  • 1 # 真象大白


    公元700年-Jābir ibn Hayyān[1]創造了"Aqua Fortis",現在稱為硝酸。他透過加熱硝石並將生成的氣體溶解在水中來生產它。







    公元1650年 -Robert Boyle[2]


    公元1776年 - Antoine Laurent Lavoisier [3]

    公元1776年安託萬·洛朗·拉瓦錫是一位法國貴族和化學家,因其對化學革命的貢獻而聞名。他因出售摻假菸草而被處決。 他把注意力轉向酸和鹼的分類,這些化合物的理論構造才開始。他的想法是,所有的酸或多或少都含有一種特定的“精華”,這種“精華”負責它們的酸度。不幸的是,他錯誤地認為這些產氧物質是氧氣。





    公元1810-Sir Humphry Davy[4]


    1840年 - Justus von Liebig [5]




    公元1884年-Svante August Arrhenius(1859-1927)[6]








    酸+鹼 - >水+鹽








    丹麥化學家Søren Peder Lauritz Sørensen

    公元1907 年 - S.P.L.Sørensen[8]

    Søren Peder Lauritz Sørensen是丹麥化學家,最著名的是開發pH值用於酸度檢測。




    在他1909年的論文在Biochemische Zeitschrift,s p l . Sørenson開發了一種新的比色測定酸度。但更重要的是,他將表達酸度的概念定義為負氫離子濃度的對數,稱為ph,他是第一個嘗試使用靜電方法來辨別ph。他的方法涉及氫電極、甘汞參比電極。它非常不方便,沒有取代指示符的使用方法。

    丹麥化學家Søren Peder Lauritz Sørensen


    萊昂納爾·米切利斯酶動力學的創始人出版了一本專著《Die wasserl -stoffionkonzetration》,這本書幫助說服了生化學家和後來的化學家,讓他們相信pH在分析研究中的重要性。從那以後,pH值的測量,尤其是在生命科學中,變得越來越重要。

    公元1920年 - Thomas Lowry+JohannesBrønsted[9]



    布朗斯特德 - 洛瑞酸鹼理論(酸鹼質子理論)指出:






    1927年-James Bryant Conant[10]


    公元1930年 - Gilbert Lewis[11]

    吉爾伯特·劉易斯 是一位美國物理化學家,因發現共價鍵和電子對而聞名


    真正的現代pH值測量是由兩項重大創新帶來的革命。第一個是鄧肯·麥金尼斯(Duncan McInnes)和馬爾科姆·多爾(Malcolm Dole)[12]於1930年開發的一種能夠對氫離子做出反應的高階玻璃電極。第二次是在1934年,阿諾德 貝克曼Arnold Beckman[13]是一位發明pH計的美國實業家。

    1956年—Arthur Clifton Guyton[14](1919年9月8日 - 2003年4月3日)



    醫學生理學教科書是世界上最暢銷的生理學文字,已被翻譯成至少13種語言(教科書記憶狀態13,[2]但線上記憶中至少有15 種語言。[1])

    從第九版開始,John E. Hall共同撰寫了教科書。然而,所有以前的版本完全由Guyton編寫,第八版於1991年出版。[3]後續版本,包括最新版本,保留了他在遺產中的遺產,Guyton和Hall教科書的醫學生理學。[4]

    1960 年 - George Olah[15]

    在20世紀60年代,凱斯西儲大學的化學家喬治·奧拉發明了一種更強大的“魔法酸”——一種由五氟化銻(SbF5)和氟-rosulfuric Acid (HSO3F)混合而成的化合物,產生的酸比硫酸強一萬億倍,以其溶解蠟燭蠟的神奇能力而得名——迫使碳氫化合物以聞所未聞的方式接受質子。自19世紀50年代以來,“超級鹼基”(super -base)幾乎可以從任物質中去除氫,但這個詞是近代才命名。

