有段時間很喜歡葉芝的詩,其中最喜歡這一首。因為特定的詩要送給特別的人。A Deep -Sworn Vow深沉的誓言Others because you did not keep 他人由於你背棄了誓盟, That deep-sworn vow have been friends of mine; 一個個變成了我的友朋; Yet always when I look death in the face, 可每當我盯著死神面孔,When I clamber to the heights of sleep, 當我睡意沉沉酣然入夢, Or when I grow excited with wine, 當我舉杯狂飲酒興正濃, Suddenly I meet your face. 陡然間,浮現出你的面容。
有段時間很喜歡葉芝的詩,其中最喜歡這一首。因為特定的詩要送給特別的人。A Deep -Sworn Vow深沉的誓言Others because you did not keep 他人由於你背棄了誓盟, That deep-sworn vow have been friends of mine; 一個個變成了我的友朋; Yet always when I look death in the face, 可每當我盯著死神面孔,When I clamber to the heights of sleep, 當我睡意沉沉酣然入夢, Or when I grow excited with wine, 當我舉杯狂飲酒興正濃, Suddenly I meet your face. 陡然間,浮現出你的面容。