  • 1 # zdiyo15546

    Only a back pack with a few belongings is all they have to remind them of the lives they ran away from.也只有背囊裡那些殘存的物品提醒著他們剛剛逃離的生活。Stuart took up the pack with a feverish hand; then suddenly put them down again.安得露·斯圖阿特用他那激動得有些發熱的手把牌收起,突然他又把牌往桌上一攤,說:This bar chart shows the top four companies and their market shares: the American Jo y&am Jammy Company leads the pack with 29%, followed by the domestic firm, V08, at 21%.我剛才給各位的統計數字說明臺灣的確是一個以年輕人為導向的市場,而且未來十年之內仍然會繼續是這種狀況。

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