    F.John Gennari美國柏靈頓蒙特大學醫學院醫學教授早年照片


    20世紀80年代,美國柏靈頓蒙特大學醫學院醫學金納裡教授(F.John Gennari)[16]與Nicolaos E·Madias教授編寫的初版《Acid-Base》(《酸鹼失衡及治療》),以及後面在此基礎上的HoracioJ.Adrogu6教授和JohnH.Galla教授合作,並且在來自美國、加拿大和歐洲等26個國家作者的幫助下編寫的新書《酸鹼失衡及治療》,本書涵蓋的知識廣泛,資料豐富,以大量的圖表、參考文獻和相關資料及公式介紹了酸鹼平衡的基礎知識、酸鹼平衡紊亂評估與臨床應用、治療等,並收集了作者親歷的範例,具有很強的指導意義,並被美國醫學院協會主席Joedan J. Conhen,M.D.譽為關於酸鹼平衡領域的一本新的百科全書,成為目前酸鹼與人體科研領域權威書籍,可供臨床各科醫師、研究生、進修生參考使用的參考書。






    人類對於酸鹼的研究經過數百年的發展,才有了今天的成果,但這離我們真正瞭解酸鹼應該還有很遠的路需要走,歷代酸鹼領域偉人們的付出也未能換來一個“酸鹼理論之父”或“創始人”稱號,可見其學術之難。酸鹼是我們無法避開的話題,地球上的食物是由不同元素組成,以C、N-、O2+、H+、Cl-、P3-、S2-等為代表的酸性離子組成了蛋白質、糖、膳食纖維、脂肪、維生素及水等人體必需的營養物質,是人體的主要能量來源, 以Ca2+、Na+、K+、Mg2+等為代表的鹼性離子組成了無機鹽、包括水中的礦物質等人體必需礦物元素,維持機體正常的生理活動,它們大致可以以酸鹼分類,它們也沒有好壞之分,人體需要它們、攝入它們、利用它們並排出它們,已完成正常的生理過程,因此,人類的健康與酸鹼有著千絲萬縷的聯絡,我們應該正確的看待它們,學習他們,早日為我們所用。


    [1] 700 A.D. - Jābir ibn Hayyān

    Jābir ibn Hayyān created "Aqua Fortis" which is known today as Nitric acid . He produced it by heating saltpeter and dissolving the resulting gas in water.

    Jābir ibn Hayyān was an Arab or Persian scientist credited with the creation of the first acid along with many other things.

    The origins of acidity

    Early "scientists" identified with substances by taste. The substances with acidity were identified as having a "sour" taste.

    Sour eventually was eventually discovered to be the tongue"s way of identifying acid.

    The Greeks named this "oxein" literally meaning "sharp", referring to the sour taste of acids。The Romans named acid "acere" which literally translates in latin as " be sour

    [2] 1650 A.D. - Robert Boyle

    Robert Boyle was an alchemist born in Ireland who discovered the first indicators.

    He was a polymath meaning his knowledge spanned a great number of subjects including alchemy, chemistry, medicine, philosophy and astrology.

    He was a philosopher, chemist, physicist and inventor and is regarded as the first modern chemist. His most well known theory is Boyle"s Law.

    Boyle discovered the first indicators from plant extracts which changed colour in the presence of acids or bases

    [3] 1776 A.D. - Antoine Laurent Lavoisier

    Antoine Laurent Lavoisier was a French nobleman and chemist famous for his contributions to the Chemical revolution. He was executed for selling adulterated tobbaco.

    Lavoisier is most well known for the discovery of oxygen and hydrogen and helped to establish the metric system. Lavoisier also helped the transition from science being qualitative to quantative.

    Lavoisier predicted that something was responsible for the acidity in acid and proposed that a substance that he named "oxygen" was the cause of it. Oxygen comes from the greek stems "oxys" which means sour and "gonos" which means producing.

