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    snowy 英[ˈsnəʊi:,ˈsnəʊi] 美[ˈsnoi] adj.

    1.多雪的, 下雪的, 積雪的

    2.雪白的, 純白的

    3.被雪覆蓋的 形容詞 adj.1.多雪的, 下雪的, 積雪的 The weather has been very snowy recently.近來天氣多雪。They often stood sentry on snowy nights.他們常常在雪夜放哨。It was a dead-cold snowy afternoon with no signs of life outside.那是一個寒冷的下午, 天還下著雪, 外面一個人也沒有。Do you think your car will stand up well under such snowy conditions?你認為你的車在積雪的條件下還能耐用嗎?2.雪白的, 純白的 The old man combed his snowy hair.老頭兒梳他的白髮。3.被雪覆蓋的

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