雙引號(1)表示文中的人說的話。"I"ve been thinking about this afternoon, you know,"said Halliday rather suddenly. (2)引用單詞或短語。 How do you spell the word "across"?(3)不尋常的詞語也常用引號,以引人注意。 The noun to which a relative pronoun refers is called the "antecedent" of the pronoun.關係代詞所指代的名詞喚作關係代詞的“先行詞”。(4)書名和詩文名也用引號。 Have you read, “The Jungle"? 你讀過《屠場》嗎?2. 單引號這兩種引號沒什麼區別,但雙引號更通用。單引號似多用在英國。She enjoyed the film "Madame curie".她很欣賞影片《居里夫人》。(英國習慣)She enjoyed the film "Madame Curie." (美國習慣)
雙引號(1)表示文中的人說的話。"I"ve been thinking about this afternoon, you know,"said Halliday rather suddenly. (2)引用單詞或短語。 How do you spell the word "across"?(3)不尋常的詞語也常用引號,以引人注意。 The noun to which a relative pronoun refers is called the "antecedent" of the pronoun.關係代詞所指代的名詞喚作關係代詞的“先行詞”。(4)書名和詩文名也用引號。 Have you read, “The Jungle"? 你讀過《屠場》嗎?2. 單引號這兩種引號沒什麼區別,但雙引號更通用。單引號似多用在英國。She enjoyed the film "Madame curie".她很欣賞影片《居里夫人》。(英國習慣)She enjoyed the film "Madame Curie." (美國習慣)