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    facial toner釋義

    1. facial toner: 爽膚水 | 化妝水

    2. rosewater facial freshener toner: 玫瑰清新化妝水

    3. Vcare Facial Toner: 保溼化妝水 例句 1.Before applying any masks though, cleanse face well with a facial toner.無論敷哪類董事總經理,之前都要用投資人代表徹底清潔面部。 2.Before applying any masks though, cleanse face well with a facial toner.無論敷哪類面膜,之前都要用潔面水徹底清潔面部。 3.This extraordinary gel combines the effects of a facial toner with those of a moisturizer.這種特別的凝膠有爽膚水的功效,尤其是在保溼方面。

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