    He believed this as the salts formed from combustion were acidic when dissolved in water

    Lavoisier"s famous phlogiston experiment which led to the discovery of oxygen

    French chemist Antoine Laurent Lavoisier (1743–1796) turned his attention to the classification of acids and bases that a theoretical structuring of these compounds began. His idea was that all acids contained more or less of a particu- lar “essence” that was responsible for their acidity and were not uniquely differ- ent. Unfortunately, he wrongly thought oxein-genic substance was, as he called it, oxygen.

    [4] 1810 A.D.- Sir Humphry Davy

    Sir Humphrey Davy was an English born chemist most widely known for his work on electrolysis and the Davy lamp.

    By the early 19th century, English chemist Humphry Davy (1778–1829) demonstrated that oxygen could not be responsible for acidity, because there were numerous acids that did not contain oxygen.

    [5] 1840 A.D.- Justus von Liebig

    Davy showed that not all acids contained oxygen taking the example of muriatic acid (more commonly known today as hydrochloric acid) which contains Hydrogen and a element which Davy identified as chlorine

    Justus von Liebig was a German chemist born in Darmstadt who made contributions to biological and agricultural chemistry. One of his more notable inventions is the Libig condenser

    Liebig made the suggestion that hydrogen was the element present in all acids.

    the idea of acidity being associated with the presence of hydrogen was proposed by the German chemist Justus von Liebig (1803–1873).

    [6] 1884 A.D. - Svante Arrhenius

    in the 1890s, Svante August Arrhenius (1859–1927) finally defined acids as “substances delivering hydrogen cations to the solution” and bases as “substances deliv- ering hydroxyl anions to the solution”. He also proposed that the mechanism by which acids and bases interacted to neutralize one another was by forming water and the appro- priate salt.

    Svante Arrhenius was a Swedish physicist and chemist who is most well known for his work on the theory of ionic dissociation and Acid-Base Theory

    Svante Arrhenius theorised for his PhD paper that acids, bases and salts split up in to positive and negative ions when in solution.

    His acid base theory states that:

    Acids provide Hydrogen ions

    Bases provide Hydroxide ions

    React together to form water in a neutralisation reaction

    Acid + Base -> Water + Salt

    February 1859,Svante Arrhenius born in Vik, Sweden

    1884,Svante Arrhenius submits dissertion on electrolytic conductivity outlining ionic dissociation

    Recieves 4th class degree

    1901,Svante Arrhenius elected a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences

    1903,Svante Arrhenius awarded nobel prize for chemistry "for his electrolytic theory of dissociation"

    1927,Svante Arrhenius dies due to an attack of acute intestinal catarrh

    The pH scale is a method of determining the acidity or basicity of something.

    It is defined as "the decimal logarithm of the reciprocal of the hydrogen ion activity" (Wikipedia-pH)

    [7] It was the work of Hermann Walther Nernst (1864–1941) that, in 1889, gave the theoretical foundation for the use of electrode potential to measure the concentration of an ion in solution. With Arrhenius’s definition of acidity as the result of hydrogen ion concentration, it was a small step to create a scale of acidity based on the results of electrode potential

    [8] 1907 AD - S.P.L. Sørensen

    Søren Peder Lauritz Sørensen was a Danish chemist most famous for developing the pH scale for measuring acidity.

    Sørensen also described two ways of measuring acidity :

    1. The conductivity of a current

    2. Colour of a preset indicator

    in his 1909 paper in Biochemische Zeitschrift, S. P. L. Sørenson developed a new colorimetric assay for acidity. But more importantly, he defined the concept of expressing acidity as the negative loga- rithm of the hydrogen ion concentration, which he termed pH. And he was one of the first to attempt to use electrostatic methods to discern pH. His method involved a hydrogen electrode in combina- tion with a calomel reference electrode. It was sufficiently inconvenient that it did not replace the use of indicator methods.

    Additionally, the usefulness of his pH concept was first relatively ignored except in the field of enzymology.

