養生保健 Care ; Health care ; Keeping Fit ; Nutrition health
preserve one"s health; nourishing of life; keep in good health:
◉ 只需一套正確的鍛鍊養生的方法以及一點點決心,你就可以擁有夢寐以求的曼妙身體。With the right workout regimen and a little determination you can have the body you have alwaysdreamed of. ◉ 這種養生法將改善你的注意力和專注力,這些反過來有助於你更有效率。This regimen will improve your focus and concentration, which in turn, helps you be more efficient and productive.
Kang He Health Maintenance
養生保健 Care ; Health care ; Keeping Fit ; Nutrition health
preserve one"s health; nourishing of life; keep in good health:
◉ 只需一套正確的鍛鍊養生的方法以及一點點決心,你就可以擁有夢寐以求的曼妙身體。With the right workout regimen and a little determination you can have the body you have alwaysdreamed of. ◉ 這種養生法將改善你的注意力和專注力,這些反過來有助於你更有效率。This regimen will improve your focus and concentration, which in turn, helps you be more efficient and productive.