  • 1 # 福不敢好久不見

    The sun is shiningSunny燦爛;Sunny明媚;Sunny普照例句1.There are some clouds in the sky, but the sun is shining.天上有很多雲,但太陽依舊燦爛。2.It is a fine day today. There are some clouds in the sky, but the sun is shining.今天是個晴朗的天。天上有些雲彩,但Sunny燦爛。3.Sunday, the sun is shining brightly, with a brother and sister at Chrysanthemum.星期日,Sunny明媚,姐姐帶著弟弟去看菊花。4.It is very hot and dry in the desert. The sun is shining all day.沙漠裡非常炎熱而且乾燥,太陽整天都很大。5.Betty: Well, the sun is shining, the birds singing and I just got 100% on my English test!貝蒂:Sunny明媚,小鳥在歌唱,而我的英語測試得了滿分!

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