    [9] 1920 - Johannes Brønsted (Dan)

    1920 AD - Thomas Lowry (Brit)

    Thomas Lowry was a British physical chemist who simultaneously and independantly formulated the Brønsted–Lowry acid–base theory with Johannes Brønsted, a Danish physical chemist.

    Later, Danish chemist Johannes Brønsted and English chemist Thomas Lowry would independently propose a modifica- tion of the definitions, retaining the connec- tion of the proton release to acids, but defin- ing bases more broadly as any substance capable of binding protons. Thus, measurements of the hydrogen ion became key to defining the level of acidity, and bases truly were relegated to the mirror-compan- ion of acids as simply receptors.

    Thomas M. Lowry Johannes N. Brønsted

    The Brønsted–Lowry acid–base theory stated that:

    Acids donate protons (H )

    Bases accept protons


    These ideas were accepted more readily than Arrhenius" for two main reasons:

    1. They were both established scientists

    2. The proton and the electron had been studied making it easier to

    accept the fact that atoms could break apart

    ———-Leonor Michaelis (of Michaelis/Menten enzyme kinetics fame) published a monograph, Die Wasser- stoffionkonzetration, that helped to convince biochemists and later, chemists in general, of the critical importance of pH to analytical research. From then on, meas- urement of pH, especially in the life sciences, became considered of greater and greater importance.

    [10] 1927 A.D - James Conant

    in 1927, James Bryant Conant, a Harvard chemist, coined the term “superacid” when he developed an acid from mixing sulfphuric acid with fluorosulfuric acid to create a solution literally a million times stronger than earlier acids.

    James Conant was an American chemist who discovered superacids.

    Conant discovered that when sulphuric acid and fluorosulphuric acid were mixed, the resulting acid was 1,000,000 times stronger than sulphuric acid.

    [11] 1930 AD - Gilbert Lewis

    Gilbert Lewis was an American physical chemist famous for discovering the covalent bond and electron pairs

    A Lewis Acid is defined as an electron pair acceptor where as a Lewis Base is defined as an electron donor meaning the concept of acids and bases were no longer restricted to aqueous solution

    Gilbert Lewis (1875–1946) refined the acid and base concept to include dissolution events in nonaqueous solvents, where free protons are not involved. Developing along with these theoretical considerations, the prac- tical measurement of acidity has a long history, and this practice is at the founda- tion of analytical chemistry and ultimate- ly of the analytical instrument business. The concept of pH was perhaps the most important in facilitating this evolution.

    [12] The first was the 1930 development by Duncan McInnes and Malcolm Dole of a superior glass electrode capable of respond- ing to hydrogen ions.

    The second occurred in 1934, when Arnold O. Beckman invent- ed the acidimeter based on the request of

    [13] 1934 AD - Arnold Beckman

    Arnold Beckman was an american industrialist who invented the pH meter

    It was invented for the Californean Fruit growers Exchange to measure the acidity of lemons.

    (in 1934, when Arnold O. Beckman invent- ed the acidimeter based on the request of an old friend, Glen Joseph, who worked for the California Fruit Growers Association (www.geocities.com/bioelectrochemistry/beck man.htm). The citrus growers needed a way of monitoring fruit acidity during the produc- tion of pectin and citric acid—sulfur diox- ide used as a preservative made standard methods of testing unusable. Beckman designed a sensitive and sturdy instrument that he called an acidimeter that used a pair of vacuum-tube signal amplifiers and glass electrodes to measure pH easily.

    Mainly because of its cost ($195 in Depression-era America), Beckman’s acidimeter received a lukewarm reception when presented at the September 1935 ACS meeting in San Francisco. But after being assured by advisers at the Universi- ty of Pennsylvania that it was a good prod- uct, the Arthur H. Thomas Co. became one of the first major suppliers of the Beck- man acidimeter, selling more than 100 in the first year (www.thomassci.com/history. htm). This helped Beckman’s own compa- ny, NTL, flourish despite the bad econom- ic times, and ultimately led to the forma- tion of the company that bears his name. The device earned him a place in the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 1987.

