  • 1 # 湯圓電影Vlog

      fresh and delicious中文:新鮮又美味。  The food in this restaurant is famous for its freshness and delicious taste.  這家餐廳的食物以味美新鮮而聞名。  The main ingredient of the dish is Qingyun goose produced in Guangdong  and Jiangsu.Its meat is fine,tender and tastes fresh and delicious.  胭脂香鵝的主要材料是廣東特產的青運鵝,其肉鮮、嫩、爽、美。  Sashimi Gozen is the set meal that the sashimi of prawn, squids  and fishes being served and the seafood is fresh and delicious.  刺身拼盤裡有很新鮮的甜蝦刺身、墨魚和各種魚類,雖然是生的,不過味道還是很鮮美。

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • CASIO/卡西歐G-SHOCK電波表MTG-1000Y-1A為什麼總是停?