  • 1 # 張景賢

    arise (arose, arisen) vi .(問題,困難等)出現;發生, 產生;主語一般為抽象名詞,如problem, trouble, quarrel, difficulty, misunderstanding。無被動語態。

    常用短語:arise from / out of sth.由……引起;因……產生。 如: 1) How did the quarrel arise? 爭吵是怎麼引起的?

    2) They are talking about problems arising out of

    the lack of communication. (後置定語)that arose out of the lack of communication.

    arouse意為“激起,喚醒;使... 奮發” 可用於被動語態

    1) arouse one’s interest / sympathy“喚起某人的興趣 / 同情心”

    2) arouse sb. 喚醒某人

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