    From its first unveiling, the original Beckman acidimeter became the inspira- tion for a host of improvements and adap- tations in what would universally be known as the pH meter, giving profound impetus to the rise of the international instrument business. For example, Swiss engineer Bertold Suhner developed one of the first European pH meters for Metrohm, only a few years after Beckman introduced his device. And the company followed in 1950 with the first combined pH electrodes (www.metrohm.com/company/profile_e.html).

    In another example, soon after World War II ended, Masao Horiba, a student at Kyoto University, abandoned his thesis research when the university cyclotron he was using was destroyed in accordance with the U.S. policy to eliminate all nuclear physics capabilities in Japan. He established a “wireless” research company (then the term for what would become electronics) and discovered that the most important aspect of the process that he used to construct capacitors for his equipment was ensuring a consistent pH in the solution used to make oxide film. According to Hori- ba, “The market for pH meters was domi- nated by American products, which were not only very expensive, but not suited to the humid Japanese climate.” With the

    cooperation of two university professors from Kyoto, Horiba developed a suitable pH meter, which was named the “Alligator”. By 1950, he was producing glass electrodes, and by 1953, he established Horiba, Ltd., based on the success of a series of his pH meter designs (http://global.horiba.com).

    Throughout the postwar years to the present, other corporations followed in the wake of Beckman with their own pH meters, tailored to every sensitivity, size, task, and price. Monitoring acidity has, over the years, become a major business, as well as a research mainstay of the analytical instru- ment industry—all from the tartness of vinegar and the initial curiosity of the ancient world. )

    [14] The Science Behind Acid-Alkaline Imbalance

    Arthur Guyton, M.D., in his Textbook of Medical Physiology dedicated an entire chapter on this concept and stated that when the body is alkaline it converts free radicals to harmless water and oxygen which maintains energy and vitality. The acid-alkaline balance relates to the chemistry of the body’s fluids and tissues as measured by pH. The cells of the body must have a slightly alkaline environment to survive. With a blood pH of 7.365 the cells are in homeostasis and they receive nourishment and release waste with ease. But when you eat, drink and live an acidic lifestyle, your cells and the inner environment become toxic. Your patient’s diet and lifestyle choices will either help or harm their delicate pH balance and their overall health. Textbook of medical physiology[edit]

    Textbook of Medical Physiology is the world"s best-selling physiology text and has been translated into at least 13 languages (the textbook memoriam states 13,[2]but the online memoriam states at least 15.[1])

    From the ninth edition onwards, John E. Hall co-authored the textbook. However, all prior editions were written entirely by Guyton, with the eighth edition published in 1991.[3] Subsequent editions, including the latest, preserve his legacy within the title, Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology.[4]

    [15] 1960 A.D - George Olah

    In the 1960s, Case Western Reserve Univer- sity’s George Olah developed an even more powerful “Magic Acid”—a mix of antimony pentafluoride (SbF5) and fluo- rosulfuric acid (HSO3F), named for its magical ability to dissolve candle wax— forcing hydrocarbons to accept protons in an unheard-of manner. “Super-bases” that remove hydrogen from almost anything have existed since the 1850s, but the term itself is modern.

    George Olah is a Hungarian and American chemist who did notable work on Carbocations

    Olah discovered Magic acid made of a mixture of Fluorosulphuric acid and Antimony pentachloride (H FSbF )

    The resulting acid is a trillion times stronger than Sulphuric acid and can dissolve candle wax. It is currently the stongest acid known to us

    [16] 酸鹼失衡及治療/(美)金納裡(Gennari F.J.)等主編;謝鵬雁主譯。——北京:科學出版社,2009 ISBN 978-7-03-022960-1

    [17] 病理生理學/王建枝,殷蓮華主編.——8版.北京:人民衛生出版社,2013 ISBN 978-7-117-17216-5

    [18] Acid–base reaction:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acid%E2%80%93base_reaction

    [19] 酸,提供離子(H+),鹼,接受這些離子

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