  • 1 # Jnbfd

    tell her a story給她講故事雙語對照例句:

    1.Guzman dares tell her story now for a simple reason--varela is dead. 尤雅娜現在敢把故事講出來的道理很簡單萬利拉已經死了。

    2.After a report that she had sought$ 3 00000 to tell her story to a tabloid or in a book, the story fadedaway. 接著有報道說她把自己的故事以30萬美元的價格賣給一個小報或一本書,這則故事慢慢消失於無形。

    3.In 2005 she flew on an aircraft for the first time to new york to tell her story to the united nations. 2005年,她第一次坐上了飛機,前往紐約向聯合國(un)講述她的故事

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