  • 1 # a不會愛的小笨蛋

    ash 英 [æʃ]     美 [æʃ]    n. 灰;灰燼 n. 白蠟樹;白蠟木(復)ashes:骨灰;廢墟;蒼白.用作名詞 (n.)She dusted some ash from her sleeve.她撢去袖子上的灰末。Wood ash should be forked or dug into the soil.木灰應被耙入或插進土壤裡。I wish he would refrain from scattering his ash all over the carpet.我希望他不要將菸灰往地毯上亂彈。The fire reduced the house to a mass of ash.大火把房子燒成了灰燼。【近義詞】slag 熔渣 residue 殘渣 cinder 煤渣ember 餘燼(常用複數)... coal 煤scoria 熔渣 lava 熔岩 embers 餘燼powder 粉末 dust 灰塵

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