  • 1 # 細講故事

    blank space英 [blæŋk speis] 美 [blæŋk spes]空白(區)空白區;一片空白;空白空間;空白範圍雙語例句1. Sign your name in the blank space below. 把名字簽在下面的空白處。2. Please write your name in the blank space at the top of the page. 請把姓名寫在這頁上面的空白處.3. Each white field on the Structure line represents a blank space. 結構行上的每個白色欄位代表一段空白.4. Indent: To begin a line or lines with a blank space. 縮排: 字行縮排一固定空格,然後開始的排法.5. It cannot contain any, blank space or comma between digits. 它不可以有空格或逗號在數字當中.

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