  • 1 # nulag39350

    obstacle:障礙英語釋義:a thing that blocks one"s way or prevents or hinders progress.handicap:阻礙1.名詞英語釋義:a condition that markedly restricts a person"s ability to function physically, mentally, or socially.2.動詞英語釋義:act as an impediment to.

  • 2 # maimi32709

    hinder〓語氣較輕,多指阻礙、拖延人或事,強調使進展速度緩慢下來.obstruct〓正式用詞,語氣強,多指以干擾或設定障礙的方式阻礙交通,使不能自由暢通.hamper〓側重因受到約束或阻礙而造成的行動困難.handicap〓主要強調不利條件造成的障礙1. obstacle指“阻礙前進的東西或狀況”, 如:Her father"s opposition remained only their obstacle.她父親的反對是他們唯一的障礙2.barrier 指“阻礙整個通道的阻塞物”, 如:Your interference is a barrier of justice.你的干預阻礙了正義

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