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      電影《燃情歲月》的插曲叫《The Ludlows》。  歌詞如下:  The Ludlows  As evening fell a maiden stood  At the edge of a wood  In her hands lay the reins of a stallion  And never I"d seen  A girl as fair  Heard a gentler voice anywhere  Whispered, alas  She belonged  Belonged to another  Another, forever  Yes, she belonged to  The twilight and mist.  中文大意:  夜幕低垂,  一位女士站在一片樹林的邊緣外,  她的手上持著馴馬的鞭繩,  從沒見過這麼美麗的女孩,  隨處可聽見一溫柔的聲音,  向她輕聲細訴...她屬於...她屬於...另一個人...另一個人,  永遠屬於他...  是的,  她應屬於...這薄暮和朦朧的霧中。

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