簡潔的,自然語言來解釋程式碼的做什麼。在大型程式中,這個方法可以幫助你記住程式碼的功能,在團隊協助的環境下,也是讓他人讀懂你的程式碼的方法。.

    1 Code daily.


    Mastering a programming language takes time above all else. Even a simpler language like Python, which may only take a day or two to understand the basic syntax, takes lots of time to become truly proficient at. Like any other skill, practice is the key to becoming more proficient. Try to spend at least some time each day coding, even if it"s only for an hour between work and dinner 掌握一門程式語言非常費時,即便是Python這個語言,也需要1-2天才能夠理解基本的語法,掌握需要更多的時間。與其它技能一樣,熟能生巧. 每天抽出一點時間程式設計,即使工作或者用餐中的間隙時間。


    Set goals for your programs.


    By setting attainable but challenging goals, you will be able to start solving problems and coming up with solutions. Try to think of a basic application, such as a calculator, and develop a way to make it. Use the syntax and concepts you"ve been learning and apply them to practical uses設定一個可行但又有挑戰的目標,這樣能夠解決問題,提出方案。先想出一個簡單的應用程式,如計算器的開發及步驟。在編寫過程中使用已學的語法與概念,並運用到實際中。


    Talk with others and read other programs.


    There are lots of programming communities dedicated to specific languages or disciplines. Finding and participating in a community can do wonders for your learning. You will gain access to a variety of samples and tools that can aid you in your learning process. Reading other programmers" code can inspire you and help you grasp concepts that you haven"t mastered yet.有很多的程式設計社群,致力於特寫的程式語言或者相應學科。參於到這些你感興趣的社群活動,你會接觸大量例子,工具來幫助你學習。閱讀別人的程式碼可以激發你的創造力,幫助你掌握一些核心的概念與思想。

    Check out programming forums and online communities for your language of choice. Make sure to participate and not just constantly ask questions. These communities are usually viewed as a place of collaboration and discussion and not simply Q&A. Feel free to ask for help, but be prepared to show your work and be open to trying different approaches 去看看程式設計的論壇,儘量參與進去,不侷限於問問題。社群裡有很多的協助,討論,不侷限於問答。不要羞於問問題,提交你的工作,開啟的想像力,嘗試不同的方法。

    Once you have some experience under your belt, consider attending a hack-a-thon or programming jam. these are events where individuals or teams compete against the clock to develop a functional program, usually based around a specific theme. These events can be a lot of fun and are a great way to meet other programmers 積累到一定的程度,參加一些程式設計果醬,這些是個體或者團隊定期開發一些功能性程式,一般面對一些特定的主題。這些活動好玩,也是接觸其它程式設計師的好方法。

    Challenge yourself to keep it fun.


    Try to do things that you don"t know how to do yet. Research ways to accomplish the task (or a similar one), and then try to implement that in your own program. Try to avoid being content with a program that "basically" works; do everything you can to make sure every aspect works flawlessly挑戰一些你不知道如何做的事情。並研究提出解決問題的方法,並用你的程式實現問題的求解。為了不滿足於簡單的基本程式,儘量想辦法讓程式碼完美的執行起來。


    Take a few training courses.


    Many universities, community colleges, and community centers offer programming classes and workshops that you can attend without having to enroll in the school. These can be great for new programmers, as you can get hands-on help from an experienced programmer, as well as network with other local programmers很多的大學,社群學院,社群提供一些程式設計課程或者就業課程,你可以參加這些課程。對新手來說也是一個非常難得的機會,你可以得到有經驗豐富程式設計師及時的幫助,也可以與當地的其它程式設計師協作分享。


    Buy or borrow a book. T


    here are thousands of instructional books available for every conceivable programming language. While your knowledge should not come strictly from a book, they make great references and often contain a lot of good examples程式設計方面的書籍多如牛毛。當然你的知識不可能都書本上來,書本只做一些重要參考與案例的解讀.


    Study math and logic.


    Most programming involves basic arithmetic, but you may want to study more advanced concepts. This is especially important if you are developing complex simulations or other algorithm-heavy programs. For most day-to-day programming, you don"t need much advanced math. Studying logic, especially computer logic, can help you understand how best to approach complex problem solving for more advanced programs 程式設計一般涉及到簡單的算術,.你還要學習更多的高階內容。這一點對於編寫複雜的模擬或者涉及大量演算法的程式。對於大多數日常工作的程式程式碼,並不涉及大量高階的數學知識。學習點邏輯,特別是計算機邏輯,對於理解與解決複雜問題,編寫高階的程式很有用。


    Never stop programming.


    There is a popular theory that becoming an expert takes at least 10,000 hours of practice. While this is up for debate, the general principle remains true: mastery takes time and dedication. Don"t expect to know everything overnight, but if you stay focused and continue to learn, you may very well end up an expert in your field 要成為其一行業的專家,有一個很著名的1萬小時理論。雖然這個理論有很大的爭議性,但還是有一個定的普適性。時間與專注是不可缺少的先決條件,不可能一口氣吃成一個胖子,如果你聚集於一點,不斷學習,你就很可能成為這方面的專家。.

    5 Learn another programming language.


    While you can certainly get by with mastering one language, many programmers help their chances of success in the field by learning multiple languages. Their second or third languages are usually complementary to their first one, allowing them to develop more complex and interesting programs. Once you have a good grasp on your first program, it may be time to start learning a new one 精通一門語言固然好,很多程式設計師是透過學習多門語言幫助他們獲得成功。他們的第二,三門語言是第一門語言的補充,他們能夠開發出更復雜與有趣的程式。如果你第一門語言精通,也是學習一門新語言的好時機。.

    You will likely find that learning your second language goes much quicker than the first. Many core concepts of programming carry over across languages, especially if the languages are closely related你會發現學習第二門語言時,學習速度比較快。一些核心的概念是透過語言再次呈現的,特別是這些語言比較相似。








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