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    英語中cousins一詞,既可表示“表兄弟姊妹”也可表示“堂兄弟姊妹 ”。如果要細分,可以這樣說:表兄弟姊妹cousins via female line堂兄弟姊妹 cousins on the father"s side或 patrilinealcousins再細分如下:表兄弟male cousins via female line或male cousins with a different surname表姊妹maternal female cousins或 daughters of mother"s siblings, 或daughters of father"s sisters堂兄弟male cousinson the paternal side或paternal male cousins或father"s brother"s sons堂姊妹female first cousins on the father"s side或father"s brother"s daughters或paternal female cousins

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