  • 1 # 雨夜聲繁



    1.不孕不育:make love everyday but no baby

    2.叩頭 let your head duang duang duang on the ground

    3.相交點:banana point

    4.怦然心動: make my heart peng peng peng

    5.皇宮:big house bulingbuling

    6.士可殺不可辱:you can kill me but can’t fuck me.

    7.—日為師終身為父:one day is your teacher, day day is your father.

    8.泰山雄偉壯觀:mountain tai is wa oh!

    9.葬禮:died party

    10.他們興高采烈:they are happy happy

  • 2 # 南波萬01

    士可殺,不可辱 You can kill me, but you cannot fuck me!

    人之初,性本善。At the beginning of life, sex is good.

    常思念那個夢中的她,夢中的她。I often sleep her in the dreams.

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