  • 1 # lanfengz2

      One day, a crow flew up a tree with a piece of meat.一隻烏鴉叼著一塊肉飛到樹上,

      A fx came by and saw the piece of meat, he wanted to eat it. So he came up with an idea.一隻狐狸看到了想吃那塊肉,就想了一個辦法。

      He told the crow "Could you sing a song for me?"它對烏鴉說:Could you sing a song for me?

      So the crow bagan to sing.於是,烏鴉就唱歌了。

      Because the crow sang, the piece of meat fell from its mouth,因為他唱歌了,那塊肉從烏鴉的嘴裡掉了出來,

      The fox got hold of the meat and ran away狐狸就搶到那塊肉,逃走了。

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